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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

holiday weekend...
2004-05-30 - 11:13 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Lost in love-Sheriff

Hey ya. I hope you're all having a wonderful holiday weekend. My weekend has been fine so far.

Yesterday I decided that I was in desperate need for summer clothes so my mom and I went out to the mall. There weren't many people there so it was a pleasure. :) I got 2 shorts, which are too tight. I have to return them. Got 4 shirts..3 tanks and a tee shirt. Ah, I love them..so cute and great for the summer. Spent LOTS of money there, but I needed that shtuff. I'm afraid to find out how much money I have left. Prolly not a lot. Grrr, I need a job.

From there we headed to lunch..KFC. Very yummy. Then we went to Wally World (Walmart)..got a magazine and candy there. Then we headed to the park. So delightful being there, in the nice breezes. Otherwise, it is so very HOTTT outside..man oh man. Nate called while we were at the park. :) That MADE my day. He's so far having a great time in San Diego. We talked for a little bit, and he's going to call me at 12 and we're going to talk again. I miss him a lot. It was incredibly amazing to hear his voice. I love him endlessly. I can't wait for him to get home & back online.

Anyhoo, we stayed at the park for a couple of hours then headed back home to go to Best Buy. I bought a walkman and the new Hoobastank Cd for $9.99. I am SO excited to listen to it. "The reason" is one of my favorite songs out right now. The walkman is a bit strange, but I caught on fast how to work it. So yep, yesterday was my shopping/spending money day. haha.

After best buy, we went out to dinner which was purdy good. We had to go to my aunt's house after that to look at her mail since she's away. She's coming back on Tuesday. So we watched a movie on HBO there for a bit, then headed out to go bowling and met up with Karen and her friend Mike there.

It was a very interesting night. lol. I ACTUALLY cracked a hundred in bowling! That is unheard of for me..lol. BUT it could be from the help of the bumpers, so I am not pumping myself up too much..lol. It gave me confidence. We got out of there quite late really.

The complaining portion of my entry down below.....

We joked around a lot..had fun as usual. Karen and Mike were really sweet to me. So, we got home and I went straight to bed. Didn't sleep much..MAYBE slept 4 hours so needless to say I am QUITE out of it. Grr, so damn tired. Seriously, I have HUGE bags under my eyes. Not very attractive. lol. I'm going to take a nap later most likely & go to bed early tonight.

I just kept tossing and turning all night, having strange dreams & I'm so ACHY. Grr. We bowled 3 games..I just wasn't used to it. So this morning I've just been listening to my new walkman..straightening up my room and all that. I don't know where I got the energy from. heh. I'll prolly listen to the Hoobastank Cd later & my Switchfoot cd that I still haven't listened to. Oops. lol. Ugghh..damn dad is off tonight cos of memorial day. *hisses.*

Since tomorrow is a holiday and there's not much to do..if I feel up to it..I'm gonna go with my mom to Karen's apt in Miami just to hang out and chill. I wanna have a BBQ! Mkay, well soon I'm going to make lunch & wait for Nate's call. Have a great memorial day all..remember those who have died to serve our country. Peace!

Edit: Yay! Nate called like an hour ago. We just got off the phone. I can't wait to talk to him again on Tues morning. :)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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