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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Enjoy these...
2003-10-26 - 7:23 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: The flame by Cheap Trick--one of the best love songs in this world!!!

Well, Like I said in my last entry ..I won't update till tomorrow..so for now, enjoy your weekends and these surveys!!!

Nicknames:Stace, Bunny, Angel, etc
Birthday:September 10, 1985
Current Height:5' 6"
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Brown
Family:Mom, Dad, cats..lol.
College:none yet.
Red or Blue:Blue.
Spring or Fall:Fall!
Santa or Rudolph:Santa
Math or English:English
What are you going to do after you finish this survey:Read updates
What was the last food you ate:Pizza
High School or College:High School
Last movie you saw:Freddy vs Jason
Last noise you heard:My radio
Last time you went out of state:umm..a few years ago.
Things you like in a girl/guy:i'm not looking.
What book are you reading now:none.
Favorite board game:Monopoly.
Favorite magazine:Cosmopolitan.
Worst feeling in the world:Loneliness.
First thing you think of in the morning:Eck..lol.
Future daughter's name:I have a list...
Future son's name:Same as above.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:Sometimes.
Dream job:Psychologist.
Whats under your bed:crap.

Overview Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

Three things that scare me:

1: Death.

2: Rejection.

3: being a failure in this lifetime.

Three people who make me laugh:

1: Nate

2: my mom, sometimes.

3: my dad's stupidity..haha.

Three Things I love:

1: Nate

2: my family..some people.

3: music/friends/some of life's natural, simple, wonders..ok, more than three..so sue me! lol.

Three Things I hate:

1: fighting.

2: being insulted for no reason.

3: seeing people i care about in pain.

Three things I don't understand:

1: people.

2: math.....I hate math.

3: life, at times.

Three things on my desk:

1: pencils

2: candles

3: hair brush

Three things I'm doing right now:

1: surfing the web.

2: doing this survey.

3: listening to the radio.

Three things I want to do before I die:

1: Sky dive.

2: Get a tattoo.

3: See the world with my sweetie at my side.

Three things I can do:

1: write pretty well.

2: dance

3: help people.

Three ways to describe my personality:

1: Moody.

2: Caring.

3: Sensitive.

Three things I can't do:

1: draw.

2: drive..yet.

3: cook..lol.

Punk'd vs. Jackass:Punk'd.
Newlyweds vs. Room radiers:Newlyweds..gotta love Jessica Simpson's stupidness...lol.
Cribs vs. TRL:TRL.
Camp Jim vs. Made:Made.
The O.C vs. 7th Heaven:7th Heaven..never saw The O.C.
Scary Movie vs. Scary Movie 2:Scary Movie.
The Ring vs. Darkness Falls:Never seen either one...
The Spy who shagged me vs. Internation man of mystery:Never seen either one..
Final Destion vs. Final Destion 2:Final Destination..I have yet to see the 2nd one.
American pie vs. American pie 2:Both.
Daddy day care vs. bruce almighty:Bruce Almighty..didn't see Daddy day care.
Wrong turn vs. 28 days later:Never saw either one...
The hot chick vs. Goldmember:Never seen either one..
Legally blonde vs. Legally blond 2:Legally Blonde 2, didn't see the first one.
Meet the parents vs. Son in law:Never seen either one...

T.V & Movies vs. brought to you by BZOINK!

thought::I'm tired.
dream::last night..the craziest ones yet!!
memory::last night..dinner. It was an 'interesting' night..lol.
sight::this screen.
song::"Jammin till the break of dawn" by Stevie Wonder.
kiss::?? I have no idea.
cry::Friday..I think.
wave::I don't remember.
smile::a few mins ago.

What Was Your Last... brought to you by BZOINK!

Song: I always feel like someone's watching me by Rockwell and M Jackson..I fricking love this song!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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