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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

busy bunny!!!
2003-12-12 - 6:30 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Heyy! I have been QUITE the busy bunny lately..well as of yesterday. Before I get into that..here is the Friday Five ...

1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?

Unfortunately, around here we don't get the snow..sometimes we get the cold like LAST NIGHT! Brr! I miss New York for that reason..it really felt like a "white christmas" every year.

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?

My ideal celebration is celebrating christmas with my bunny by my side. The where and how don't really matter. With him it would all fit into place. :)

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?

Nope, not really. My family doesn't really celebrate anything. We used to celebrate hanukah but not anymore. Dawn and Karen celebrate christmas though. I am SO psyched to celebrate christmas this year, though.

4. Do you do anything to help the needy?

No, and I should. :( I've been trying to be more giving though..I don't know if it's just the whole 'christmas spirit' taking over or something but I just think it's a great feeling to know that you brightened up someone's day.

5. What one gift would you like for yourself?

Hmm..this year I'd LOVE to own Billy Joel's greatest hits. That would make me a happy girl. :-)

Well, we went to the mall yesterday. Geez, it seemed like the ENTIRE state of Florida was in that mall yesterday!! Holy moly. I got three pairs of pants, two sweaters, and a hoodie so I think that I did pretty well for myself there. Oddly enough, I got half of those items in Wet Seal. They had some good sales in there.

My mom is giving me her old jacket too to wear in AZ, so I think I have enough clothing to keep me nice and warm while I'm there..and yes folks, it does get cold there in the winter time..lol. I started to write up a list of stuff to pack too. Geez, my list is LONG! I act like i'm packing to go somewhere for 5 weeks..haha. I bring everything but the kitchen sink when I go traveling and a lot of the stuff, I don't even end up using. I'm a nut..lol. I have SO much to bring that I need to take TWO suitcases..lol. And well, I'm a chick so that factors in too..lol.

Sooo, I have a LOTTTT of packing to do next week. Not gonna be fun my friends. But hey, it's all for my bunny. On top of that, I have to send those who requested one, their christmas cards. I've written up five x-mas cards so far, all I have to do is mail them out. My mom needs more stamps now..heh..I bet she hates me now..haha. Besides that, I also found a new template for my private diary.

My precious sunglasses broke yesterday. :( I'm SO pissed. I treasured them for such a long time and they just snapped. I need those for the trip along with a few more things. Hopefully I can get that stuff later today. AND some Iced Tea. There is NOTHING to drink around here. :( Last night with dinner, my mom had to go get me a drink! What else..hmm..my mom finally figured out how to work the digital camera! I THINK..haha. We'll see about that. But I promise ya'll, that pleennntyy of pics of me..and hopefully Nate! lol will be up here for you to look at.

This is my last weekend before I leave to spend with my family so I will cherish it. :) I think we're all going out tomorrow..cos after tomorrow, I won't see them again til January. Awww :( hopefully when I come back here, they will come with my mom to the airport so I can see them all. Plus, I am all buying them something when I go over there. I think it would be a nice gesture.

Geez, maybe yesterday was my "random acts of kindness" day but I found myself doing some thoughtful things for people..I won't toot my own horn and tell ya'll WHAT I did but it felt great to make a difference in someone's day as I said earlier. Oh, so MONDAY is the big day..the day where we tell my dad that I am leaving. Like I DON'T have enough to worry and stress over already, there's another thing. But his reaction, I guess like I said shouldn't matter becuase it's really not relevant. I'm prolly freaking over nothing. Besides, he's sick so how much yelling can he do? haha.

Geez, damn Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson have been ALL over TV yesterday! Damn tv whores! Friends was a repeat..that didn't make me too happy. :( BUT Reba is on tonight. :) So anyway, all in all yesterday was a good day and very productive. I'm going to start packing a bit today. Just a little though. Me and Nate will get to talk more today than yesterday so that is great! I'm looking forward to it. I talked to him last night..only for a bit but it left me all smiley. *sigh*

As for the computer specifications that I promised..it's a Dell Demension 4600..cost enough...lol..you can customize your own desktop, meaning you can log in with your own username and you have your own settings. I mentioned the features already. It's midnight gray, the mouse glows..(not kidding) lol, it has a lot of memory, came with those free stuff I mentioned, and it's just a cool computer.

Well, I better go..I have some sites to browse and my hands are becoming icicles. Besides, I need to go eat some breakfast. I hope you guys have an awesome Friday and weekend! Take care, have fun, be safe! I <3 you all. Peace.

PS: It's time for me to get a new counter, don't you think??? lol. EDIT: I fixed my counter!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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