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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Average joes rule the world!!!
2003-11-03 - 7:25 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Only you by 112

Hey guys. Good morning. *yawns* I wish it was still raining. It rained all night last night and it was quite delightful, really. It's supposed to rain tonight too. :) Wa hoo!

Let's see..what can I babble about..Oh, my mom called the cable company yesterday. It turns out that my TV won't be able to be fixed until NEXT monday because the cable company is all booked and busy and the earliest someone can come over is the 10th. Grr, so I am stuck with a bum TV till then.

My bunny taught me how to load my image onto my server..well I already knew how to pretty much but I just needed the image to load, and I was set. He also taught me how to change something from an ART file to a jpeg, or gif so now I an load other images as well. I am thinking about changing my layout this week actually, to that backup layout I mentioned a while ago. Like I said, I can load images now so I am thinking about it. Tis time for a change possibly. Only thing is, I'll have to change my g-book and older layouts too..the g-book one would be no prob, but the older one I really like, so I'll see. Like I said, it's just a thought. Oh, and I have a new bunny icon on MSN..tis soooo cute!! =D

My dad is off from work AGAIN..grrr!! Aaaah! lol. Oh, me and Nate are finishing up a couples survey we started yesterday so we should have that up later on. =D We talked on the phone and online for quite a while. It was soo purrfect, everything about it. Quite possibly one of the best days we had in ages. I just hated leaving him. :( Anyway, tonight TV wise should be interesting..7th heaven and The Gauntlet.

My mom is going out today with some guy she met online..just as friends but it sounds suspiciously like a date to me..lol. She's playing with fire, I just hope she doesn't get burnt. I am told to tell my dad that she's going out with Karen. *rolls eyes* ha. Oh, so my dad tried to talk to me AGAIN. Ok, SOMETHING is going on..lol. I'm really afraid to find out WHAT. I know my mom is unhappy so I know she does need the attention from guys. My dad was just being really odd yesterday. I'm helping out around here again so my mom doesn't bitch me out for it. Oh yeah, I want to see Scary Movie 3 this week. Hopefully I can convince my mom to go w/ me. lol She called me an old woman this morning since I have been going to bed early lately and waking up early. I agreed..haha.

So, as you can tell I am feeling better. I forgot to address that, sorry guys. LOL I am watching The Today Show and they are talking about a new reality show: "Average Joe." How many more reality shows are going to come about? Basically this beautiful woman has to choose from average joes. Usually you see the knockout with the gorgeous guy, so I guess this makes it interesting and gives hope for the avg joes/real guys out there..that you too can hook a looker!! lol. Hey guys..let me know what you think of this layout, cos I know it will affect my ultimate decision.

Well, I'm gonna go..I think that's all for now I wanted to ramble about, plus I promised my mom I'd give her the computer now since I have to be on early today. Have a fabulous week, guys!

Baby ..I'll talk to you soon. I can't wait!!! I Love You so much!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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