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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

What a relief!!
2004-05-04 - 6:46 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Guess what? I FINALLY got my period yesterday. : ) Whew. I have never been so happy to see it before. Let me rephrase..I have never been happy to see it before. lol. I was just getting so worried, so at least now I can breathe easy knowing I am Ok. As usual with me..I was worried for absolutely NOTHING. I knew there was no way I could be pregnant, yet my mind blows everything out of proportion making me think things I KNOW are not true. *shakes head*

But still, I think it would be smart for me to see a doctor anyway once this is over to get some suggestions on what I can do to alleviate these terrible leg/stomach cramps I am getting and my flow. I usually consider "the time of the month" a curse, but for me right now it's a blessing. lol.

So, what I have been doing for most of the day is lying down, resting. Which is what I need. My emotions are just all over the place right now. I am experiencing horrific mood swings, I feel hot all the time & I don't think ANYONE would want to be around me right now. I am not a joy to be with at this point. heh. Nate knows. Sorry honey if I was a little bitchy to you, or snapping at you. :( You know I love you!!! I'm going to miss you. :( I do already. Hopefully jury duty goes well for you! I can't wait to talk to you again tomorrow night. : )

Anyhoo, more drama has come about with the Busch Gardens trip. *shakes head* My aunt is making this trip out to be the trip of the year. So..the ORIGINAL plan was to leave here on the night of May 14th, and come back on May 16th. Well, NOW we are leaving here May 15th (next saturday) and coming back May 16th. Why you ask? Well Sheila's husband had to open his big mouth and add in his two cents. So of course being as whipped as she is, she took what he said into consideration and now the original plans are out the window. We are also staying at a different hotel now.

Why?? Because my aunt is a tightwad. She is looking into every way possible known to mankind on how to save money. She's becoming too much like her husband. Stingy bastard. Needless to say, I am not happy about this change in plans cos it means we'll be leaving here EARLY in the morning on the 15th (Karen's b-day). Bleh! I have no say in it whatsoever, so if I want to go I just have to put up with it I guess. THIS better stick, I can't deal with ANOTHER change in plans. I am just glad we are going though. I DESPERATELY need a change of scenery, some new adventure, excitement.

Yesterday it rained all day. Which was great by me. Today it didn't. The inferno was good last night as was 7th heaven. I don't think I'll be able to stay up for Real World tonight. This "thing" is knocking me out. So I guess I'll just watch AI and South Park and call it a night. Hmm, I still need to buy my mom a mother's day gift but I REALLY don't feel up to it. Maybe I'll just go on saturday. I'll probably feel better by then. There's some kind of plans in the works for Sunday, I am just not sure WHAT yet.

My mom has been getting on my nerves today..asking me to do all sorts of things. Thank god she isn't home right now. Which is why I am able to update this at night. Then again, everything is setting me off and putting me on edge right now. lol. And then my dad was off from work. Ugh. So today was just "blah" for me. I hope it's been better for the rest of you!! I guess that's all that's been happening. Once I feel better (probably next week) I'll start looking for a job again. Right now I'm just taking it easy.

Well, I'm going to go and lie down. Have a great night everyone! xoxo

(Ps: Those extra pages will probably be up tomorrow or thursday.)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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