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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Hot dogs are better than tacos..LOL don't ask. :�
2003-10-28 - 6:57 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: In the living years by Mike and The Mechanics

Hey! Eh, I really don't feel good at all so I will try and make this update as short as possible. Well, in my standards anyway. Do I EVER write a short entry?? lol. I don't feel good cos 'it' started today..yep, the curse. So, now I am enduring all the great things about it. (yep, that's sarcasm). Now I know why I've been so sexually raring to go lately..um, yeah..lol. I won't bitch about it any further though and will instead speak of my day yesterday...

Besides a mini drama with my dad, it turned out to be not such a bad day at all. Well what happened with him is he just feels very alone because no one ever says hi to him or acknowledges his presence. Same shit, different day basically. So, I better say hello this morning because he has the option of making my life a nightmare, and I don't need that at this point in time.

I talked to Nate in the AM of course, we spoke about December. I am soooo very excited about all of it!!! We have some great plans in the works. I am just very much looking forward to it..being with him again, meeting his family (even though he claims they are loons, lol), going to Vegas and just seeing where he lives and spending close to THREE weeks together. It will be a dream come true and I know we'll have the time of our lives! =D

After our convo, I went out to lunch with my mom..had a yummy ass salad, then we went to the store, I picked up the new Cosmopolitan and we had a relaxing time at the park. It was a perfect day for it and surprisingly really BREEZY there, nice cool breezes..she even fell asleep..I made fun of her for it of course..lol. I like hanging with her, usually..haha. She's fun to talk to, interesting, and can hold up an intellectual convo very well and anyone who knows me knows I love a deep talk.

We came home, I went online, we ate dinner, and I went to bed super early because 7th heaven wasn't on and I was soooo freaking tired, well obviously cos I knew in the back of my mind, 'it' was coming on. Anyway, despite dad drama we just had a lot of fun, joking around and being silly. We even had a nice talk in the morning, some of it was about men...lol. The men in her life of course, not the man in mine. =D lol. I did this really interesting quiz online last night that gave me a lot of insight about things in general..I can't put it up because it's not a regular quiz, I can't explain it very well.

You know..once I feel better I really want to see Scary Movie 3. I doubt my mom will want to see it with me though and I have no one else here to really see it with. Tis sad, I know. Eck. But hmm, I'll ask her when I feel better and see what she says. The last movie I saw was the beginning of last month w/ Nate. Also, when I feel better it's time for the job hunt again. We really do need more money for December and time is winding down.

My mom is going over to my cousin's this morning and out tonight so today should be relaxing. I'll talk to Nate, curl up in bed, finish reading Cosmo, and watch some TV and just take it easy. Speaking of my cousin, she's a really smart girl for someone that didn't even graduate high school! lol She seems to know a lot about stuff now and really turned her life around and I admire her for making such a radical change in a positive direction. If there's hope for her, there's hope for anyone!! lol. It's just sad though how most of my family is just scattered and so torn apart and all that. Oh, did I mention my aunt got a new job? A PERMANENT one! She seems to be happy with it, though she's just an assistant. My mom says it's a brainless job she has, which is good for my aunt. OUCH! lol. But in a way she's using her for it.

God, am I tired..*yawns*..yep, this should be shocking, MORE WEIRD DREAMS! I really need a dream therapist..lol. My mind is overactive..EVEN at night! There might be hope for my cousin, but zilch for me..haha. Real World, tonight! Woot! Ok, I think this marks the end of my entry..I'm eating, and then lying down. Have a great day guys!!! xoxo

Fuzzy ...I missed you very much yesterday. :( I hope you had a good day at school. :) I truly can't wait to talk to you, you know I cherish every talk we have. I truly, madly, deeply, love you so much!!! (K)

Song: I'd really love to see you tonight by England Dan and John Ford Coley..what's strange is this song was IN my dream last night!!! HELP! lol.

Virgo-Daily Horoscope for October 28, 2003

Listen to your intuition where it comes to home improvement decisions or dealing with family members today. You could find yourself in the middle of an argument about your "place" in the family, but if you are patient the whole thing will blow over or be resolved amicably. Oh god..lol.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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