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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I have a feeling....
2003-10-15 - 7:05 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Calling all angels by Train

Hey! It's hump day..woo woo! Well, I spoke too soon. Things were going fine yesterday, and well..not so fine right now. Today is not going to be a good day..I can feel it already. This day just started, and I want it to be OVER..haha.

I don't mean to sound all negative, but my dad coming home today is a huge part of why I said that. After me and Nate talk, me and mom are leaving to pick him up from the airport. I wish we could just leave him there, but alas..some normalcy is coming back soon. *sigh* She only wants me to go cos she doesn't want him to be in the car alone with her. I feel kind of used, but oh well. My freedom is now GONE, as is my mom's. God, those days went SO fast that he was away, unfortunately. I'm not looking forward to being hassled.

Well anyway, yesterday was good. It rained most of the day, so I was very happy about that. It was so soothing, and great. And mom FINALLY went grocery shopping. :) I watched Dawson's Creek and The Wonder Years, but Real World wasn't on cos they had some kind of Newlyweds marathon. :( I missed last night's episode just cos I felt like going to sleep. I am sure they will show the repeat of it soon..and then next week is the season finale. I found that out cos I saw Nick and Jessica on CNN last night. What the hell was Ryan Seacrest doing as their interviewer? I found that as rather 'odd.'

I did lots of online quizzes yesterday out of boredom and stuff..so at the end of this entry I will put those results up. It seems to me like the pattern is this..I'll have an "Ok/good day", then the next day will be a "Bad day", then so on and so forth. Ok, bad, ok, bad. It's a never ending cycle. And now, things aren't going well. This might sound strange, but I am not so sure why yet. I have an inkling, but I am not 100% positive. I'll find out later. I just know that I did something wrong as always. *sighs* Ugh, I just need an escape from everything really. *runs around screaming.* All I'll say is this...I'm a loyal person, to the end, I try my best not to hurt anyone, I try to make everyone satisfied, I don't cheat. I did in the past, but that's the PAST. I've grown up in sorts, changed, and I've realized that is one of the crappiest things to do to someone you're with. I don't have any feelings but friendship with ANYONE, except ONE person..duh. And that's how it will ALWAYS be. I am friends with people, but I only have love, special, real, precious love for ONE person. Moving on...

What I am looking forward to tonight is The Bachelor. God is that sad when your life revolves around TV shows..heh. But it makes me happy to watch it. And I can't wait for my inspirational stuff..it's now in my daily routine..lol. I NEED it, it keeps me sane and keeps me from going balls to the walls, absolutely bonkers. I just hope that today isn't as bad as I am presuming it to be. God, I hope I'm not getting sick..my mom is sick and I can feel it might be creeping up on me. Just what I need. :( I'll let ya'll know about everything tomorrow. My mom's getting the computer tonight, so no updates till the morning. Well, here's the quizzes I promised..have a great day everybody...

You are The coward.

You are strange and you seldom fit in anywhere you
go because of your refusal to conform to the
"norm". This means you are a freak.
Although you might have quite alot of friends,
this is only because they got stuck with you at
an early age and are too nice to dump on you.
You think more than you act and you are a
general loner coward who hides behind your
mummy. You are also sensitive to other
people's needs, and are a sucker for guilt

Learn to be stronger, coward: blood.vze.com>GO HERE

The Insulting Personality Test
brought to you by Quizilla

"I'm broken when im open.And I don't feel like
I am strong enough."

What lyrics best suit you?
brought to you by Quizilla


You are sentimental and classic.

What Barry Manilow Song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are courageous and loyal, no matter what the
problem is, you are determined to make things

Who Are You Really?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the cutest girlfriend ever...

What kind of girlfriend are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Angel Pic
Insulin, anyone? You are suger sweet and quite a
treat. You might not have the strongest
disposistion, but you really don't care, as
long as your happy. A life long rose tinted
contact lense wearer!

Who are you 'really'?
brought to you by Quizilla

your one of those people that no one knows
about.they don't know if you're gay, straight,
mean, afraid, nice, or just a loner, and i
respect and admire that. You may be a stoner
or you may have never touched a drug in your
life, but everyone makes up things about you,
just so that they won't be scared.

simple personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a hotdog... Truthfully, most people love
you! They don't know why, but there's a lot
more to you than meets the eye. People like you
anyway though. You may be composed of many
nasty little secrets, but you're good stuff! LOL!!!!

What type of meat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Stacey, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially good at Expressing your true self..(from e-mode.com)

Stacey, your e-mail personality is The Rambler. (from e-mode.com)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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