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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Pretty pointless entry...
2003-10-01 - 7:07 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Human nature-Michael Jackson

Hey folks. Woo..a new month!! yay!! =D It's about damn time. Last month had so many highs and lows..highs..meeting my baby for the first time. :) *sighs* low..saying goodbye to him. :( high..my birthday..low..facing growing up. high..me and Nate's one year anniversary..low..we didn't get to spend it together. :( high..celebrating one year on here. The inbetweens were just average/everyday stuff like fights with parents, etc. I hope this month will be wonderful!!

Well, I'm sort of feeling better. This crap is nearly over. I think it will be completely over tomorrow or friday. BUT I am still weak from it and tired as fuck. I swear, I thought I was drunk this morning while waking up..I staggered out of my room, nearly fell over..lol. I slept better last night, but I did wake up once during the night and I don't remember my dreams so that's good..lol. Ack, I NEED a shower this morning..*smells self*..yep, tis time..lol.

Yesterday was rather peaceful..AND I didn't nap during the day so no moodiness..heh. I was sifting through old e-mails..not just from Nate but in general..it was just really weird. Wow, so many people are not in my life anymore, yet I've found you guys who have stuck around. =D SKIP THE NEXT TWO PARAGRAPHS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE GAUNTLET AND WANT TO..OR IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT IT..lol..

Besides that, I watched The Gauntlet on MTV..it ended up JUST as I expected. Sarah and David had to face the gauntlet. David lost, went home. Sarah proved herself to the Road Rules. They only voted her because of her performance in The Campus Crawl..how freaking wrong! I thought she did good in the pool, lasted for a while. Laterian or Roni should have faced The Gauntlet!!

I can understand Real World voting for David because he lasted the shortest in the pool..cos he can't swim, thus he can't tread weater and there were snakes all around em..eck. They wanted Matt gone too..well cos Tonya hates him. He made a comment about boob jobs and she had one done. So, she took offense. *rolls eyes* I think also the fact that he's so much into his faith and kind of isolates himself makes them not like him. I don't think he's gonna last much longer. :( My impression..most of them are all drunk idiots with egos larger than life.

Ok, anyway..me and Nate didn't get to talk much..:( at all. Argh..it sucked. It wasn't his fault again, I just hope today we talk for muchh longer. I ate my macaroni..mmm..and just chilled online last night and watched TV. Saw the Wade Robson thing of course. Michelle and Spark won. Umm..about it really..oh, I listened to music too.

Of course..my dad asked where my mom was..he thinks she's cheating. Of course, she was at the bowling league. I wasn't sure if I should tell him so I said she went 'somewhere'. lol..he probably thinks that she goes on Tuesday night Rendezvous..heh. She has to clear it up with him and show him her bowling ball. *rolls eyes* Ugh, nothing on TV tonight..just the bachelor. Hopefully I can catch up on the Real World and Newlyweds shtuff I missed last night.

Aww my mommy's cool! We had fun yesterday joking around and shtuff. I can usually be myself around her, so it's nice. You wouldn't even know it's me with the way I act..so playful and shtuff..obnoxious..lol. She's enjoying the bowling league..making friends..that's so cool. They are making her feel good about herself, which is what she needs.

I might get to call Nate tonight. =D Woo hoo..well hopefully. I know, like me, he's been very tired lately. :( So we'll see. More rain is on the way today..oh well. Anyways, I think that concludes my entry. Maybe I'll write something of substance tomorrow, I'm just out of it now and can barely keep my eyes open..I'm sure ya'll can understand. I am gonna go eat breakfast, shower, then be online for Nate. Have a great hump day ya'll! Yay! The week is nearly over. *smiles*..buh bye! *waves*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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