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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

My keyboard died. :(
2003-07-25 - 11:44 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: My baby you by Marc Anthony

Hey!! Again, still not much happening. This keyboard's being a freaking pain. Before when I was writing a g-book message it locked up; first went on Scroll Lock and then went DEAD. When I shut down and signed back on, Num lock, Caps Lock AND scroll lock were lit up and then when I shut down and came back AGAIN it started working. Wtf..and this is NOT the first time that's happened.

Anyway, I updated my 101 things AGAIN. It's now jumped to 180, and I altered a few facts. I'll probably get it up to 200 soon.

My aunt lost her job. :( Poor thing. Her boss said that she didn't have enough skills in paperwork and computers but that wasn't even really part of the job!! She could have used the extra money..oh well. Let's see..my mom had to go for a blood test yesterday and they said that her platlets are "clumping". She's also getting headaches, a stomachache and she feels a bit weak so she's hoping nothing's wrong with her. She keeps checking her blood pressure every few seconds..lol. Nope, she didn't get her liver test results back yet.

Ah..gah I hope everything's ok. I really do. This morning she said to me that I am lucky to have her but I don't appreciate her which I guess she has a point on the second part of that. I do get away with a lot around here and she's so lax all the time, and let's little things slip. Hell, I did the dishes again last night out of pure guilt because I barely ever help out. I guess I do take advantage and I feel bad because sometimes when she's talking I just tune her out and don't listen and focus more on what else I'm doing. I know I am going to regret my attitude toward her later on when she's no longer around. :o( I do feel bad.

I think it's about time I changed that a bit and looked out for her more and stuff because ALL my life she's been there for me when my dad wasn't. She's had to take the role of both mother and father and I think because of her, I turned out who I am..sane [ok, that can be argued] LOl, and pretty normal. I'm pretty much a survivor but I don't think I could be without her and I just kind of take her for granted. It's about time that I stopped.

But anyway to change the subject, on a creative front I'm really zapped. I don't even remember the last time I wrote a poem, or a story or anything like that and I feel if I sat down to write one it would turn out to be complete and utter crap. =( I just have writer's block..that's all.

You know what I did last night that I haven't done in SO long? I just shut the light off, lied down and put my walkman on listening to music. I feel that's the best time for me to think. I get a lot of thought processes put together at night and it helps more when I listen to music. It was really nice and soothing I guess and it just kind of made me happy..yep, something simple like that.

Sometimes it really doesn't take a whole lot to make me happy. Sometimes it does. Anyway, dad's being a jerk again. This morning my mom said hello to him, and he said hi back and I didn't say anything so then I heard him mumble "Stace is soo great..she never says hello to me." So then he says "HELLOoooooo". So I said "Hi" but I said it in a smart ass, trying to shut him up way..lol. The guy has no idea of anything. I can't believe someone can be SO fucking clueless. *shakes head* I GUARANTEE you he is going to bitch to my mom ONCE again about me later. Gah..he should bitch to my face. I hate being spoken about behind my back.

I had some craazy ass dreams last night that scared the shit out of me. Can't I ever have GOOD dreams?! lol. The dreams I have are the really crappy ass ones.

You know..it's weird..last night I heard "Slide" by the Goo Goo Dolls on the radio and of course I was singing along to it since they are one of my favorite groups and I love Johhny Reznik..and then this morning guess who performed on the today show? Yep..the goo goo dolls and even Nat wrote about em..lol. Heh..odd, huh?

Right now I am just going to eat something and then come back in an hour to talk to Nate Soo bye ya'll! Have a GREAT friday and weekend and perhaps I'll be back later...here's the friday five..XOXO

1. If your life were a movie, what would the title be? Forever Dreamin'

2. What songs would be on the soundtrack? I put those up a few entries ago....

3. Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why? It would be live-action cos I'm not so much into animation.

4. Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc?

Hmm..i'd like to play myself. Because obviously, no one knows what I go through more than me.

5. Describe the movie preview/trailer.

I'm not sure.

Song: Isn't she lovely by Stevie Wonder

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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