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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Sleepiness took over...
2004-02-18 - 6:00 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: 3 am by Matchbox Twenty

Happy Birthday Jean !!!! Love you!

The wind is really going nuts out there and it is cold. I'm lovin it. :) It's rare as hell that we get days like today. So I'm enjoying it. I have my throw around me right now and I'm gonna make hot chocolate soon.

Last night was really weird. I was waiting online for Nate to show up for a while (ah, I love tues nights) and then at 8, I went upstairs to watch American Idol. Ugh, the people were terrible..except for 3 of them which were Lisa, Camile, and Marisa. Everyone else was very bad. It was really painful. I think that Lisa and Camile will be in the top 2..but we'll see.

Anyhow, I called Nate but woke him up. :( I didn't know he was sleeping. He told me to call him back at 11..now I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to stay up. I was right. I ended up falling asleep just as South Park ended and slept through Real World and woke up a half hour later than when I was supposed to call Nate back. I said "SHIT" and called him but his dad told me he had went out so I missed my chance for the night. :( I felt and still do feel horrible. It's rare that I fall asleep with the TV on for that long of a time, but I did. Lately I just can't seem to stay awake. I know we'll talk later but I did want to talk last night. It just didn't work out and wasn't meant to happen obviously. *Sigh*

After that, I couldn't sleep for the life of me..when I finally did fall asleep I had a really strange dream..it's making me sad right now just thinking about it. I don't want to truly get into it though. It made me think about my past..about something that I hate to reminisce. I think it's kinda my fault. I have this problem with keeping in touch with people. :( I just get so introspective and in doing so, I isolate people around me. It's a sucky ass pattern. Well anyhoo, hopefully i'll see the real world I missed in repeats. Tonight is AI, bachelorette, newlyweds. Awesome TV night.

I heard some wonderful news yesterday. My cousin Dawn is now engaged!!! Her boyfriend (Tom) proposed to her on Monday. Obviously, she said 'yes' and they are getting married in 2 years. A long engagement. So, we all have to go to Seattle for the wedding. Aww, this has been SUCH a long time coming. They've known each other for 12 years..some of those years they were friends and then after that it grew into much more. They have such a connection and bond. They are not Tom and Dawn..they are TomandDawn. Like one word. THAT'S how close they are. They are soulmates and so meant for each other. I couldn't be happier for her, seriously. It's just soo great. God, I feel like I'M the one getting married...lol. Speaking of family shtuff, I saw a pic of my cousin's daughter last night..she sorta looks like him. I could NEVER picture my cousin as a father..he's not responsible or the 'fatherly' type but he's a daddy now and I guess doing alright for himself.

Mom is going for some more training today..her training is going to be lengthy today so I'll have the computer to myself. Woo hoo! ha, I'm pathetic about getting SO excited over that..haha. I was messing with my LJ yesterday and finally found a color scheme I can live with. :) It looks pretty good now.

I got Sarah's package yesterday!! That truly made my day right there. Aww, she's so sweet!!! :) I ate some of the candy last night, Sarah. Yum! I have you to blame if I get fat..haha just kidding, darlin. Thank you once again for everything, dear.

The damn 'wave' is still lingering around. :( Ughh! I need a shower but I still don't feel like me & it's too cold. Ah, what the heck..I'll take one later. Aww man, I need to shave too but I'm not doing that til the weekend.

Well, I'm ending this. I'm bored right now and if I go back to bed, I won't fall asleep so I'll find something to do. Man, hopefully I can go out this weekend..I am SO stir crazy. Have a great hump day all. Much love.

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things."--Denis Diderot

Tiger ...once again I am SO sorry about last night. :( I blew my chance of talking to you. Stupid sleepiness! We'll talk this morning though. M'kay? I hope we're ok. I LOVE YOU!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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