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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Longest survey ever?
2003-07-26 - 7:51 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

-[ basic ]-

first name: Stacey

middle name: Beth

last name: hells no

nicknames: Stace, Stacerz, Bunny, Baby, Angel--basically just pet names that my b/f gives me.

gender:� female

age: 17

birthday: 9-10-85

height: 5' 6"

hair color: brown

eye color: brown

race: white girl!!

do you wear glasses or contacts: neither.

do you have braces: no

is your hair long or short: LONG.

where were you born: brookdale hospital in brooklyn New york.

current location: Florida.helllllll...

zodiac sign: Virgo

how many languages do you know: English of course, and some Spanish.

nationality: german/austrian/russian/polish

bad habits: playing with my hair, cracking my knuckles, picking at my lip, etc.

piercings you have:� none.

piercings you want: navel would be nice.

tattoos you have: none.

tattoos you want: something small like a heart or butterfly.

today's date: July 26th

the time: 7:30 AM

-[ family ]-

mother's name:� Eileen--Evil Eye

father's name: Steve--Sperm Donor

brothers name: None

sisters name: None

favorite aunt: Sheila--all the other ones suck some major ass.

favorite uncle: Jerry.

favorite grandparent: My grandma (mom's mom) was.

worst relative: Allen (my mom's bro)

best relative: cousin Scott (Sheila's son)

do you get along with your parents: ugh. Mom SOMETIMES..dad..never.

does anyone in your family understand you?: ehh maybe a little bit.

-[ pets ]-

do you have any pets: yes

what are their names: Zoe and Pumpkin. [cats]

-[ school ]-

are you still in school: no..just graduated.

did you drop out: nope.

favorite grade: 5th

least favorite grade: 7th, cos I was in the process of moving.

favorite teacher: Miss Casey

least favorite teacher: My math teacher last year.

favorite subject: was Psychology/English

least favorite subject: math

do/did you buy lunch or bring it: neither.

play any sports on the school's team: nope

do/did you do any extracurricular activities: nah.

are/were you popular:� yeah right. People knew me, but that was bout it.

favorite memory: gah..not sure. Just hanging with friends I guess, going to Mcdonalds with Liz was fun last year.

-[ favorites ]-

number: 23

clothing brand: Lei

shoes: Adidas

tv show: Tooooo many..Dawsons, Friends, Gilmore Girls, Dog Eat Dog, Road Rules, Real World, Reba, Blind Date, Fear Factor, Elimidate...etc..etc.

vegetable: cucumber..does that count?? lol

fruit: peaches & strawberries

movie: Now and then.

magazine: YM

actor: Josh Hartnett

actress: Sandra Bullock

candy: sourpatch kids, sourpunch straws, starburst, sweedish fish, twix, snickers

gum: juicy fruit.

scent: obsession/ck1/tommy girl/white musk/cool water

candy bar: again..twix and snickers.

ice cream flavor: double fudge brownie

color: green

season: autumn

holiday: independence day and new year's eve.

rapper: 50 cent/2 Pac

type of music: rock/alternative, rap, some pop, etc.

thing in your room: boombox

place to be: beach

radio station: Y 100, 103.1 (the buzz)

overall food: Italian

fast food: Wendys

shape: octagon

time of day:� everytime I talk to nate. *sigh*...night time.

country: this one.

state: California rocks.

boys name: Brandon

girls name: Vanessa

mall:� hmm...Sawgrass is NICE.


board game: Life

swear word:� Fuuckkkkkkkk lol.

month: Sept.

-[ private life ]-

do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: yup

do you have a crush: no

do you love anyone right now: yess...Ri rove Rou Nate!!!

have you ever been in love: yup.

how many people broke your heart: quite a few unfortunately. ;o(

do you go by looks or personality: personality

ever kiss a friend: no.

so moving along..do you smoke: no

do you smoke weed: no

beer good or beer bad:� badd..yuck.

are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers:� lol.

do you like smirnoff ice: never had it.

prefer beer or liquor: neither.

are you a virgin: yes..hehe..not for much longer... ;)

-[ would you ever ]-

bungee jump: hell yeah

sky dive: yes

swim with dolphins: yes.awwwww!!!

scuba dive: yes

go rock climbing: yes..woo hoo

eat shit for $1,000,000:� well put a� few� more 0's at the end of it and we might talk..LOL..riiight.

steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: no..i have my own, thanks muchly.

cross-dress: LOL riiigggghrt.

lie to the police: noo.

run from the police: no

lie to your parents: yeah..who hasn't?�

walk up to a stranger and kiss them: no

be an exotic dancer: lol me? ha!

walk out of a restaurant without paying: no

-[ have you ever ]-

been to michigan: no

gotten really REALLY wasted: no

gone to jail or juvi: no

skateboarded: yep..TRIED being operative word..lol.

stolen anything: yep.

pegged someone in the head with a snowball: lol yup.

broke a beer bottle: nope.

gotten into a bar, under-aged: nope.

kissed someone of the same sex:� eww no thanks.

gone on a road trip: yup.

been to a concert: a few.

been to another country: nope, not yet. :(

talked back to an adult: lol when don't I?

got pulled over: no.

broke a law: stealing IS breaking the law.. :/

given money to a homeless person: i would..IF I had any..lol.

tried to kill yourself: no..thought of it though.

cried to get out of trouble: yep.

kissed a friend's brother or sister:� no

kissed a brother or sister's friend:� don't have a bro or sis.

-[ opinions ]-

what do you think...about pop music: I used to looove it and be obsessed but now I only like certain things about it.

about boy bands:� ehhh.

about flag burning: Wronnnngg.�

about rock/metal music: LOOOOVEEEE it!!

where do you think you'll be in 10 years:� away from here, living with Nate..being married, working, and just settling down.

who do you think youll still be friends with in 5 years: Nate's gonna be my best friend for life. <3

-[ what did you do ]-

last birthday: went out for dinner with my aunt and mom.

last weekend: went out with my aunt� and mom on sat.

christmas: nothin really..don't celebrate.

thanksgiving: had a dinner with parents here.

-[ the last ]-

thing you ate: chicken and rice.

thing you drank: dr pepper.

thing you wore: right now..hehe..not telling...lol.

place you went: ?? not sure.

thing you got pierced/tattooed: nah, nothin.

person you saw: mom

person you kissed: mom? i guess.

person you fucked: lol.

person you talked to: mom.

song you heard:� Seven Nations Army-White Stripes....now "Time" by Culture Club..GREATTTTTTTTTT song.

-[ now ]-

what are you eating: nothing�

what are you drinking: nothing

what are you wearing: hehe just said i'm not tellin...;)

any shoes on: no

hair: alll over the place..lol..i just woke up sooo SHUSH! lol. :P

listening to: "Time"-Culture Club

-[ yes or no ]-

are you a vegetarian: no

do you like cows: MOOOOO lol.

are you a bitch: haha no.

are you artistic: nope, not really.

are you a fast runner: yep.

can you ski: not before.

are you british: no

do you want to spear britney: LOL NOoooo thanks.

did you ever give barbie a haircut: lol nope..but my aunt messed with my barbies.

would you eat mac &cheese with hot dogs in it: HOT DOG...mm lol nope.

do you think disney creators were on acid when they made alice: LOL wtf?!!

are you straight: yes

are you fat: nope.

are you skinny: sort of..average.

are you short: nope.

are you tall: average height and weight.

do you own a hot pink shirt: yup.

how about orange pants: nooo..lol.

are you evil: nah.

did you ever know someone who had a mullet: no...LOL.

do you like marilyn manson: nooo..freaks me out.

did you ever touch someone else's private: hehe..not yet. ;)

do you shop at hot topic: nope.

-[ random questions ]-

if you could be any animal, what would you be: tiger. i'm already a bunny. ;)

if you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: HOT DOG LOL not really..pizza..or ice cream.

do you remember any of your dreams: yes, some.

do you dream in color or black and white: color.

do you admit when you need help with a problem: of course.

can people read you like a book: depends who it is..certain people that REALLY know me can like my mom and Nate.

whats your biggest fear: losing someone I love..again.

do you talk a lot: no unless I'm nervous.

are you afraid of clowns: Lol YES!

do you like spiders: NOOOOOOOO...big scary, hairy ass yucky creatures!!!

how about grape kool-aid: Yuck!

can you drive: sort of.

are you spoiled: no

are you anti-social: when we first meet.

now that this is over, what are you going to do: eat breakfast.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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