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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
2004-02-14 - 6:57 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! I was truly debating whether or not to get really sappy in here, but I decided on a compromise..I'll get a LITTLE sappy, but not overally since I know a lot of you loathe valentine's day and I don't want to make anyone sick...lol. On the other hand, it IS my diary so I should write about what I want. Hmm.

I want you to know that I love each and every one of you and even if you don't have a special someone to share this day with, that you're loved regardless. I think that love should be given every single day of the year, not just on valentine's day. Right? :) You should show the one you're with that you love them all of the time.

Last night I was kind of surprised, because my dad asked me if I wanted to get my mom anything for Valentine's, so I told him to get her a box of chocolate from me. I just didn't feel like going ANYWHERE yesterday at all. Today I am staying home too, for one cos I feel like major crap and I want to be here to talk to my valentine as much as possible. I'm GLAD I am not going anywhere. I can't bare to see any couples being all lovey-dovey when I can't have that at this point in time. I am trying to make this day as special for him as humanly possible since we can't spend this day together. Which is tough. Really tough. But we're going to work with this day as best as we can. And we KNOW there's next year. Plus, we're going to be together in a month from now. *sighs happily* And I know that I have it good..I have him. And no amount of distance can change that. I'm so truly blessed to have him in my life. I love him. Always. From the bottom of my heart. He's my world. It doesn't get better than you, baby..there's no one better for me. No love is better than ours. :)

My mom hinted that she might have gotten me something for v-day..hmm lol. I don't know. I'm not EXPECTING anything though. She got something for my dad yesterday..cheap chocolates and a cheap card..haha! I knew it. I THINK they are going out for dinner but trust me, it will be anything BUT romantic. I can't wait to see what arrived from my sweetie. :) I know I'll love each and every thing he sent me. I just hope he loves what I sent him.

Kar's moving today..so today will be bittersweet in a way. :/ I just hope her move goes smoothly. If anyone was wondering, my aunt and mom made up. It was just a stupid, little misunderstanding..but sometimes stupid, misunderstandings escalate into a huge problem. Dad was being jerky cos bad things happened on his friday the 13th..haha. Merely coincidence? Probably not since he had a bad attitude from the get-go. We almost got into a fight but god, that's the last thing I need right now with the way I feel. All I said was "calm down" which started it cos he always gets so worked up. But BLAH I don't want to talk about him on this day of love...lol.

The TRL love special thing was alright I guess. That couple who won 50 grand was SO lucky. The things I can do with 50 grand. *smiles* Reba was pretty good. Not so funny, but good anyway. I saw Newlyweds too which was Ok. On MTV last night they played 'sappy' videos and had love dedications and I'll admit..some of them got even ME nauseated..lol. haha. I actually slept alright last night. I didn't have a chance to take a nap during the day though. :(

Ok, that's the end of this entry. I'm going to put up something for Nate in my poetry diary. Then, I'm going to have breakfast and lie down. (ugh damn cramps and headache) before talking to my baby. :D *big smile* I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's day, attached or not. I hope cupid shoots an arrow through your heart this v-day. I wish you all lots and lots of love!!! *HUGS*

"Time could never dim my love for you, because with every beat of my heart, I only want you more." --:) I Love You, honey. Happy V-day. =)

"However far away.. I will always love you.. However long I stay..I will always love you..whatever words I say.. I will always love you.. I will always love you."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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