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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Happy mother's day!!
2004-05-09 - 8:52 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Happy Mother's Day to every mother out there. : )

I gave my mom her gifts already. She seemed to be truly touched by what I gave her. Which to me, was nothing really major or big or even that great. But it meant a lot to her. I'm glad I could make her day. We have A LOT of ups and downs..probably more than the average mother/daughter, and she does aggravate me and get on my nerves a lot..BUT..she has always been there for me, and she has done a lot for me in my life. I can't thank her enough for that.

So, last night we went out for a mother's day celebration. We had dinner at a chinese buffet. MMM! Good stuff. I didn't eat that much though. As Nate knows, I get full VERY fast. After that of course, we walked around the mall for a while. Saturday ritual. heh. We still didn't find anything to give Karen for her birthday or Dawn for that matter, yikes. I think we'll do that next week..before we leave for the trip. We ALMOST bought a battery for my phone but I think I'll just stick with the crappy batter I have. lol. Awww, I saw some cute tiger stuff in the mall. I thought of MY tiger.

I couldn't STOP thinking about him yesterday. Hoping he was having a great time, missing him, wishing I could be there to share the day with him..and feeling bad about what I did yesterday..or how I reacted to something. It was something so small but I got a little bothered by it. Argh. Just a misunderstanding really, but all is good now. We're both sorry about it. I mentioned it in my livejournal a bit. I don't want to talk about it any further. We love each other and though we're bound to mess up sometimes, we're quick to forgive and put it behind us.

I started to watch some of "Alex and Emma" last night. I really am enjoying it. I read some reviews about it..people were TRASHING it, but we're all a critic I guess. I'm going to finish the movie today. Anyhoo, I am feeling better..somewhat. By tomorrow my period will be over. :)

I was having headache after headache yesterday. Ugh. And then last night I just had this really strange sleep. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep straight through the night. Grr. Well, nothing much else is happening. I am not going anywhere today..I am going to spend as much time talking to Nate as I can because starting next week..the time we will get to talk will be much shorter than usual. :( Oh well, just gotta roll with the punches I guess.

Argh, I heard some gossip about Michelle's mom yesterday..it got me thinking about Michelle a bit. And I HATE thinking about her. In a way, I do wonder about what she is up to right now but I am too much of a chicken shit to find out. I've always blamed her for how we just drifted apart, but it was partly my fault too I'll have to admit. I sat there, just as she did, and let it all go down the drain. That's life I guess..people lose touch all of the time. If someone is worth it to you, then you will not just give up and let go like that. I guess in the end, she wasn't.

The talk during dinner yesterday kind of made my sad. Both of my parents have lost their mothers..I know today is going to be rough. Holidays can be hard..sometimes they do make you feel lonely and remind you of what you don't have. I can imagine they are both feeling a void right now. I know that feeling..of incompleteness. I feel it all of the time cos Nate isn't around. :(

Well anyhow, I am going to go. I must eat now. Have a great day everyone..if your mom is around then show her some love!!! Cos she won't be around forever. Love you guys! *hugs*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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