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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Why is everything so confusing? Maybe I'm just out of my mind..
2003-10-02 - 6:44 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: One minute man by Missy Elliot

Hey. Wow, yesterday was insaanne. Well, I didn't go anywhere, but other than that it was 'different'. Of course, I have such an exciting life. Riiight. This month looks like it's starting off with a bang. I just want it to end already. :( Nothing to look forward to in it. I am not a fan of halloween, no b-days or anything. I just want to cut to Nov/Dec already!

Sorry, I am just feeling kind of "un-loved" right now. Not from Nate, but just in general really. (Hint: Can someone please sign my guestbook ? It's looking a bit lonely). But anyway, The Bachelor was off the hook last night!! I wished Jenn had been picked though. :( She looked SO sweet and caring but they didn't get enough time to talk. Lindsey got eliminated, but she nor Bob nor the other girls knew that their date would be an elimination date. Antoinette (sp?) got out of the hospital and got to join Bob on the last day, which the girls didn't think was fair. Leanne will proably win..she's confident, aggressive, and goes for what she wants..heh, I wish I was like that. Misty also looks like she's going to be tough competition.

I am just not feeling a lot of those girls for him..some seem ok, some just seem downright slutty and downright in it to win it. I think he'll make the right choice, but this one chick..I forgot her name was in TEARS because she really wanted to marry him. :( He is really breaking a lot of hearts, but he has no choice. So, yep at the end he handed out 10 roses, and 4 girls had to go home plus the one that went home earlier. It was so INTENSE leading up to it. I can't wait for next week's! =D

What else..mmm guess what? I'm a NUT but I drank hot cocoa last night!! I was just in a hot chocolate mood. It was DELICIOUS. Sure, it's hotter than a mofo in my house but it was still really good. :) Mom FINALLY went food shopping..well only a bit so at least we have SOME food in the house now. =D

I watched Nick and Jessica on Newlyweds..well, part of it. She makes me sick, and I am not sure I like him either. She's just more irritating than anything else really. I also saw the Wade Robson Project. It's interesting cos this is the quarter finals and I really like who won yesterday..Twitch and Melinda. Melinda was AMAZING! She deserved to win. =D I also saw Dismissed, and the making of Pink's new video. I shaved, and showered so I am feeling better about how I look.

Well, I'm still really, really tired. Yep, more weird dreams last night. I hate my overactive mind, it keeps me up a lot. Ah yesh, my dad FINALLY asked my mom where she goes tues nights. She told him but oddly enough he didn't freak out or anything. My mom's going for a haircut today, so it looks like I'll be spending another exciting day at home. (Yep, that was sarcasm)

I feel bad..I was kind of bitchy to Nate yesterday..ok, REALLY bitchy. :( I just felt emotionally like crap, still do. I don't know how he puts up with my mood swings sometimes. I'm sorry again, honey!! I told him I needed to get out of the house, of course that never came to be. We didn't get to talk on the phone, but I understand cos I know he's under a tremendous amount of stress now and really tired.

What else..what else..oh, last night was FRUSTRATING. I am trying to figure something out on D land but it doesn't seem to be working out in my favor and it was aggravating me. Of course, I took it out on this poor computer..lol. I can get violent sometimes when things don't work out for me in the way I want them to. I guess I need to work on my quick tempered nature. So, I sat in here last night, eating dinner, trying to figure it out..still haven't. Hopefully I will later. My mom was supposed to go to a meeting last night, but she got the day of it wrong..the meeting is NEXT wednesday. Today someone is coming to look at a carpet, my dad claims there's a streak across it. *rolls eyes*

Well, that's it really. I'm gonna write back to Nate's e-mail now. Friends is on tonight. =D Can't wait! I just need to get out of here..I don't know. I feel like I don't have a friend in the world (besides Nate). I don't know what's going on with me. :( HELLPP! lol. Is there hope left for me? Ha. I think the title of thie entry explains how I feel right now. *sigh* My mom is bothering the fuck out of me. I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!!!! UGH. Where can I go to get any peace at all?? Bothering me about cleaning, this, and that. AAAHHHHH!!!

Have a great Thurs, guys. Congrats to Johanna on her and Chris's engagement!!! =D Love you girl!!

Song: Anywhere by 112

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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