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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I don't think I can shake ya...
2003-09-22 - 10:20 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Break up to make up-Ashanti

Hey hey! Thank you..each and every one of you who wished me and my precious, meshuge (crazy) bunny a Happy Anniversary. As he said, it means soooo much to us, more than words can say. Ya'll are the greatest friends we've ever had!!! It's like one big family here, and I am glad you guys are a part of my 'family.' I love each and every single one of you!!! Me and Nate love each and every one of you..so thank you, once again!!!

Yesterday was a great anniversary despite the fact that my mom kicked me offline after three hours of talking to him. :( I wanted to call him, but his throat was hurting so we decided tonight would be better. I missed him tons after I left. And though we couldn't be together in the physical sense, we took what we can get and we'll be together for many many more anniversaries to come.

I e-mailed him last night and ever since we've been e-mailing back and forth. :) This is so great, because we haven't e-mailed each other in SO long..and I just got the hugest smile on my face, my eyes lit up after reading his last two e-mails..after seeing his name there..ahh..it's love, folks..true, real love.

I feel like crying right now about it, or maybe it's just PMS? lol..yep, I think my 'friend' is going to make an appearance VERY soon..oh well, that's life.

Yesterday was a bad day though when it came to the 'rents. They are both moody of course, depressed..especially my dad. He was in a bad mood all day and of course, he bad mouthed me to my mom. *rolls eyes* Basically about me getting a job, my mom agreed..Nate agreed..hell, it is time for one soon. Time to grow up and take on responsibility. I KNOW I keep saying that, but I plan on following through very soon.

It sucks having to worry everyday if me and my dad are going to get into a fight. All this tension isn't worth it..it's stressing me out..I'm probably going to get sick over it, so I need to do something about it, to help myself..and like I said, soon. My mom's letting my dad drag her down of course. It's hard not to get dragged down though when you're around someone so down and so negative and miserable all the time. It sucked that he was off, that's my friends why I hate Sundays..they are notoriously boring days AND my dad is off.

Anyway, I mailed my baby's thing out..so hopefully he'll get it in a few days. I saw some of the Emmy's last night. It was ok, but I fell asleep at one point..lol.

Well, the winner of Miss America is Miss Florida..it's been all over TV and radio and the fact that the fricking Dolphins won last night..who the hell cares!! I hate the dolphins..gee, wonder why? lol This weather sucks..it STILL feels like the middle of summer outside.

I was watching some inspirational stuff this morning. This woman was preaching about analyzing and she said something that stuck out..."paralysis is analysis." And that's soo true. A lot of us, me included think everything to death and psyhe ourselves out of everything because we're scared. We can't do that though, we need to take a leap of faith and the only way we're going to fulfill our destinies is if we aren't afraid of change and don't analyze everything. Change doesn't always have to be a bad thing anyway. We can't let fear hold us back or we'll never get to be the great individuals we're capable of being.

I just hate the overall mood around here. I hope today's better..it's just when my dad's off from work he notices the flaw in every little thing. Suddenly the things he never commented on, he overreacts about and goes nuts. My mom's an overreacter as well. There's just a three way personality clash. I try to ignore it, but it's difficult..I just have to try my best to not let it all get to me..to not get sucked into a depression I won't be able to get out of. Let my dad be miserable, and my mom..I'm going to try not to get to that place. My dad's 'fed up' supposedly..what else is new..whatever, I'm just going to go about my life.

Let's see..I read the rest of Cosmo yesterday..good shtuff..showered, had lunch, and that's it really for yesterday. Today, my mom wants to go bowling..she wants me to come of course. So I'll roughly have around an hour and a half with Nate this afternoon, till we talk again tonight cos she told me she wants to go around 1:30. Ugh..she's being irritating but I'll shut her up and go with her just so she stops passing comments about me always being online.

I slept ok..I'm just still really tired though..argh..PMS go away! lol I need to put some makeup on..I feel naked without it..lol. Well, enough of my rambling..I just wanted to say to my speshul bunny...I'm meshuge (crazy) in ahava (love) with you!!! :) You're the bestestest bunny ever, fuzzy!!! (K)(K) You always make me feel so shayna (beautiful). =)Thank you honey for such a great anniversary..for all the love you've given me.

Buh bye guys..have a wonderful week!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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