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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Filling you in....
2003-10-25 - 6:26 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Barely Breathing by Duncan Sheik

Hey! This won't be a long entry, at all. I just wanted to fill you in on what's been happening lately...

My mom is still on her deathbed..well not really but that's the way she feels. I think she was at her worst yesterday. She just looked worn out and I know that she felt worn out as well. She'll be fine though, in time. She's in a crabby mood b/c she wants to feel better, so I can understand.

I posted my poem on onehotpoet if you'd like to take a looksie. If not, then that's fine. Things have been pretty peaceful mainly because they BOTH don't feel good..and I haven't been feeling great either, physically and well, emotionally. I've just been really sleepy and headachy and all that crap..yeah 'something' is on it's way soon..oh well. I have to deal with it in the best way I can.

I'm glad DST is this weekend..an extra hour of sleep will be MUCH needed. Oh yeah, me and mom went grocery shopping yesterday so at least now there's some food up in here. :) lol.

Me and Nate have been talking a lot lately so I'm really glad for that. He's going through a tough time, but he knows I am here for him always! Keep him in your prayers, like I will in mine. We'll definitely get each other through everything as we've always done. I have been going through a lot of emotional garbage this past week with just recent events and crap, and I have a lot to think about really. I am re-evaluating in my mind who I can really trust, and not just on here..in general. I'm not going to trust people too easily anymore. Because an event has opened my eyes to the fact that I just need to guard myself a little better, and like I said the other day..only talk about certain things and leave the rest to my private diary, that is what it's there for after all. I'm just not going to spill out my entire life on the net anymore.

I've learned my lesson and again, now I know that you just have to be very careful who you choose to be friends with, because they can help you or they can hurt you. I just need to learn not to take things seriously, to just drop them, not let them bring me down and let them go. Because once you let it all get to you, they've succeeded in what they set out to do so you just need to shake it off. Sure, people can be vicious, cruel, and hurtful as I've learned in the past week but there's also some sincerely amazing, wonderful, people, and those are the people I want in my life. Toxic people will only poison me and bring me down. I love to believe in the best in all people, but I can't be naive anymore, because some people are out to get you.

Everything is a learning experience..and I know that I have much more to learn in life, but I did learn a lot more than I ever have in this past week, and I am actually grateful for it. It's just all been a roller coaster and I am trying to just hold on for dear life. Besides that, Friends was great Thursday night..HILARIOUS actually but I'm pissed that Reba wasn't on due to Halloween programming on the WB...grrr! It should be nice here for halloween though, it will be in the FIFTIES and breezy! Woo! Surprisingly, I've been watching I love the 80's strikes back, and TRL a lot lately..yeah, I can't believe I even admitted that..lol. My dreams are still really strange, though last night's were great. ;)

So yeah, nothing really new to talk about..I'm still just like I said, thinking over things, about people, about myself. And because of that, there's a strong chance that I won't update again till next week. I just want to have a peaceful, relaxing weekend where I can meditate on my thoughts and not have to worry about updating. So, don't get alarmed IF I don't update this weekend. Well, I'm off to get dressed and play some music. Have a great weekend, guys! *hugs*

Baby ...I love you soooo much!!! I'll talk to you soon. I can't wait! *legs twitch* (K)(K)(K)(K)

Song: Second chance by 38 Special...GREAT song!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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