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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

and the reason is you....
2004-05-08 - 8:07 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: The reason-Hoobastank

Wow, this morning is going to be hectic!!! I can't make this too long..I just did dishes, and now I have to shower and get dressed all before my dad gets home. When my dad gets home, probably in an hour or so we are going out to buy my mom mother's day stuff. It was his idea really, he brought it up yesterday.

We watched "Le Divorce" last night..ugh, it was terrible! "Le crap" is a good term for it..lol. Firstly, we couldn't hear it cos my dad was sleeping in his room..which is mere feet from the living room, the plot was dry and dull...we didn't even get through the whole thing. But at least we know the DVD player works well..lol. So, after that to waste time before I'd have to call Nate (so I wouldn't fall asleep), we went to blockbuster and I rented 2 movies for me...Win a date with Tad Hamilton! & Alex and Emma.

When we got home I watched "Win a date." I liked it..thoroughly predictable, but still good. I am a sucker for happy endings. At least the plot line wasn't slow. The other movie I'll probably watch next week since it's not due for awhile. I never got to talk to Nate last night though..grrr. But that's Ok. It wasn't his fault. We still got to talk on the phone twice yesterday. :) I didn't really mind staying up..I wanted to finish the movie anyway.

I've just been in the mood to see movies lately. *shrugs* I still feel like crap. I have a headache, and still have cramps. Argh..I can't WAIT for this stupid thing to end. I'm still not sure what I am doing later today..obviously this morning I am going out with my dad. After that, I am going to talk to Nate for awhile and then from there who knows. My mom will be back later on. I don't know what I am doing tomorrow either. We'll probably go out for dinner tomorrow night most likely.

EWWW! Last night there was this HUGE ass bug on my bathroom sink. I went in to take a pee and I looked over at the sink and saw it. I literally almost fainted..lol. I couldn't scream cos I was afraid if I'd open my mouth, I'd puke. haha. I couldn't even look at it. So I took the Raid spray bottle..sprayed that sucker without really looking until it layed down on it's back..put it in some tissues and threw it in the garbage outside. YUCK! I knew I'd have to kill it. I HATE Bugs. They are SO gross!! lol. *shivers* Yes, I know..I am such a girl and drama queen (bunny). lol. :�

I got my buddy Caroline's letter yesterday. : ) Awww..I love her letters. They make me smile. I wrote her back. She's damn awesome!! :D Luv ya girl! I was on the Busch Gardens site yesterday..man, it's going to be a great time. I know it would be perfect with Nate there though. *Sigh* But! I know that we'll go there together someday.

I had some of the STUPIDEST dreams last night..they were insanely bizarre. *shakes head* I saw the Friends cast on Oprah yesterday. Awww, gah! I am going to miss them like crazy!! I know they are all going to miss working together as well. They are as bummed as their fans are about the show ending.

Well, I better go and hop in the shower..it's almost 8:30. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! <3 xoxo

EDIT @ 10:11 AM...we got my mom her mother's day stuff. My dad got her a card and a small box of chocolate. I got her a card, a bottle of perfume, and a little bear that smells like green tea. Mmm. She'll like it. TONIGHT we are going out for dinner. So tomorrow I guess I'll be home.

D Dirt...

Give up this or that?

1. a limb or a love?

a limb.

2. complexion or figure?


3. pride or integrity?


4. sight or voice?


5. true self or friends?

true self

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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