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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

much better than I thought. :)
2003-12-16 - 6:09 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Woo! Yesterday was a buussyyy one. Since you all I am sure are DYING to know how all went with telling my dad..(lol) here you go...

See, the plan was to tell him AFTER food shopping but my mom decided to change that and tell him BEFORE shopping. Now, I was more nervous than ever because I thought that would be a bad time to tell him since he had just woken up and all.

It seems like she knew what she was doing. NO yelling was involved!!! So, this is what happened..she told him that I am going to Arizona on Thursday. So his response was "I don't have any say in this? Cos I don't want her to go." So then my mom said something like "No, you don't..the tickets were bought and payed for, she really wants to go and you can't hold her captive." So he said he wasn't thrilled with the idea, but he'd let me go. (Uh yeah, duh he didn't have much of a choice BUT to accept it) lol.

So then she reassured him it would be ok by saying stuff like I'm going to call everyday and such. So then he came upstairs to talk to me and said he'd let me go though he wasn't too happy about it but when I come home I must start looking for a job and blah blah blah. He asked me when I'm leaving on thursday and then left me alone and that was about it. I'm telling you..after that my mouth hung wide open in just complete and utter shock. I could have sworn that he was going to scream. I guess thinking the worst payed off. I guess he realized that what he thought and wanted didn't really hold any weight and I was going to do what I want and he couldn't stop me. The whole day just turned out a lot better than I thought. We got a lot done and it was just a good day.

After getting over that shock, I mailed out the christmas cards, packed some more and then we went out food shopping. Oh god, we had ANOTHER sex talk. It was embarrassing. She didn't come right out and say "Don't even THINK about it" but she said something along the lines of.."Just please think with your head when you're out there." It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what that meant..lol. So I reassured her that I know what i'm doing and I'll do what I think is right for me.

Anywayy lol after buying a shitload of groceries, we came home..had lunch and discussed the trip some more and I assured her i'd call her at the airport, and after Nate comes to pick me up. Then we talked about food to bring on the plane and such.

We just sat around and we were SUPPOSED to go bowling with Karen but she was at the shop with Dave (her b/f) fixing a car so me and mom just decided to go without her. We went to the bowling alley around here. I bowled better than I've bowled in AGES! Prolly due to excitement from the trip..lol. BUT I was a BAD girl! lol..my mom talked me into stealing the bowling shoes, so I DID! haha. I bought a jacket with me, so I walked out holding the jacket with the shoes under it..haha. The bowling shoes are so fricking expensive anyway and you guys KNOW how much my family loves to bowl.

After that, we went to the library so I could get some books for the plane. I got some books, and then we came home and chilled..I packed some more..and then we hung out, had dinner. My mom told me that we were going to go over to Karen's after dinner so I can say goodbye to Karen AND Sheila cos Sheila was coming along. We hung out at Kar's place for a bit and then we went over to Denny's to have some dessert.

I PIGGED OUT!! like ALL day lol. My motto.."You only live once, so enjoy it!" haha. So, I had coffee and a hot fudge brownie. It was ORGASMIC!! I felt like I was in chocolate heaven! My cousin asked me all the details about the trip like what his parents thought about it, how I am feeling about it..aND THEN! oh god..the topic of the convo landed on sex again. She said something like "Don't come back married or I'll kill you!" and THEN she said "But you should come back LAID!" LOL oh my lord. My mom turned beet red..my aunt just shook her head..and I stared out the window getting fixated on the community across the street..lol.

So I shouted out "NEXT TOPIC!" LOL but my mom said "I hope she doesn't get laid!" So then my cousin goes "I hope she does..it will make her feel MUCH better." So I said "Ok, enough!" but was blushing like mad..lol. LUCKILY that was the end of that. How embarrassing!! Then the topic came up of what his parents thought about me being Jewish. *rolled eyes* I don't see why it would be such a big deal. We had a lot of laughs though last night. After that, we went back to Kar's and I said goodbye to Karen. She said she hopes I have a great time and then we left. I'm gonna miss them! Mom's taking pics of em while I'm away though. I hope they'll miss me too.

We went over to a neighborhood to look at some christmas lights. They were SO purdy :). I love driving around and looking at x mas lights, there's just something nice and calming about it. We then took my aunt home (I said bye to her and she said she hopes I have a good time), came home. I watched the Gauntlet, then went to bed but didn't sleep very well all night. :-( Just due to the whole trip thing.

And now here I am. Today's plans are..talking to Nate (FINALLY!), then going to get my eyebrows done and after that we'll prolly get some stuff for my plane ride on Thursday. Ugh, I have to wake up SUPER EARLY thursday for my flight. I'll be hella cranky but it's all good..I get to be with my bunny. :-) Ugh, my dad is taking a sick day AGAIN today. Grr! I'm soooooo nervous! lol This morning I woke up with a tummy ache again. I'm gonna be a WRECK on thursday! Oddly enough, when I leave on Thursday it's going to be cold here.

Tomorrow's going to be BUSY cos I have last minute packing to do. But obviously I'm going to go to bed early. Tomorrow will of course be my last update before I leave. I'll try to make it very special. :) Tonight my mom won't be here so it will just be me and my dad. How exciting! bleh! haha. My poor mom..is gonna be alone with the asshole for 2 weeks. I don't envy her..haha. Man, I won't even want to come back home once I'm there. It's going to SUCK and the day I come back will be the worst one ever. :(

Well, I'm going to go now. I gotta eat, take a shower and then be ready to talk to my bunny and go out. TWO MORE DAYS!!! WOO HOO!!! Have a great one, everyone. *hugs*

"You cannot plan the future by the past."--Edmund Burke

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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