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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

some conclusions...
2004-06-02 - 8:54 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Wow, it's SUPER HOT here!!! yesterday get this..it reached a record breaking 97 degrees! Unbelievable. Ugh, it really is a steam bath outside. I can't wait until fall/winter return.

I've realized I should always follow my gut. My mom came home early last night. She didn't have to bowl cos there was a blackout in the bowling alley. Anyhoo, I had this feeling that I shouldn't go with her to the airport to pick up my aunt. But against my better judgement, I went. On the way to the airport, all she did was fight with me..over pretty much nothing! She was just so frustrated and irritable about having to pick my aunt up that she took it out on me. She did apologize for yelling, but not for the things she said. She really pissed me off, yet I know where it's coming from.

Well, the good thing is my aunt had a good time in NY. :) I heard a little bit of family gossip..depressing stuff though that I'd rather not talk about. On a brighter note, Nate and I talked yesterday. :) Yay! It's so nice to have him back and to be able to talk online on a daily basis again. I came to a conclusion yesterday..I'm a person that people probably don't know well. Someone brought that to my attention in a way. I think I've brought that onto myself cos I am a private person, I do tend to keep to myself..and I don't talk a whole lot. And then I wonder WHY I don't have as many friends as I'd like & am not as close with them as I'd like to be. Well duh..it's YOU Stacey. I'm a loner. I really need to work on changing that. I tend to also be a jealous person as well..and it's just insecurity. And in terms of relationships, I've been cheated on. It's hard for me to trust. Hell, my first boyfriend cheated on me with some chick he had been looking at in one of his classes. That hurt.

I just am happy that I have someone who I know loves only me..and wants only me. Sure he's human and all that and we ALL look whether we admit it or not, but in the end of the day..it's me who he's thinking about. Nothing else matters. That feels great. Well, I better go & look through the paper for jobs..I hope something good comes up. Today might be my big breakthrough. *crosses fingers* Have a great day all. <3333

EDIT: Found nothing in the paper. :( BUT..on monday I am going to a job agency. Cos looking through the paper is getting me nowhere. Grrr.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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