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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Bring on the rain!!!
2003-09-20 - 11:02 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Everlasting love by Gloria Estefan

Woo hoo! It's actually RAINING right now. I know that's not a big deal but it hasn't rained in about three weeks so I'm purdy excited..lol. Yes, I'm a bit dorky at times. I wonder how long this rain will last...

Probably not long because the sun is coming out now..argh. Anyway, TOMORROW is me and Nate's ONE YEAR anniversary! Yesh! One year! =D I consider this a MAJOR accomplishment and milestone. This is the BIG one! Especially for me considering my longest relationship was a relationship that was off and on for 11 months.

Well my sweetie went into the hospital last night. I really hope he's feeling better. I CONSTANTLY worry about him. We did get to talk online for a while, and for almost an hour on the phone. It was so great hearing his voice, though he was coughing and blowing his nose the entire time. His voice sounded different, but it will ALWAYS sound beautiful to me. : )

My uncle (the one I hate) called my aunt yesterday to find out if she was safe from Hurricane Isabel. You know..she constantly kisses his ass and in turn, he kisses hers but he can care less if we are alive or not..it's really, really sad. None of us were ever close with him and then when my aunt said she was at the casino of course he got all excited. Can you say L O S E R?? lol.

I had a strange dream about Michelle last night and some other elements also. I think it's because I had a STRONG guilt complex from not sending her anything for her birthday. HOWEVER I am sure she can give a rat's ass that it was my birthday and that she didn't send me anything. It SUCKS. She's only there when she needs something out of me, or needs some info on my life so she and her mom can gossip. Sometimes people can be such opportunists and users.

But anyway, I've just been doing some shit around the house..dishes, laundry, etc..and just listening to music and watching TV. No, honey..I didn't miss Reba this time..lol. I just got caught up on Real World. Next week's episode looks extremely interesting. Leah doesn't get along with ANYONE it seems.

My mom defragged the computer last night..it's a bit faster, so I am thankful for that..plus we deleted some programs we really don't need. You know..I am just so relieved that the week ended, it was just hell, if I had to sum it up in one word. Oh well, we all have our bad days, bad weeks.

My mom wants to go to Walmart today..I MIGHT go with her because I need to buy Nate some shtuff. He's going to get it all late unfortunately. :( I wanted to price some CD's anyway, for myself..just get some things really. After I take some shtuff out of the dryer, I am getting dressed and we're going.

Honey..if I'm late for our talk..you know why. :/ I'll try my hardest not to be though. I LOVE YOU!!!

What the heck else did I want to talk about..hmm..I have no clue. Everyone, please go tell my bunny you hope he feels better. He's an extraordinary person. : ) He's been on my mind sooo much. I miss him alll the fricking time. More and more I'm seeing that he's the "ONE." Feel better sweetheart!!

I hope all you other 'sick'os (lol) feel better soon as well.

Alrighty then guys..have a great weekend!! Love you all. I'll hopefully be back later..if not, tomorrow definitely. Ciao!

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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