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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

My day at the agency...
2004-06-15 - 7:07 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Well, I went to the agency yesterday. When I got there, I had to fill out an online application..some of the questions were just really strange. lol. I found myself starting to get a headache from answering so many questions.

After that was done, I had to do 3 online tests. One just answering basic questions, one had to do with filing and the third one had to do with detail accuracy. The filing COMPLETELY tripped me up. It looked like foreign language. lol. It just wasn't what I thought it was going to be at all. I was so confused that I pretty much just guessed the whole thing. That just added onto my headache. haha. The third part was easy..but you had to be fast. On the two tests actually I had to answer 40 questions in 5 mins! That is insane. I felt so much pressure everytime I'd look at the seconds counting down. I answered most of the questions on the third part...37/40. I think I only got a few wrong. On the second part, most of them I didn't answer and I think I got a LOT wrong.

But oh well. The administrator there said his assistant was going to score the tests. After finishing all 3 tests, I had to fill out a SHITLOAD of paperwork..ugh. It felt like it was NEVER going to end. The administrator then asked me some questions when I was done..asked to see my ID..gave me a few papers to bring home. He said that he'll call me if any jobs come up..but I think it all depends on how I did on those tests. I had to make a resume and I faxed it to him. And that was it. I was there for about an hour and a half. A lot longer than I expected. It was annoying but oh well..I survived with just a headache. lol. I'm going to look in the paper this week..maybe call some more agencies just to have fallbacks.

In a few days they are going to send me an e-mail I think and we'll see what happens from there. All in all not as bad as I expected for it to be. I wasn't even that nervous. I actually SPOKE UP. lol. When I got back I relaxed, went online, made dinner, and watched the Wb Superstar USA & Road Rules. Good shtuff. :) Then went to bed and here I am.

So today I am just going to continue with the job search..doing that everyday. I will talk to Nate of course. I love him SO much. Our anniversary is coming up soon. :) Woo hoo! I get to go online tonight cos my mom won't be home. That is hella cool. Well..gotta go now. Mom is getting Dunkin Donuts. Mmm. Have a great day guys. <3333 Ohh..and THANK YOU guys for making me smile yesterday. :)


1. Has anyone in your family recently had a baby? No.

2. Do you want kids...in the near future. (for people my age....FAR in the future. Safe sex or none kids!) lol Yes, I definitely want kids someday. :) I've always loved kids and wanted my own. And yes..I plan on having safe sex thanks very much. :P lol.

3. What is your favorite baby name for a girl? I have a list of favorites.

4. What is your favorite baby name for a boy? I have a list.

5. What's the one thing that makes you NEVER want to have kids? lol The labor pains & everything else that comes along with pregnancy..puking, extreme weight gain, mood swings, cravings, etc. But that's not going to stop me, nothing compares to giving the gift of life. :)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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