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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Fun day...
2004-02-08 - 6:35 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: I still haven't found what I'm looking for- U2


Hey diarylanders. My throat has been acting funky this morning..hmm, I better not be getting sick. :/

Anyhow, I wasn't even going to update this morning cos I figured I'd be pressed for time and I kind of am, but I'll still squeeze an entry in here anyway. Lucky you! lol Riiight.

Yesterday was pretty cool..not bad at all. It was strange, but not bad. I thought I could avoid my dad yesterday morning but then he came in here and realized I was home. GRR!! I used that one hour I had to blast music. See, I spent it wisely..haha. So, I had to keep calling my mom and letting her know about the toilets. *rolls eyes* Finally my dad left me alone after I told him that she's not answering the phone and that I'll talk to her later.

I spoke to Nate for a little while and then Sheila came over here, my mom came back, and we went to Pizza Hut for lunch. Mmm! I came to find out that Karen and her boyfriend were in some huge fight because Karen hates her new apartment..it smells, it's dirty, it's small and it's a step backward from where she lives now. She's just unsatisfied and he can careless, to him it's just an apartment and she's just really upset about it. Sheila was trying to console her though. I'm sure she'll be alright..it's not like she's going to live there forever and some people promised to clean it before she moves in next week.

We didn't want to go back to my house to eat it, cos we were afraid my dad would come home so we ate it in the car and from there we went back to my aunt's for a bit...then we went to the mall. Just a lot of walking around, pretty much. My mom bought this cute dreamcatcher though. After that, we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and it was pretty late so we decided to go out for dinner. We wanted to go to Olive Garden, but it was too crowded so we ended up going to Friendly's. The food is SO good there!!! mmmm.

Then, Karen called and she needed to get out of the house to avoid her boyfriend and there was too much tension..plus she was feeling better so she wanted to go bowling. I didn't really want to go cos I wanted to call Nate and it was already getting late enough but I had to go. We finally got there and I was having pretty intense, severe neck pain all day so I couldn't bowl cos it just would have made me much worse. :( It was SO fricking crowded there. I guess cos it was a saturday night.

Like I said, I didn't bowl..anyhoo, around the 3rd game of bowling it was really late so I decided to call Nate, he said to call back so I went back in the bowling alley. At the beginning of the third game also, they had this thing called "Lightning Strikes". It got really dark in the alley, there was smoke coming from near the ceiling, there were all kinds of colorful lights flooding the lanes, and really LOUD, dance type of music. Some people were drinking and dancing..they probably thought they were in a club..lol. It was fun but I would have enjoyed it more had I been feeling better.

We left after they finished their game, I called Nate in the car..then we took my aunt home, she gave me her bowling bag, and I called Nate when I got home. We talked for about two hours which was really nice. :) My poor baby is sick. :( But he's going out today. I wish soooo fricking much that I could go out with him today. :( I'll find some shtuff to amuse myself.

Anyhoo, my neck is still hurting me and I had nightmares so I didn't sleep all that well. :( I'm doing great, neck hurts, throat is sort of sore. lol. Well, today I'm not going anywhere. My mom's going bowling AGAIN with a friend. Geez. Oh yeah, it was pretty cold last night which was a nice change from the humidity we usually get. It's gonna be chilly today too. :D No rain though. None yesterday, none today. Ah well. Unfortunately, my dad is off today. *sigh* I HOPE to god this sunday isn't a disaster like last sunday. I'm saying that cos my mom never asked my dad to have dinner with us, and cos he usually goes crazy when he's off and attacks everything. Ugh. I told her if he annoys her about it, that she'll spend Valentine's with him. Obviously she's not looking forward to it at all. She still hasn't gotten him anything lol.

So today my plans are pretty much to maybe look through the paper, watch Surreal life/The Grammy's and just take it easy today. I wish I felt better. :(

I guess that's it from me..I gotta write some people and do a bit online, then eat something and lie down before I talk to Nate . Have a great one everyone! *hugs*

Here's a survey...

Current music: radio

bordom=random surveys


xx.Do you enjoy depressing music? at times, yes

xx.What makes you sigh? the fact that I can't be with Nate right now. :(

xx.How many hours a day, on average, do you spend feeling sorry for

yourself? enough lol.

xx.Who or what always brings you down? parents..usually dad though.

xx.Do you wear glasses? no

xx.What frightens you? death

xx.Do you wear sweaters all the time? no

xx.What makes you tick? my parents lol

xx.How many times has your heart been broken? few

xx.What do you think of Dashboard Confessional? I like em.


xx.Tell me about that time you broke that law! I've stolen before, but that's it.

xx.What or who pisses you off? parents, dad mostly.

xx.Would you rather date a sissy or a homebody? who cares.

xx.Sex or drugs or breaking stuff? hehe..sex...

xx.The Clash or The Ramones? the ramones.

xx.What do you think about Anarchy? stupid

xx.Tell me about a prank you played! i've prank called, but that's it really.

xx.Do you do things that are "bad for your body"? drink alot of soda, eat junk.

xx.How many times have/were you kicked out of that place? none

xx.Are you in trouble all the time? sometimes


xx.Do you want to die? sometimes.

xx.What do you think about graveyards? they creep me out.

xx.Do you write poetry often? i haven't in a while. :(

xx.How much black clothing do you own? hmm a couple of things.

xx.What type of makeup do you wear? eyeshadow, mascara, foundation, coverup, lip gloss, blush.

xx.What do you think about pain? it sucks, but it's a necessary part of life.

xx.Masochism or sadism? im not into s&m

xx.How do you feel about the rest of the world? its crappy.

xx.Do you cry often? i'm quite the emotional girl, yes.

xx.What do you think about vampires? I am one..I loathe the sunlight...lol.


xx.How messy are you in general? not very.

xx.Do you bang your head on things repeatedly? no

xx.What do you think of mullets? creepy.

xx.When did you start drinking alchohol? never

xx.Do you go to concerts often? nope

xx.What bands rock your pants off? Coldplay, The Beatles, No Doubt, Lifehouse.

xx.What do you think about violence? not right

xx.Who or what makes you homicidal? wtf.

xx.Worship Satan or practice black magic? neither.

xx.How wild are you in general? I'm as tame as you can get..lol.


xx.Are you wearing any clean clothes right now?yup

xx.How often do you do the laundry, anyway? when I need to.

xx.Do you wear flannel shirts a lot? no.

xx.When was the last time you showered? friday morning. uh oh, i'm probably due again.

xx.Do you speak clearly? sometimes not

xx.Are you a lazy person? yeah lol.

Stupid song "Come clean" by Hilary Duff is in my head. GRR!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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