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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

You don't have to be blood to be family...
2003-09-11 - 8:23 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: You make me wanna by Usher

Hey! Before I start this thing..I want to thank each and every one of you who wished me a happy birthday..if I had the time, I'd plug ALL of you..but since I don't..you know who you are! =D

I had an amazing, amazing b-day. You guys, without knowing it helped make it as great as it was. Firstly..

After I updated, I edited some stuff and then my mom woke up and sang me Happy B-day..it wasn't too good considering it was the morning, but hey..she tried. We hugged, and kissed. She then asked me what I wanted for Breakfast so I said McDonalds and she bought me pancakes and coffee.

She then came back and I saw my cards..that's right CARDS on the table. One card was EXACTLY the same card as the one my aunt gave me last year, but my mom forgot. I got $70. I thanked her, and we ate.

Ohh yeah..inside the Mickey D's bag was this ADORABLE stuffed cat my mom bought me. It looks JUST like our cat, Zoey. It's just the CUTEST thing ever. : )

Then, I basically got online and started to get dressed. Then, while I was in the process of talking to Nate, my aunt called and sang happy b-day to me and my cousin wished me a happy b-day as well, when she found out when her and my mom were talking online. Again, my aunt's singing was terrible but it's the thought that counts!

Awwww my bunny is sooo sweet!! He said the nicest things to me when we were talking and wrote me the most beautiful entry ever. I will say this over and over..I am the luckiest girl in the world!! Ooh..god..I just want to hold him again and never let go!!!

So, I finished getting ready and had to say goodbye to my sweetie since my mom wanted to take me out to lunch. Grr!!! I wanted to be with him so bad, to share that day with him..but we'll have next year. : ) Anyway, we went out to lunch..I got a salad! Hells yeah!! Then, we headed over to the mall. My mom bought me two rings..one is this feel good ring, and another is just a regular ring..so I now have THREE rings at the moment. =) We bought money with me, just in case I wanted to buy something. Oh, and my mom bought earrings for herself. Some creepy guy though was following us in the mall..urgh. Oh we went to the pet store. I saw a pug! I fell in love..hehe.

I went to the CD store..I was trying to look for a good tape or CD on sale but all the stuff on sale was shitty as hell and I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a new CD. We were trying to figure out on where to go to eat for dinner. I said Friday's at first, but as long as they wouldn't tell anyone it was my b-day cos I didn't want to be embarrassed. But then I changed my mind and decided I wanted to go to a Ribs place.

After we bought that stuff and walked around, it was getting late so we came back here a bit before we'd leave for dinner. My dad said Fridays would be better, because the ribs place would screw up his schedule. I guess it didn't matter that it was MY b-day and I was supposed to decide where to go. Argh! Oh yeah, so when I got home..I mailed Nate's stuff out, got online for a bit, and then we left.

Dinner was rather nice. My dad was really quiet though. My mom was trying to beat me up, cos now when she beats me up I can't yell "CHILD ABUSE!" anymore..haha. They were talking about when they were 18 and stuff like that and just joking around with me and crap. I ended up eating Ribs anyway at Fridays..mmm good stuff!! From there though, the weather went downhill. It was soo nice in the beginning of the day though. Argh! It started raining. Oh, my mom ALMOST told the waiter it was my b-day..grr! I would have STACEY SMASHED!!! hehe.

Anyway, we left and headed over to Carvel to get me a b-day cake. We got a small one that serves 4..ice cream cake of course with vanilla, chocolate, whipped cream, crunchy stuff. We came back home, and of course we did the whole lighting the candle, singing business. Mmm the cake was absolutely ORGASMIC!! We saved a piece so if anyone's interested, get your ass over here and I'll cut you a slice..lol.

I went online, checked my mail. Of course, I got the stuff from you guys. Oh yeah, my mom TRIED to sent me an e-card but I totally ruined the surprise and was hanging out in the room so she couldn't send it. Stupid me, thought the e-card was for someone ELSE! lol. I nearly forgot it was my b-day. So, she made me leave the room and sent another one but I haven't gotten it yet. :( Stupid internet!!

Awwww..my sweetie put up an entry with rings in there. I was literally "Oohing" and "aahing" when seeing them. I'll be bling blingin baby! lol. All very purdy rings. : )

I got a few bolt e-cards and then after checking my mail, I let my mom go online..thanked her for an amazing b-day. I went upstairs, listened to some music and then watched American Pie on FX. I went to sleep around 10 though I was supposed to call Nate. I was just sooo tired.

I found out my grandpa called..FIVE times last night to wish me a happy b-day so even though I don't want to (lol) I have to call him really SOON to thank him for the wishes, and for the check. Oh well, there will be times we have to do things in life, that we'd rather not do. So, since my mom cashed the check I now have $120 in cash. =D I am going to spend it soooo fast..haha.

And yep, that was my very good day yesterday. For some reason, I do start to feel a little older now and I don't know why..haha. OF COURSE, no e-card, nothing from Chris OR Michelle so I will remember that for their next b-days. Heh heh..two can play that game. But you guys..you guys are awesome! My family..most of them..forgot my birthday but you guys..you're not just friends..I consider each and every one of you family. I guess the saying is true "You don't have to be blood to be family." I am always here for you guys, because family is always there for each other. I love all of you!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. <3

Anyway, so today is 9/11. I can't believe it's TWO years already..wow. I don't even want to listen to the radio or watch TV at this point. It's all so depressing. Sure, I remember where I was when I heard the tragic news. I just remember not even believing it at first, maybe I just didn't WANT to believe it. When the reality set in, it was just a horrible reality to face..it was a day that will go down in history. A very sad day and we should never forget the people that risked their lives to save others, the heroes, the victims who's lives were tragically taken away. May we ALWAYS remember.

It's just the media overdoes things and as much as I want to run from it, it is happening, it did happen and hopefully something of that magnitude will NEVER happen again.

Argh..anyway..today looks like a nice day. :) I don't know if I'll get to enjoy it however. You know..I felt so special yesterday, so loved..already I can see that I am treated again like a second class citizen around here, like I just live here and nothing more. Oh well..I can move out whenever I want, since I am 18 now. Same crap..different day.

Nate is just my sanity right now..my rock. I can't wait till we live together next year, and just start out on the long, probably bumpy road we will share..together. : ) All the ups and downs..I wouldn't trade it all for anything. He completes me..he's just..everything! His love was just the greatest birthday present I could have ever asked for. :)

Well, anyway..I better go. I'm just gonna hang out before me and Nate talk in a few hours. Thank you all again for everything you've done, are doing now, and for all that you are. You ALL hold a special place in my heart. Always know that. Peace!! I'm OUT for now!



"The wind is the moon's imagination; it seeps through cracks, ripples the grass, explores the unknown. My love is my soul's imagination. How do I love you? Imagine..."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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