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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

the drama never ends...
2004-06-01 - 10:56 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

It's June. :) Argh..it's been 2 months now since I've seen Nate last. It feels like foreverr. :( BUT we'll be together again soon--only 2 more months. :D

I hope you guys had a great memorial day & weekend. Eh, I guess mine was decent.

On Sunday, I pretty much just slept a lot, but I needed that rest. As you can imagine, it was a dull day. Oh well. Sunday night I watched "The object of my affection" on TV. I just love that movie & Paul Rudd too. :) Yesterday my dad was in an extremely bad mood. Yep, he was in rare form. How lovely that was. When he sees someone in a good mood, he feels the need to drag everyone down with him and put them into a miserable mood. I swear-he's only content when he's miserable and things are going wrong. Even if he was happy with everything, he'd INVENT something to complain about. He's such a dick. He was on my mom's ass about finding another part time job, about me finding a job. The drama in my life neverrr ends. Ughhh..I wish this month was August instead of June. Getting out of here is going to be so liberating and one of the best things to happen. August can't get here any sooner.

So that shit that went down with my dad inspired a talk that my mom and I had about men and relationships. But it was stuff I've known for a long time..haha. I'm blessed to have such a great guy. =) He came home last night. We haven't talked since sunday (sniff) but we'll talk today. :) I just can't wait. I missed him sooo much!!!!

We went to Karen's (my cousin) yesterday..hung out for awhile & waited for her to finish my mom's nails. Then we went out to lunch & to Target afterwards. Karen was asking me some pretty embarrassing questions about what Nate & I did in AZ. Of course, I didn't tell her anything. I don't think it's any of her business. Anyhoo, from there we headed home and had a mini BBQ. Last night I watched "WB Superstar USA". FUNNY SHTUFF! I've become addicted, I have to admit..lol. Then I watched RW/RR reunion (The inferno). Interesting..got a sneak peek at the new Road Rules cast. Looks like lots of drama looming on the horizon. Tonight my aunt is returning home..my mom will be picking her up from the airport. I am looking forward to seeing her soon and getting all of the gossip..LOL.

Tomorrow I'll be looking for a job. I hope I find something. I really, reallyyyy need to. I'm getting a LOT of pressure put on me & it's making me irritable. I'm running out of time here. It's the solution to many of my problems right now. PRAY FOR ME! Plus I gotta return my shorts this week. Well, I gotta run. Have a nice day ya'll.

Ps. I'm gonna listen to my new cd later. : )

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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