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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

thank you, tiger...
2004-02-15 - 7:39 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Breakfast at Tiffany's-Deep blue Something

Hey everyone. :) I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. Mine was pretty good for the most part. When I say 'for the most part', I don't really want to get into it. Sorry. It's too personal. All I will say is that I learned something from an event that happened yesterday. Thank GOD for Live Journal! Diaryland hasn't been working very well for me this morning so I did an entry on LJ first, and then copied and pasted it onto here. So because of the problem, I haven't been able to read all of your diaries yet. :( Stacey Smash! I figured I'd better post this now cos god only knows when diaryland's gonna crap out again. Anyway...

I NEED to gush about all of the lovely, amazing presents my baby got me..hehe. Yes, I need to brag..haha. I was so antsy to get the package and when it arrived I pretty much tore through the box..haha. My wonderful boyfriend got me..a stuffed tiger..awww sooo cute and cuddly, a card of course that was really sweet, A Walk To remember soundtrack cos he knows how much I LOVE that movie. He also got me Dirty Dancing cos he knew I was looking for that and wanted that movie SO bad..two push pops, a ring pop, creme savers (strawberries & creme), altoids (he knows I am an altoid addict), two bags of M & M's..yum..a little chicken soup for the romantic soul book that came with a mug with candy in it, and awww the cutest present..a little bunny book! It was a children's books with bunnies (obviously) and when you'd touch the pictures, they'd be all fuzzy. SO CUTE!! Oh yesh, and pictures that were taken when I was in AZ. Now, don't I have the best boyfriend ever?! lol. He knows me & my tastes so well and he's great with picking out gifts. He's SOO thoughtful. I'm so lucky. =) And sometimes I feel unworthy. I love him soooooo much. He made the day so very special...despite the distance. I won't lie, it was hard not spending the day with him..it made me break down a few times. BUT there's next year and as Nate said "This is the last v-day we'll be apart." Keeping that in mind helped. I TRULY hope we can be together next month. :/ I know we'll work something out.

I played with the tiger a bit yesterday, watched Dirty Dancing which was PERFECT for Valentine's Day, read the bunny book & chicken soup book. Today I'm having some of the candy and listening to the soundtrack. =) and just relaxing. I feel really bad cos two of the things I sent him were broken en route to sending so I am going to send him more UN-BREAKABLE items..lol. We talked quite a bit, which I really needed. :D He made me feel really loved. *big smile*

My mom and dad went out for dinner..she said it was ok but pretty boring. They got along though..I think the only reason is cos it was v-day. I was only home alone for get this..TWO hours. That's IT! Grr! So, I listened to the radio while they were away as loud as I wanted it..lol. Mainly love songs were on of course. I showered, which I needed. I still feel like crap. :( I was having bad headaches yesterday but right now I just have the cramps. Ugh. Ohh, my dad didn't get me anything cos he knew my mom did. What a cop-out. My mom got me a card and sourpunch straws..mmm..I loove those. I thought that was thoughtful of her. I gave her her chocolate. Now she has SO much of it..lol. My dad got my mom a box of chocolate and a card. I'm happy for Kar (my cousin) cos her boyfriend ACTUALLY got her something for valentine's day and he's very unsentimental.

Oh, she didn't move yesterday. She's moving today..which SUCKS a lot cos of the rain. It's supposed to rain for most of the day. :)

Ah yesh! "Say Anything" was on TV last night. I love that movie. =) One of the best 80's movies, in my opinion. Well anyhoo, I don't feel like typing much anymore so I am going to go lie down til it's time to talk to my tiger. Take care everyone and have a great Sunday!! *hugs*

"There's not a single passing day that I don't think of you. In my heart you will forever stay as long as you love me too."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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