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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Missing sin city...
2004-02-16 - 6:19 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Time after time-Cyndi Lauper

Happy president's day! If you have the day off, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest! Hmm well, I don't have a whole lot to babble about today. *Shrugs*

Dad was off yesterday..is today too. Ugh! Ah well, what can ya do. He was actually pleasant yesterday but today hmm..prolly another story. I spent my day mainly relaxing, taking a nap, listening to the A Walk To Remember soundtrack, watching TV, and listening to the radio. Ohh and of course talking to my baby on the phone..twice. :) We're talking on it tonight too. Unfortunately, not much during the day cos he has something important to do. *pouts* Tis ok, I understand.

Surreal life was very interesting last night. The gang went to a nudist colony. Oh geez..lol. *shakes head* I'd never, ever show my face at one of those. I'm not that comfortable with my body that I'd parade around nude..I'd just be too shy about it and embarrassed and yeah..my tiger would NOT like that one bit and I don't blame him..lol. I'm SHOCKED that Vanilla Ice sang "Ice Ice Baby" in the karaoke bar. Wow. He obviously let his guard down since his past torments him. But anyhoo, it was a great episode. I'm sad that the show is ending soon. :( *Tear* Anyway, Traci annoyed me cos she kept saying she was going to take her top off and never did and blamed it on her fiance..Ron is just a big, huge perv. I respect Tammy for staying at a separate hotel.

I saw The Inferno too. I can't stand Trishelle..she's just..ooh..annoying as all hell! Grr. On both shows. Tonight is The Inferno once again. Yay! There was some kind of special about Vegas on TV yesterday. It made me long to be there again. I miss it SO much. *Sigh* Anyhow, enough aboot TV..I'm not sure how Kar's move went..we haven't heard from her since Saturday. I'll let you all know once I find out. I put a pic that my sweetie sent me in a frame yesterday..aww..I love it cos it has him, me, and his sister in it. :D

As you might have guessed, I'm still not feeling well. :( Grrr! Tis very frustrating, let me tell you. Ah well, it will all be over by the end of the week thank the lord almighty. haha. So, I'm just going to take it easy today really and lie down a lot. I ate wayy too much yesterday so today I am laying off the sweets and shtuff.

Alrighty, I can't think of anything else to ramble aboot so I'll end this right here. If I think of something, I'll just edit this. I'm gonna hop over to LJ now and post this entry there as well. I hope you all had a great weekend & have a great week as well.

"They said angels were supposed to come from the sky, that means I'm lucky, cause one fell for me."

Song now listening to: "Something"-The Beatles

Which do you perfer?
Cold or Hot:cold.
Spring or Fall:fall.
Pencil or Pen:pen.
Paper or Plastic:paper.
AIM or Phone Conversation:AIM.
Sunlight or Moonlight:moonlight.
Skateboarding or Snowboarding:snowboarding.
California or Florida:cali.
Email or Handwritten letter:handwritten letter.
Curly Hair or Straight Hair:straight.
Typing or Writing:typing.
Teddy or Blankie:blankie.
Day or Night:night.
Apples or Oranges:oranges.
Now it gets more complicated! ;-)
Sexy and dimwitted, or Medium and brilliant:medium and brilliant.
Watching a movie alone, or Talking about a movie with your friends:watching a movie alone.
Famous, rich, and hated, OR Infamous, kinda rich, and loved by some:infamous, kinda rich, loved.
Killing a stranger on the street, or killing your best friend:killing a stranger.
Getting a free meal by yourself, or getting a coupon to share with a friend:getting a coupon.
The merry-go-round with your lil' sis or roller coaster with a fat stranger:i don't have a lil sis so second option.
Upside down, or Inside out.:inside out.
Being stabbed, or doing the stabbing.:god, neither.
Fucking a stranger, or being raped by your boyfriend:being raped by my boyfriend...;) HEHE! lol.
Which is harder, breaking up or finding another love:breaking up.
Having claustrophobia in a box, or arachnaphobia in a room full of spiders:claustrophobia.
Running out of deoderant, or soap before a date:running out of soap.
Swimming in a dirty pool, or sunbathing naked:sunbathing nude.
Writing a good and long story, or reading a short but horrible one:writing a good, long story.

This or That :-) brought to you by BZOINK!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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