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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

All kinds of fun shtuff!!!
2003-06-27 - 7:58 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Name of love by U2

Hey everyone!! (:

Well, yesterday me and Nate had a fight for a bit, but we are back to normal now and I feel so good about it. We are even going to talk on the phone later. We ALMOST broke up and were thinking of taking time apart but god am I glad we didn't. He gave me many opportunities, but I knew we'd work things out and I want to spend my life with him, so breaking up isn't in the cards for us.

Speaking of Nate..everyone..I realize you all have lives but if you can just write Nate with some encouraging words, it would make me feel sooo good, and would make HIM feel even better. He just needs some support right now, and to see people are there for him. If you have NO idea what I am talking about, then WHAT are you waiting for?! Read the entry previous to his latest one..critterchaos. He's there for some of you, so in turn he'd love it if you can be there for him.

It's sad that I have to do this to get people to write him, but he'd really appreciate it, as I would because he's my bunny. So put a smile on his face and WRITE him..it would help matters SO much!! He's starting to lose faith in you guys, so don't let him down. Okie?!

Anyway, I don't have really anything to write about except hopefully me and Nate will talk this morning before he leaves for College. AND...it is someone's birthday here on D Land..Soo MISS CARLY...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Give her some b-day love..Note her!! carlita27016 Wish her a Happy 17th.

Here's some "fun shtuff" for this entry..take care all and have an AWESOME friday!!! *hugs* and thank you so much for everyone's comments on my entry. I am so glad that people can relate to me, and that I made a difference to some people just by writing that entry. Have a great weekend too everyone! *WAVES*

1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?

Working my tushy off, unfortunately..well, after the 4th of July.

2. What was your first summer job?

Haven't had one YET.

3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?

I'm not going anywhere. Nate will be here in September. (: Well, if I do go anywhere, it won't be out of state.

4. What was your worst vacation ever?

*thinks*.....I don't think I've had a worst vacation. Nope..me either, honey. (:

5. What was your best vacation ever?

Going to California.

which scooby are you?
ODDLY enough..I got the same thing as you, sweetie...lol.

which stereotype are you?
lol sounds sort of right.

which pleasure are you?
yeahhhhhhh!! lol.


1. Who was the last person you met off the internet?: Ask me this again in Sept and then I'll tell you.

2. What is the longest you've gone without sleep? One day I guess.

3. When was the last time you had cookies and milk? Yesterday morning. That's what I have EVERY morning. (: Awww my bunny is pregnant. (rubs his bunny belly)

4. Favorite cereal? Crispix.

5. One thing you said as a child that got you into trouble? ONLY one thing..lol god there are many.

6. When was the last time you were spanked? Sexual or non or both? AWWWW My Nathan is SO cute. You KNOW you're getting spanked in Dec, for sure honey..Lol. Oddly enough, I didn't blush when I typed that..spanked non sexually prolly when I was like 7, never spanked sexually..but ooh I'd like to be!! LOL. I'm sooo naughty.

7. Can you burp on command? Yep, but unless I know you VERY well, I won't do it.

8. Last time you had a burp that rated high on the burp scale? Maybe yesterday?! I dunno.

9. If you were to get plastic surgery on just on part of your body, which would it be? My hips/thighs though I have talked aboot this before.

10. Favorite sexual position? *smirks*....hmmm.....I'm not going to say this cos only Nate needs to know. ;)and he DOES know..lol.

11. If you could be one of the seven dwarfs, which would you be? Bashful.

12. What would be your one regret if you were to be struck by lightning and die right now? Aww..same..not getting to hold my bunny in my arms, gaze into his eyes and whisper my undying love to him..hehe. I am a hopeless romantic so SHUSH! :P

14. Favorite commercial? The car commerical with "you're such a dork". :P And the bunny ones.

15. Did you notice, there's no 13? Yesh, that's quite odd..superstitous perhaps??

16. Who did you last go camping with? Never, but I'd like to go camping. It would be FUN..star gazing, eating marshmellows, roasting things by a camp fire..eating HOT DOGS..lol.

17. Ever met anyone famous? Certain Soap Opera stars.

18. Who is your favorite Batman? Never seen it.

19. What was your favorite childhood cartoon? Garfield..GARFIELD! lol.

20. Have you ever slept in a car (not while the car was moving like a road trip)? Yeah, on long trips and shtuff.

21. Ever laid down in the tall grass and done your stuff? Wtf?!

22. What kind of undies do you prefer? Bikini underwear. ;)

23. Last place you went on a road trip to? Never really been on one.

22. Favortie Michael Jackson song (and don't lie and say you don't have one)? BILLIE JEAN!!!! is not my lover..lol.

23. Who was the first person you kissed? Rob.

24. Who was the last person you kissed? Miss evil.

25. Infinity, Caddy, Mercedes, or BMW? (pick just one) Mercedes.

26. Favorite SNL sketch? I don't watch SNL.

27. What was the last thing you wished for? To be with Nate....in person....forever and ever.

28. How expensive were the last pair of shoes you bought? $60..my adidas.

29. Name one thing you've purchased and never used, but keep telling yourself you're gonna? I use everything I buy.

30. Quote a movie: Not sure.

31. Favorite Pjs? long shirt and undies.

32. Have you ever gotten a fortune from a fortune cookie that you kept? MANY> hell, I have a whole section on my dresser for fortunes..lol.

33. If so, what did it say? Which one? My fave would prolly be "God looks out for you especially." :) how nice.

34. Favorite candy bar? Snickers.

35. Have you ever traveled outside the USA? No. :( But I'd like to. Traveling is funnn.

36. What's a wierd thing that you collect? Shells/rocks.

37. Name an embarassing moment: Far too many to mention.

38. Who's the funniest person you know? That would have to be my Sweetie...he has the ability to make me laugh about almost anything.

39. Who's the meanest? Ughhh..my dad.

40. Is it possible to have more than one best friend? I think it's possible. Nate is my bestestest friend. He is, above all else, the most important person in my life. Mmmuuuuahhhh <3 hehe.

41. What is your favorite picture of yourself? the ones I sent Nate, minus one where I had a scowl on my face..lol.

42. Do you think you're a good person? Yep, definitely but I have my moments as we all do.

43. Do you think others do? Yesh.

44. What's the worst pick up line you've heard? "Your pants must have mirrors..I can see myself in them." HOW LAME!!!

45. Who was the last person you were mad at? Nate...but we talked it through and shtuff..and are happy sappy bunnies again! (:

46. Do you like it if someone bites you? *smirks* Only if Nate does it. ;) hehehehe..lol. ohh yesh.

47. What's the worst medicine you've ever had? Cough Syrup as a kid. Yuck.

48. Who's your favorite comedian? Jim Carrey.

49. Johnny Depp: Hot or Not? NO comment..lol. My cousin LOVES him though and had a huge crush on him as a teenager.

50. Does size matter? (this question was made up by a guy, can you tell???) lol yeah, I CAN tell. No, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that it works lol and the guy knows how to use it. ;) It's not aboot the size, it's the motion in the ocean LOL.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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