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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Choices..we all have to make em..
2003-08-18 - 8:28 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Go West- King of Wishful Thinking

Hey hey ya'll! =D *This entry is going to consist of me mostly rambling about issues with certain family members. No, not the issues I have with them but the problems that they are going through..*

Yesterday was good..cos guess why..I got my wish and didn't have to go out! Woo hoo! Yep, that's right..the wonderful (sarcasm) Denise never called. My mom is of course, really hurt by this because after all Denise was the one that wanted to be with us and she totally blew it. My mom of course, acts like she doesn't care when you can tell deep down that it's bothering her. Oddly enough..it doesn't bother me that I didn't get to see Chris. Our friendship has rapidly gone down the drain anyway.

Me and her had another talk..this time I told her what SHE'S doing wrong. I analyzed her very well and her personality very well. I told her she needs to trust people more..not everyone is out to get her and to stop being so critical and judgemental because no one's going to act or look or be the way you want them to be. I told her she needs to do less criticizing and more being honest with others and telling them her feelings and she needs to be more in touch with her emotions and stop with the masks because she's just hiding her true self. She just needs to be more REAL.

She agreed with me and said she will try to do that..but yeah right lol I told her she needs to just change the way she talks to people and that's why we but heads sometimes.

Anyway enough about that, me and Nate talked most of the day..for hours and hours and it was just wonderful. We needed that so badly. Of course, I got chased off because I was on for so long. So, when she made me leave I took a shower..and then she went to get me pizza but didn't want to take me to blockbuster because she wasn't feeling well. :(

After I ate, I watched some Road Rules repeats and saw the one from last week. God, Tina gets on my last nerves. I really wish she can get voted off. And what the hell is Donell's problem with Mary Beth? He doesn't like her probably because she voted him off instead of everyone else who voted Cara off. Poor Chris got attacked because Tina vented off her sexual frustrations and again talked about the trailer park and blah blah..oh god..cry me a river! lol. Donell says he's so real..right..he stabs people right in the back..he did it to Cara. That's all I'll say about that episode.

After watching that I just listened to some music and went to bed cos I was mad tired. I had ODD dreams..eww I remember them but I don't want to put them up because I can be put behind bars for one dream I had..GROSS!!! lol.

Then this morning my cousin calls here in tears..because her boyfriend doesn't want to marry her. Basically, he's been married before but he doesn't want to marry her for some reason. He's not even putting her on his beneficiary will thing. He does tell her he loves her, and I am sure he does. She loves him a lot..my mom told her to have a back up and date other guys but she's so completely consumed with him.

I think she's barking up the wrong tree and needs to find another type of guy. Then again, people love people that are similar to them because they won't get freaked out and that's their comfort zone. Every guy she dates, she compares them to him and I guess she just loves the challenge..everyone wants what they can't have. She's just stuck and wasting her time with a guy who will never commit to her. When you think of her, you don't think she's the type to get married but she sowed her wild oats when she was younger..she did everything and now she's bored with that. She's still a little rebellious but now she's much more mature and wants to settle down.

I think she needs to check out different options because she's just not happy. She was in tears before because of that, and then she hurt her foot this weekend, and the mirror on her car got ripped off so now she has to drive to Miami to get her boyfriend to fix it. We were going to go over there today to talk some sense into her but she doesn't want help and wants to be alone right now. I feel really bad for her. I don't think she's ever going to get married if she stays with her boyfriend. She's just so comfortable and really deserves better but she doesn't think much of herself and it's so sad. :( My mom wants her to do her nails but that won't be happening. They want different things out of life so it won't work. She wants more than he can give her..he doesn't want to be tied down again and if she doesn't move on with her life, she's just going to remain unhappy. It only works out when people have similar ideals.

Besides that..my aunt is doing badly financially because she lost her job so my uncle has to send her $1,000 to pay the bills..so he's helping her financially but basically that's her whole marriage. I wonder why he married her..hell EVERYONE does..it's a total mystery. She has made many bad choices in her life..hell this is her third marriage and it's not going well. Her favorite daughter is my cousin Dawn who's a piece of work. I sometimes wonder why people choose the people they do.

I think it's totally stupid to settle. Why be with someone that doesn't want to be with you forever when there's many people you can be happy with? Do people LIKE putting themselves through torture? Why date a jerk when you can easily find a good guy that will treat you right? I get it, yet it's ridiculous.

Well I gotta go..mom's back with our breakfast. I need to get dressed cos after I talk to Nate I'm going out. I'll prolly update again later because I have a few more items to ramble about. My fucking hives are acting up again..GAH!!! Dad is off tonight..boo! BUT! I love the 70's will be on tonight along with Road Rules. Hell yeah!!! =D Have a great monday guys.

Baby...I'll talk to you at normal time. I love you so much!!! (K)

Daily Zen

Do you think it's possible to love someone you've never met in person? For example, over the internet?

Yes, because I have. <3 I think this is the realest, purest kind of love because we don't love each other for superficial reasons, or lusty reasons. We fell in love because of our personalities and our hearts and minds and souls.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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