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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Go away you stupid thing!!
2004-02-12 - 6:17 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I don't feel well at all. As predicted, the 'crimson wave' showed up this morning. I knew it cos I fell asleep during the day yesterday and was crying quite a bit. Due to it, I couldn't sleep at all cos I'm having real bad cramps and real bad leg pains. Ugh. I tried every position [sleeping position, you pervs] lol and finally I fell asleep..at FIVE oclock!!! yikes. :/ Sooo..all I will be doing today is resting..and trying to sleep. I'll be talking to Nate only a little this morning (frowns), so I will get a chance to rest a tremendous amount. Plus my mom won't be home tonight. :D She was yep, a bitch yesterday cos she's still sick. I tried my best to cater to her needs and be accomodating but I've realized that the best thing to do when she's sick is to let her be. Dad was in a mood. Eating alone with him tonight will be fun. *sarcasm* I think I'll just take my food upstairs and explain that I'm not feeling well. Tomorrow someone is coming to fix the toilets. Thank the lord!

I don't even know how I have the energy to write this entry. *shrugs* This comes at a reallly bad time, valentine's being this weekend and Karen moving this weekend. I wish this stupid thing would just go away. GRR! *shoos it away* darn it, didn't help..lol. After Friends and catching the surreal life I missed tonight, I am going to bed..yep, going to bed early.

I can guarantee you, when I receive Nate's v-day stuff in the mail and open it I'm going to cry like a baby. It's going to be a combo of being so happy about the gifts/ being so emotional cos of the wave. 2 more days til it arrives. =) HOPEFULLY I'll get to spend the day 'with' Nate. I do not want to go anywhere this weekend, that's for sure. BUT I have to..Ugh. My dad wants to go out for a v-day dinner with mom and she already explained to me that if I don't go, something bad will happen to me lol. I wish I could actually physically BE with Nate for v-day instead of sitting there, having a crappy dinner with my parents who aren't in love anyway. This distance is really tough. But it does get easier each day..because each day is just a day closer til we're together again and man, I can't wait for that. And as I wrote him, I know we'll survive being apart til August because he's the first 'thing' in my life that i've never had a desire to let go of or give up, regardless of the situation being difficult. That speaks volumes. I've worked at it, we've worked at it. This is different from anything I've ever experienced. Anyhoo...

As I thought, Fantasia and Diana won yesterday on A Idol. Matt came in 3rd which I wasn't expecting. I think Jennifer should have came in third. Hmm. South Park was funny. :D M'kay? Ohh and The Bachelorette..I was switching between that and South Park plus talking to Nate, so I didn't really fully know what happened. I do know that Lanny is out of the picture. I can understand because they have two totally different lifestyles and she just can't see herself living in Texas and being around a farm all the time..plus Lanny's family is very religious and she's not. Those factors are important in a relationship. If someone can't adapt to them, then the relationship will probably not work out. I still really like Matthew the best for her. I'm glad Ian is finally seeing he needs to open up or he'll lose Meredith. I think Chad shouldn't have lied about his employment, but he prolly did cos he didn't want to be embarrassed. I actually like all 3 for her so it should be interesting to see who the final 2 are.

I totally missed The Newlyweds but I KNOW that I am going to see it in repeats about a bizillion times.

Out of pure boredom, I joined Live Journal yesterday! So I am now a member. :) If you'd like to look me up, and add me as a friend, my member name is the exact same as my guestbook name. I'll be writing in there from time to time.

I'm gonna go..I need to lie down, then eat, then TRY to be here early enough to talk to Nate for a while. Take care all and have a great thursday.

"Remember, love is the link that holds two hearts together."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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