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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I'm back from Busch Gardens...
2004-05-17 - 1:52 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey, I am back from Tampa as you all can tell. Did anyone miss me? Best say yes! hah just kidding.

WARNING: This is going to be lonnng...

Well, it wasn't exactly the time of my life or anything like that..but it was "Ok". Slightly disappointing. It was really nice to just get away and experience something new. For much of my life I have been pretty much enclosed in my own little world, sheltered..and in the last year or so I've tried to look outside of it and now I just have this longing to see and experience so many things in this life.

Experiencing new things just makes you feel...alive. I can't explain it. But anyhoo, the trip would have been so much better if I wasn't with a bunch of whining, complaining people. Or more accurately two people bitching. Karen was sick through about the whole trip, and my aunt's friend was just tired. Ugh. We did A LOT of walking..it's a BIG park with lots of coasters and a few water rides. Lots of wildlife.

It was VERY humid out..we also did a lot of waiting as well. Karen was car sick on the way so she took something for it and it made her drowsy. So, I only went on a total of 2 rides. One of which I saw my life flashing before my eyes on. Honestly, when I was on it I thought I was going to fall out and die!!! lol. I was wondering just what I was doing on it. heh. My mom felt the same way. It was called the Python, it was a coaster that went upside down..TWICE. Not for me. haha. We went on a water ride..which was nice and refreshing called Tidal Wave. We got completely SOAKED. It would have been better though without the commentary of the people sitting behind us. I can't stand people that live to show off and are so obviously SEEKING attention. *shakes head* Of course I saw couples. Grr!!

The plant life in the park was gorgeous. We saw some animals..like TIGERS (Aww I thought of Nate!) but I only got to see them for like a minute and didn't get to take a pic. :( I bought my tiger a little something special though. We also saw turtles, gators (shivers), an ostrich, a peacock, flamingos, horses, birds, ducks, I THINK that was about it. No giraffes. :( I didn't get to see all that much cos like I said, we didn't stay for very long which bummed me out. I can't wait to go back there with my sweetie. :) I KNOW we'll have a MUCH better time, just the two of us.

The car ride was SO long..and it was very cramped. My aunt's car isn't exactly the roomiest. We stopped to stretch a few times both on the way there and the way back. The food prices were outrageous though..hell even the LINE for waiting for the food was long as hell. But that's a theme park for you. I liked what I did get to see of it, I just wish I could have done more..but that's what happens when you go on a trip with 4 different people, all of different ages, different personalities, different interests. You don't get to do and see everything that you want. And my aunt and her friend didn't go on ANY rides at all!!! Total sticks in the mud.

The hotel was Ok. My mom and I ended up sleeping on the aero bed on the floor..I was very restless and kept tossing and turning ALL night..oops..I banged into my aunt's friend's bed. I felt so bad!! Even Karen asked me if I was comfortable. heh. My aunt was acting like her usual crazy self doing all kinds of disgusting stuff that I won't mention. We went out for Karen's birthday dinner..sung her "Happy Birthday" at least 5 times. Of course she got embarrassed in the restaurant. lol.

She was VERY moody though just due to how she was feeling and because she wasn't able to smoke cos her mom was around and she saw my aunt's friend smoking. She smokes like a damn fiend! That has to be my BIGGEST turn off of all. I really hate seeing people smoke. Anyhow, the water in tampa was HORRIBLE. We went out to this restaurant for breakfast..the coffee was astrocious and the water in general was just bad. I didn't care too much for the area either..everything was rundown and it was pretty much just farmland. Lots of fields of cows. The only good thing was the gas prices were fairly low over there, compared to here where they are sky high.

Coming back here definitely gave me a new appreciation for this area..lol. But again, the park was simply gorgeous..and crowded..but it was a beautiful day. There was a bit of tension between us all but that's to be expected with FIVE people in the same room, in each other's faces. NEVER again am I going on a family trip. lol. But I think overall, my cousin had a good birthday. She got lots of calls and lots of attention obviously. heh.

I got to talk to Nate over the weekend..I called him from the hotel and we talked for awhile. And I called him last night. Of course we talked today too. I still really wish he could have been here for the weekend, because I KNOW it would have been completely memorable and much more special. Oh well. :( It'll happen. He's going to San Diego (for real) by himself next weekend. He needs to get away..to have his last adventure alone before I get there. So I completely understand it and encourage it.

My aunt right now is in NY..she went back with her friend. She'll be there for 2 weeks. So my mom had to take her to the airport early this morning. Someone came here to pressure clean this morning. And then soon someone will be coming to paint the patio.

We came home pretty early yesterday..I unpacked and all. Went online. Then we went back to my aunt's..hung out for awhile. I'm pretty achy right now..from the rides, from the walking, from the car ride. And tired. I'm just unwinding really. Then tomorrow it's time to start looking for a job again & then probably buy some shtuff that I need. My dad is off tonight..ugh. I did NOT miss him. Blah! And I think that pretty much covers it.

Thanks to all for your notes while I was away, it meant a lot. : ) Thanks especially to Caroline . I am so happy for this turning point in our friendship, hon. I'm privileged to know you. I mean it.

I'm excited for the inferno tonight! Well, I think I am going to go and rest for awhile. I hope everybody has a wonderful week. *hugs*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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