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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

"I'll be there for you...."
2004-05-07 - 7:09 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I am so sorry that I haven't been updating lately. (Not that anyone cared I am sure) lol. I just haven't been feeling well and everytime I start to write one it seems that SOMETHING gets in the way. Grr. But, here I am now. :)

The last episode of Friends was last night. :( I'll miss that show. "I'll be there for you..." That song is just stuck in my head right now. I belted it out last night. haha. What a statement..and that's what friends should do..be there for each other. And that's just what they did. It ended JUST how I had hoped, exactly the way most people wanted it to. It was very predictable in a way with a few surprises thrown in. I didn't cry as much as I thought I would..mainly just smiled and laughed. It ended on a great note, and it will never truly be GONE from our lives..it will no doubt be on re runs forever. Those "friends" will always be around. :) 10 years, baby. It had a great run!!! I'm looking forward to the Joey spinoff. I was sad to see it go, but was excited to see how it would unfold..they are going to start some great new chapters in their life. :) They left us with great memories. I know they will always be in MY heart.

That theme song is very important to me. I danced to it in either 6th or 7th grade. Ah. Anyway enough aboot that..so no more drama with the trip. Everything is all settled now. Which is wonderful. I'm looking forward to it..to just be silly, forget about my problems, have fun. That's what life is all about.

TV HAS been wonderful this week. I am sad that George left AI. :( I miss his smile, his optimism, his cheerfulness already. He was so great..but I know he'll make it big. So now it's just all girls. I definitely think Latoya will win this. She truly deserves it. Fantasia and Diana are awesome talents too though. I am looking forward to next week's theme...disco..with disco great, Donna Summer! I am a big fan of hers so I will be a happy bunny. :) lol.

The rest of the tv shows were good too. Anyway, mom and I rented a DVD the other day..."Le divorce." I think we'll watch it tonight. Hopefully it will be good..either way we just want to see how the new DVD player works. My mom got a new cell phone..which I will be using at night whenever I want to call Nate. Unfortunately, she lowered the minutes on her other cell phone plan (which is what my phone is on) so now starting on May 13th, I can't call long distance anymore on my phone. :( I'll have to use her new one. Which I guess will be better in a way, cos I won't have to plug her phone in like I do with mine now cos my battery is so bad.

Still, my mom is SO cheap though. She only lowered the mins cos it would save her money. *rolls eyes* Anyhow, my dad pissed me off last night. He made some remark about people that are addicted to TV and it did not rub me the right way. Grrr. He's still bitching about painting the patio. Blah blah blah. lol. I am SO glad he won't be going on the trip. With him around, it's tough to enjoy yourself.

Oh, so Nate and I didn't get to talk on the phone Wednesday night. :( But it's OK cos we got to talk online instead..and I heard his voice for a bit yesterday. Some changes are on the way..changes in how much we will be talking, but I know it's nothing that will destroy our relationship. No matter what we face, our love will always be strong. We have such a connection. He's my best friend in the world, just like I am his. That will never change. We always have each other to turn to. We KNOW each other, understand each other. It's amazing. Not many people "get me", but he does. Wow.

I know it's in my nature to put boyfriends before friends..but I have nothing but love for all of you, and if you should need me..I'd try my best not to let you down. Any of you. I just wish I could do everything for all of you, though I know it's not possible. Anyhow, I still am feeling irritable, crampy, etc..all of the things I described in my last entry. But in a couple of days, this will be over.

I really don't know when or if I will be able to buy my mom a mother's day gift. :/ Mother's day is on sunday so if I want to buy her something, I better do it SOON. I don't know even if I'll be going out tomorrow. It depends on how I feel. And I am still not sure what's happening for sunday yet. The weekend is just totally up in the air at this point. All I know is on Tuesday my aunt's friend is coming in and I am going over there for dinner probably. Shit..I forgot to put extra pages up. Oh well. Maybe soon.

I think I have more to say but I am going to end this right here. I'm going to lie down, then eat and possibly take a shower. Have a great friday everyone! <3

Daily Dirt...

1. Do you believe that a guy and a girl can be just friends?

Hmm yes. A lot of the times though, there's that underlying romantic tension..like someone usually wants more out of the friendship.

2. Do you have more guy friends than girl friends?

No, I've always had more female friends.

I've been too shy around guys all of my life to really make too many guy friends.

3. Do you get along better with guys or girls?

Um, I get along with both. I don't know.

4. Have you ever fallen for a friend?

LOL yes, duh. Nate and I were friends for a year before we got together. And it seems that has been my track record..to fall for guy friends..lol. No more of that though..Nate is who I want, forever. =)

5. Is your best friend a guy or a girl?

My best friend is my boyfriend, Nate. :) He's all that I could ask for in a best friend..and in a boyfriend too.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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