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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

An unsuccessful break in...
2004-02-20 - 6:22 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Wow, yesterday was just complete and total craziness!! Usually when something 'off' happens, I'm not a part of it..but this time I was. I'll keep you all in suspense for a minute while I speak about TV...

I missed Friends last night. :( I ended up getting home around 8, but decided to watch The Bachelorette men tell all. It was pretty good. Lanny said that he makes no apologies for his mom's behavior and she just loves him and wanted to protect him and all that. Brad admitted he needs lessons in kissing so some chick from the audience decided to teach him..lol. Rick said he wasn't just playing a game, he was in it for the right reasons and he never meant to make Meredith feel uncomfortable by asking those questions. And that his overconfidence could have been there to hide his insecurities. Meredith admitted it was tough to see Chad but there just wasn't enough fire to go along with the passion and obviously it took him 1,000 years to kiss her which didn't really win her over..lol. Ryan admitted he talked WAY too much and decided to make his statements more brief and could understand why Meredith thought he was intense. The other Ryan just said that his pissed off goodbye was just a 'passionate departure.' haha. Meredith said she was happy, really happy and that was about it really. I then watched South Park, and went to bed.

Ok, now here's what you've all been waiting for..lol. Yesterday morning I decided to be a good daughter and did the dishes..lol. My mom was actually grateful. After that, I got ready. My aunt to my surprise got here early..we talked while waiting for my mom to get home..she came home and unfortunately, my dad had to be leaving at that exact same time. Grr! We left and Karen (my cousin) called as we were on the way to her apartment to tell us she was pissed off at her boyfriend cos they got into this major argument and her computer is a piece of shit. (Karen is my cousin..Sheila is my aunt..just a point of reference).

So we got there after a while. Her apartment is actually pretty nice, cozy, small but good enough for 2 people. Her & my aunt really decorated it nicely. All she needed though was a coffee table & 2 end tables so we hung out for a bit in her apt and then went out to get them. Karen was on edge and in a really bad mood all day. There were a few moments of just total laughter and smiles but most of the day she was just in a foul mood. She wouldn't tell us what her and Dave fought about but obviously it was really bothering her.

We ended up walking in and out of a lot of furniture stores one of which was called 'bad cock' LOL..obviously we really made fun of that. *blushes* ANYHOO lol..she finally found some tables she liked at K-mart and we went back to her apartment to assemble them. Everyone was pretty tired from walking in and out of places and from loading the tables in the car and taking them out and shtuff but somehow, we all pitched in and got the tables assembled. :)

HERE'S the juicy part..for some reason, my mom looked over at the screens on the windows. She noticed a tear in two of the screens and in the bedroom screens that weren't there before. She brought it to Karen's attention and of course Karen was really UPSET...just livid and pissed off. Someone attempted to break into her apartment while we were away. It's not a safe neighborhood as it is and she never wanted to move there in the first place. So, frantic we all went over to the office to report it. The woman there told us to file a police report.

It doesn't help that she didn't close the blinds before we left and the fact that the computer is right near the window. Luckily, the modem wasn't there cos she brought it into her boyfriend's shop to be replaced. She was just so lax..the other day she sat in her apartment with the door unlocked! It seemed like someone tried to break in but got scared away by someone. She told the girl that they need a dead bolt on their door and the woman said she's going to replace the screens and she's so sorry it happened. :(

Karen called the police and we waited around for them to show. We were supposed to leave early, but we wanted to be there to give her support. She was NOT a happy camper at all. Obviously, she felt violated and uncomfortable and not safe at all. I hate to sound cold, but I think it taught her a lesson..to not be so trusting anymore and something like that can happen to ANYBODY. So, finally her boyfriend showed up from work with the police officer.

He asked her if she wanted to file a report and she said 'yes' but he said it probably won't be followed up seeing as how nothing was stolen and the break in wasn't successful. The police officer was a nice dude. :) Karen is afraid it can happen again. I don't blame her. She doesn't want to live there anymore. There's people walking around there ALL the time..she's gotta be more careful. So, now Karen and Dave are probably on the outs since it was his idea to move, and to move there. She wants to get a dog..a german shepherd to scare potential criminals away. Her b/f doesn't want one but she said 'too bad, we're getting one.' lol. It's either a dog or an alarm system. Dog would be cheaper. So, no cat now.

I'm scared for her safefy..hell, I was scared being there myself. The police officer said this is the first attempted break in he's covered in the area. They have gates in the community but that doesn't really do much. So for now on, she's dead bolting the doors, closing the blinds and taking every pre-caution she can while she lives there. Today her & my aunt are looking for a dog. As her boyfriend said "There's never a dull moment." lol. Poor Karen..god, my heart went out to her. She's completely miserable right now. :( I know it's not easy for her. Oh, and for the next few nights some patrol cars will be going around the area. I'm GLAD nothing was taken and that the break in wasn't completed. Luckily, my cousin did have her windows locked. It's sad that there's such craziness in this world. And that she has to go through all of this. *shakes head* I know she'll be ok. I'm sure though that she gave her b/f a piece of her mind.

Anyhoo, after that we made our way home and went to go get some fast food for dinner. My back was KILLING me on the ride home cos I had to have it resting against my aunt's coffee table that she bought too. We MIGHT be getting her old one. So, after dinner we got home..as I said I watched TV, and then went to bed.

What a crazy day, huh? Despite the craziness, it was good to get out. I needed that, it gave me a boost. My mom told my dad about it and he said he feels sorry for Karen. :( Anyhoo, I'm sad cos Nate & I haven't talked since WEDNESDAY afternoon. :( I hope we'll be able to talk. I miss him so much. *SIGH* It feels like we haven't talked in years & years. It's making me feel COMPLETELY frustrated & aggravated. As great as it is to spend time with my family, I'm fricking lonely. Ugh. Mom's going for more training today..obviously yesterday was her day off from it. So, today I'll be home relaxing. Tomorrow night I'll be HOME ALONE!!! yay! They are going out to a concert with my dad's friend. Tomorrow is me and Nate's anniversary. *smiles*

I'm fricking tired..I got up early so I'd have extra time to read updates since I couldn't all day yesterday. Wow, that felt so weird. I'm gonna go..my hands hurt from typing. I'll follow you all up on what happens with Karen, I promise. I hope you all have a great Friday and weekend!

"The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime."--Mignon McLaughlin

P.S. I'm noticing a lot of you are depressed. :( If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Keep your head up everyone!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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