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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

holy moly, i'm almost at 600 entries!
2004-05-20 - 7:18 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Well, that "peaceful day" lasted for the most part...with the exception of my mom bitching about how bad her day was.

And then when we were having dinner my dad said he had a bad day too. I just sat there and rolled my eyes..what is a day without him being unhappy about SOMETHING? The really sad thing is, when someone mentions they have a bad day..no one else really cares. No one asks if the person wants to talk about it, or what is bothering them. There's just this huge lack of concern. My mom ALWAYS asks me what is wrong..just so she can try to fix it for me..lol. And I ask her what is wrong too when I can tell that she's bothered..And I just let her vent. Other than that..not much caring going on.

In that way, my mom and I have a good relationship when it comes to just being there..other than that..our relationship stinks. Anyhow, today I have to continue looking for a job. Fun fun fun..not. But absolutely necessary and vital, yes.

Well, it was hard trying to switch back and forth between The Bachelor and AI last night. Grr. Obviously, Jasmine left AI last night..it was her time to go. Poor Diana has to sing first in the finale, I don't envy her. Oh, and that Australian Idol did a great job singing, as did Tamyra Grey..I really enjoyed that first song she sang and the AI footage over this season. And wow..seeing how much support they have in their hometowns was just mind boggling.

As far as The Bachelor goes, I feel that Jesse chose the right person for him. Jessica will make him very happy. Poor Tara got SO sick and was a complete nervous wreck..probably because she knew she put her heart out there and she was going to get hurt. She had such a hard time with it all from the beginning. I don't know what she meant by some of the things they did were inappropriate if he was going to pick Jessica..hell, he didn't even know who to pick until the very last minute. Sure, Jessica is young and doesn't know just what she wants from life yet, but I can tell that she IS sure about Jesse and they are going to have a great future.

I think Jesse also made a wise choice in choosing not to propose..there's still so much they need to know about each other before they get engaged. I liked Tara a lot..until last night. That poor girl will probably turn against all men after that...lol.

I had to stay up pretty late to see the ending..and didn't get much sleep cos of it. Argh! and NOW I have to do dishes and clean the kitchen. So, I better get a move on it and do that before I eat and look through the paper. Stacey...out! haha. <3

Ps: Woo hoo..tomorrow is our anniversary!! =D

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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