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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Another week has come and gone...
2003-10-10 - 7:07 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Kiss from a rose by Seal

Good mornin'! Yay, Friday has FINALLY arrived. =D Before I get goin' on an entry..here's this week's Friday Five ...

1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?

Eh, I am not a sports person..maybe cos I'm a chick? If I do it's usually basketball or baseball.

2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes?

My favorite team EVER is The New York Yankees. :) Hells yeah! Hopefully they win this year, but who knows. My favorite player on the team is Derek Jeter, also my cousin's favorite which is why I named my cousin's son after Jeter.

3. Are there any sports you hate?

I HATE football. Eck. It's so barbarian and to me, boring to watch. That's only my opinion though.

4. Have you ever been to a sports event?

Yep, been to a NY Yankees game once. It was so surreal and amazing to witness it live, instead of watching it on TV.

5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play?

Nah, I have never been the athletic type. I used to HATE, loathe, DREAD going to PE (gym) class. However, I did take a soccer class Freshman year of High School. If I would have kicked the ball more, I would have known if I was good or not..lol. But yeah, soccer is a cool sport. I really like shooting hoops too, but just for fun of course.

Well anyway, yesterday was pretty decent. =) Me and Nate are ok now, hell MORE than ok and everyone got along here. Pretty nice. I hope today is pretty much the same, though I am sure it will be kind of boring, that's ok..I just want to talk to my baby anyway. I missed him yesterday. :( But I am glad we got to talk for quite a while. I got to have my pankcakes and coffee and watched my inspirational shows. Only bad thing is I had to do a lot of the cleaning around the house. Guess what, my dad is leaving for NY TOMORROW!!!! Me and mom are gonna throw a party..lol..well not really but I'm gonna be VERY happy.

My mom's meeting went ok. She spoke about the WRONG thing though cos no one told her she was supposed to talk about a certain thing, so she spoke about something else..oh well. Someone is actually interested in her products, so I think that's great for her. I think she's going to do well with this because she's outgoing, and friendly.

After she came back from the meeting, we went out for lunch..though it was 3 oclock! Well that's cos we both didn't have much of a lunch so we went for some fast food. Then we went to Walmart for some stuff..I went to look at some CD's. The 3 Doors Down one was 14 bucks. Eh, I don't want to pay that much. So after that, I stopped in Best Buy fast..GRRR..ALSO 14 bucks and the CD came out LAST YEAR!! Geesh!

So basically, I just chilled online after that. Oh! I want to say hey to a new person on my list.. Amy ..HEY!! lol. Thanks for adding me. :) I hope we get to become friends. I love it when I find out more people are reading my insanity, rambling, babbling, whatever you want to call it. =D I also edited my profile so I can include more bands on it, sure the comments are gone but I wanted everyone to know just HOW much of a music buff I truly am..haha. Oh, dinner was GREAT last night. We had hot dogs. (I KNOW SOMEONE is snickering right now...;)) hehe.

Friends was HiLARIOUS last night!! Ross in that tanning booth..*shakes head* God, he became the color of my bunny when he got out of there! hehe. Awwwwww. :) And! Stifler's mom from American Pie was the guest star. She was on there as Monica and Phoebe's friend named Amanda who they HATED and wanted to cut out of their life. lol She was sooo funny..her attitude and voice were irritating but her mannerisms were just too much! poor Joey and Rachel! Rachel kept slapping Joey's hand as he'd move it up her thigh and then he couldn't even unclasp her bra..lol. Awww. And then she was trying to get all freaky and jumped on top of him and kneed the umm..."family jewels"..lol. Poor guy was out of commission the rest of the night obviously and had to ice it up.

What a great show!! Ugh, you know..I am sick of hearing about Arnold Schwarzenegger already!! I know he is going to be the governor of California but how much can one hear about him? Yikes! Some topics are overkill. Wow, you know..when I woke up this morning I saw the full moon. It was SO beautiful.

Anyway, today I get to talk to my sweetie on the phone. =D I've been waiting for this ALL week..Woo hoo! Well, I better go..I need to eat, then take a shower before I talk to Nate. Tonight is Reba. :) And I just heard we're getting some rain this weekend. Yay! I think next entry I am going to post just some stuff that has been floating around this mind of mine..oh and one more thing.. Liz ..hang in there sweetie. Love you! You know I'm here for you. *hugs* Have a great day and weekend everybody. *waves*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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