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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

We've got to let love rule...
2004-02-19 - 6:32 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: I still haven't found what I'm looking for by U2

Hmm I was in the mood to do an entry, and now that I am sitting here the mood to write has just kind of left me for some reason. Ah well, I'll try to do as best as I can to keep your attention.

I'm FINALLY going out today..can you believe it?? After TWO weeks, or about 2 weeks I'm gonna breathe fresh air..lol. Me, my mom, and my aunt are going over to Miami to see Karen and her new apartment and spend the day with her. We're going to look at cats with her today since she wants a pussy [cat] LOL. I haven't really been out with my family in such a long time so it should feel pretty good. On the same token, I want to talk to Nate but we gotta wait til tonight. :( *Sigh* I just miss him. I'm hoping it's a fun day out but if not, then hey at least I'm getting out of the house. It's official, I need a life..lol.

American Idol was surprising last night..see, I'm not shocked at all that Camile came out in first place, but I am shocked that MATT was in the top 3! I thought for sure Marisa would have made it. I expected Lisa to be in the top 3 but I didn't expect Matt to be in the top TWO! Is America tone deaf?? lol. I will admit I wasn't digging Camile at first but she sort of grew on me and now I like her. March 1 they are showing the worst auditions ever. That should make for a hilarious show.

The Bachelorette ended up JUST the way I thought it would. She picked Matthew & Ian. Mark my words..Matthew's gonna win. He's SUCH a great guy!! He's so sweet and he said all the right things to her. They just look so good together and have both emotional and physical chemistry. He'd make a wonderful husband. Ian stepped it up a bit and decided to be a bit more verbal but I'm not sure how well it sit with her that he's not going to propose. He's still a hard nut to crack. They seem to have more phsyical attraction than anything else. As for Chad, I think the fact that he lied didn't go over well and there just wasn't a lot of passion there..and the fact that he kept saying he wanted to kiss her but it took him like a year to make a move..lol.

I just think their connection wasn't strong enough..there wasn't too much there to go by. It's obvious she's falling for both Matt & Ian. Next week they are going to meet her family..and tonight is The bachelorette men tell all but I can't watch it considering it will be on at the same time as Friends. :( Ah well. As for Newlyweds, it was ok..nothing spectacular. I'm surprised I was able to stay awake..lol. I think it's cos the 'wave' has finally ended. So i'm feeling better and I slept pretty well last night. "Celebrate good times, C'mon!" lol. haha. Ohh yes, I saw South Park last night..Aww..heart breaking episode..Poor Stan..Wendy broke his little heart. Love hurts sometimes.

It was reallly cold yesterday but it's gonna be chilly today too. Brr! I must shave this morning and do a few other things before leaving. Speaking of love, I was watching 'A perfect proposal' on TLC yesterday. Damn proposal left me in tears!! When it comes to romance & weddings and that type of thang, I am SUCH a sap!!! lol.

Mom's training went well yesterday which is cool. I'm fresh out of shtuff to babble about I think. *shrugs* I must go anyway..gotta eat and then I've got stuff to do as previously mentioned. I hope you all have a wonderful day! xoxo

"We measure success and depth by length of time, but it is possible to have a deep relationship that doesn't always stay the same."--Barbara Hershey

Baby ...I'll miss you today but you know you'll be in my thoughts every second. I'm looking forward to talking to you tonight. Have a great day! I love you so very much. *muah*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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