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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Bowling gave me confidence..:)
2003-09-23 - 7:03 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley (yes, I LOVE cheesy songs..:P)

Hellooo. :) *yawns* Why do I wake up so early? lol My eyes are slits at the moment..anyway..

So..yesterday..halfway decent day, actually better than the days I've had recently. I got ready, ate, and then me and Nate talked till around 1:30. :) I really didn't want to leave him so early but like I said, I knew if I didn't go out I'd get an arguement later and I'm glad I did. I took socks with me and then we left.

We bowled one game..my mom bowled a 106 which is bad for her. I said to myself "If I can break an 80..hell..If I can break a 90 then there's nothing I can't do in this world.." Yes, I'm weird..I know..lol. But at that point, when I bowled I actually kept saying to myself "Stace..you can do this..you can get over a 90.." Sure, sometimes I blew it and got gutter balls but guess what?! My score was NEARLY a 100 and I've NEVER broken an 80 before. See, if you place faith in yourself you can do anything. : )

Ah, that just made me feel so good. Sure, it was something small but an ego booster. We went home after that, and didn't do much..I just relaxed and oddly enough they were both in a good mood. I know today will be different since my dad's off today..*grrr* gah, I am groaning right now..lol. I saw 7th heaven last night..Mary, Mary, Mary is all I can say..in a shitload of trouble. Simon's also a problem. I did see the Chandler and Roxanne breakup coming though, but they've patched things up. Well that's all I will say on that.

I wanted to call my baby last night but he had group stuff to do. :( I actually got to look at my e-mail last night..well after BEGGING my mom..lol. And then I found out. I hope so much we get to talk on the phone tonight. I'm excited..tonight is the new Gilmore Girls and Real World. I think I'm gonna start watching GG again though I stopped for quite a while to watch American Idol. I'm such a TV whore! lol. I was watching some dating shows yesterday and getting so disgusted. I saw Dismissed..of course, the guy chose the slut over the nice girl. Ugh..it just pisses me off..same with Elimidate. I'm excited..the new season of Friends starts Thursday!! After eating dinner, I watched the sunset..it was very, very purdy. I don't think we've had such a nice sunset in ages.

After watching 7th heaven I lyed down in bed..listened to some DELILAH (yeah Derek! ), and then went to bed and had bizaare dreams..i'm telling you..just crazily odd.

I really hope today is not highly stressful..with me pmsing and all that's the last thing I need right now is fighting..hmm maybe I'll eat soon so I don't have to eat with him, though it's prolly inevitable. Oh yesh, I forgot to mention..my mom is joining a bowling league. It's on Tuesday nights..this is a VERY good thing for me because now I get to be on the computer a few hours on Tuesday nights! Well, till I get a job. And on top of that it's pizza night..so maybe today won't be so bad. : )

I know there were some deep things I wanted to talk about but they seemed to have slipped my mind really for some reason..hmm..hopefully next entry I'll remember what I wanted to say. *shrugs* I can't wait to talk to my baby. :)

Have a great day ya'll!!

EDIT: 9:59 AM..Ugh...this whole day has gone to shit already. :( I'll explain tomorrow or later. I'm depressed.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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