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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Go Yanks!!
2003-10-16 - 7:05 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Hella Good by No Doubt

Hello. :) How ODD! Both yesterday AND today I've started my entries at 7:05. Hmm.

Anyway, things with my dad went ok. He was in a decent mood, I guess. I really expected some major drama, but nothing yet. Apparently though, my grandpa has all kinds of health probs right now. My dad said he's not doing too well and when my dad left him my grandpa said "Hopefully I'll see you next year." Aw man, that made me really sad to hear that. Of course, no one knows when their time is up..but still..that's so morbid and depressing.

My mom is VERY, very sick so no one really talked much on the way back from the airport. But yesterday WAS horrible as I had envisioned. The only good things were..The Bachelor was great, I showered, I got my magazine in the mail..and that's it. The freaking Marlins won yesterday. BLEH! I KNOW that sounds weird seeing as how I live in Florida, but my heart is with THE YANKEES! Poor Cubs..they haven't been in the World Series since 1945. :( Dammit..The Yanks lost last night though..I watched the ENTIRE game which is weird for me..I never do that. But it's not over for them yet, the last game who determines who goes into the World Series is tonight..so I am going to be watching that and Friends at the same time and rooting for The Yanks!!!

Well, the reason of why I said it was a bad day..first of all..nothing good for me and Nate. :( My mom yelled at me about the same crap as usual..which was fine cos I am used to it, I told her to get me some applications so let's see if she follows through, but I was just upset about what happened with me and Nate. I don't want to talk about it, it was pretty bad, but we'll be fine. He's going to the fair today, and we're gonna talk before he leaves. I doubt I'm going with my mom and her friend. My mom isn't gonna be great company anyway cos she doesn't feel well. I think i'll just lay low today.

God, I had the ODDEST dream about my old friend Lauren last night..maybe it's cos on the way to the airport, we drove past the high school I went to, who knows. It was weird to see people coming out of school..I don't know why but ever since I graduated, when we drive past there I get the creeps..lol.

Oh, so anyway..I was disappointed that LeAnn got a rose on The Bachelor! Gah, she's such a biatch and had a lot of crap to say to Bob, yet he STILL likes her. GRR. Also he gave roses to: Mary, Estella, Meredith (YAY!), Kelly Jo, and Brooke. Leaving..Antoinette, Jenny, Karin, and Misty in the dust. I liked Misty. :( But I don't think she was herself around him. The black chick was weird and high maintenance. Antoinette and him didn't seem to click, and Jenny also wasn't herself around Bob. So all in all he did great but he should have swapped Misty with LeAnn..lol.

So, next week he now only has 4 roses to give out and there's more pressure, and emotions are running high and stuff like that..it will make for interesting TV.

So anyway, I hope to just chill today and get to listen to CD's and all that good stuff. I'm hoping today is TONNS better than yesterday. I'm ALSO hoping I don't get sick cos I feel a little bit of a cough coming on. :( Wow, there's a cold front! lol. It's actually in the SIXTIES right now. I gotta step outside soon, and see. I've taken MORE quizzes (I know, I need a life) lol, so here are the results...Have a great Thurs, guys!! I'm about to go eat. *hugs*..

You're a popular person and your friends are only friends with you for that reason.You have a couple of loyal ones.Like a Kiwi you're always surround like the tiny black seeds.But beware,if%2
-You are an...KIWI!-You're popular and your friends
are just your friends because They want to be
popular too!Watch out,you might be in for a
suprise if you stop being popular! LOL I haven't been popular a day in my life.

What Type of Fruit Are YOU?!XD
brought to you by Quizilla

Polar Bear
Polar Bear
You have a deep motivation, somewhere in you,
that you work methodically towards, whether or
not you think you can actually acheive it some
day. You like to please others occasionally,
and tend to mediate and keep the peace. You
enjoy harmony, and being left alone to your own

What is Your Animal Personality Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

The Mouth
The Happy-Go-Lucky, Contented Teeth. You are well
balanced and doing great things for Mr Potato
Head. You put a smile on Mr. Potato Head and
on us with your plastic charms. You Probably
Date the Feet. Your Mortal Enemy is the White

What part of Mr. Potato Head are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are best suited for abstract poetry . . . you
are mysterious and it takes very intelligent
people to understand you. That makes you, of
course, very intelligent to come up with mind-
bending things. Congrats! :-D

What Kind Of Poet Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Tweety Bird! OK, I don't really have
anything to say about Tweety. I personally
think he's second only to Scrappy Doo in
cartoon arsehatishness. But I knew if I didn't
have Tweety as an option, a bunch of girls
would get all upset and be like "Awwwww,
what about Tweety bird?" So chances are
you're a girl, or a guy of questionable
masculinity. Advice: take the test again and
try to get a GOOD Looney Tune alter-ego.

Which Looney Tune are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Kinky and Dominant. You enjoy taking control and
applying a few fetishes, the idea of taboo sex
appeals to you. Being the one in control, you
can get a little rough at times, but it's
simply the wild side of you. Some techniques
might include light bondage, soft biting, or
maybe even using a couple toys. Hell if it's
kinky, why not give it a try? People in this
category are creative, imaginative, and
intelligent. LOL Wtf?! ME? KINKY? HAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Yeah right!

What is your sexual preference?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friendship Bottle
You are a caring and loveable friend! You should
never let anyone take that away from you or
someone say otherwise. Your consincious is very
powerful and pure.

Are you a good friend?
brought to you by Quizilla

EDIT: My mom and her friend are going out TOMORROW. My mom is going to the DR today. She asked me if I wanted to go with her and her friend tomorrow. I was gonna just flat out say "No" but I told her I'd think about it...

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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