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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

This is it--or am I dreaming??
2003-12-15 - 6:04 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Well, this is IT! The big, big week. It has finally arrived after months of anticipation and waiting and I feel like I am just dreaming. Like at any moment it can be taken away from me and I can be told that it's not really happening.

So the plan for today is..going out food shopping this morning, THEN we are telling him and that's when the war will begin and after that as a means for escape we're going bowling with Karen. When I get home, I am going to do a little bit of packing. As for tomorrow, I'm getting my eyebrows done and then the rest of the week up til Thursday just packing and that's about it. Oh yes, this morning I am sending out all of the christmas cards cos chances are with all that is on my mind, I might forget and I don't want that happening.

Yesterday was extremely dull. It rained for most of the day so I just sat around..relaxed pretty much..played some computer games, watched TV, etc. Nothing too interesting happened. I tried to be 'civil' to my dad last night cos obviously today is the day. Yesterday was just the calm before the inevitable storm.

The good news is that Nate's parents are so cool with me being there and so supportive and just really nice about it and happy for him. I wish my parents could be THAT cool, and just happy for me and I wouldn't have to face any problems. Sure I am pretty close with my mom but at first she even gave me a hard time. Him, oh god..forget it..I know there's going to be a huge struggle. I guess it's a different situation cos I've never done anything by myself and she herself is a bit worried for me but I'll be fine. This is my chance to show them that I can do things by myself and survive.

My feelings have been up and down lately..one moment I'll be totally excited about leaving and the next moment my mind will wander to just whatever. I'm one of those people who thinks of everything possible that can go wrong, just so if something does go wrong I won't be disappointed. It's a bad habit. Like for example, I am sure my dad will blow up today. I KNOW that he won't approve of this, and I am honestly nervous and I was lying in bed thinking about it. It sucks so much how someone can have so much power over another human being.

On a brighter note, just three more days..three more days that will probably go slow until I see the love of my life again. I love it when I think about good things..like what the two of us will do together, lying there in his arms, gazing into each other's eyes, doing all of the stuff that couples normally do. It gives me a chill to the bone. I just miss his touch, I need his touch and I can't wait for his embrace..in his embrace I feel like my world is perfect..I feel like it was just created to exist for me and him. It's the most beautiful feeling ever..totally indescribable.

I love it when he kissed my hands..it was a simple and sweet gesture that made my heart melt..when we held hands and I never wanted to let his hand go..when he'd smile this really goofy and excited smile when he'd talk about something that he is passionate about. It made ME passionate about it too. I loved how he put his arm around me and made me feel safe, the way he looked into my eyes and I can see all of his feelings for me displayed there. How our legs brushed against one another and I felt sparks of electricity. How our bodies just fit right together when we cuddled, the way cuddling just felt so natural. The way it felt to have my head on his shoulder. How he expressed his feelings for me at just the right moments..the way our lips felt when they first met. I just love everything about him and I can not wait to experience that and more all over again in just three days! The time is almost here and it's finally starting to set in. I have this stupid cheesy grin on my face cos that's how he makes me feel.

*Sigh* Anywayy lol..I got a bit carried away there but I'm just a fool in love so sue me! haha. I can't wait for today to end because today will be tough, (I already have a headache just thinking about it), but then from today it should be smooth sailing. I'll miss my bunny today. :( That's another bad thing about it, that we won't get to talk. The only things I am looking forward to about today are tonight..the gauntlet and 7th heaven..lol. I'm sure tomorrow will be better than today will be. I am going to go--I just wanted to say god bless america! Saddam was FINALLY captured! :) Have a great week, guys. I'll probably update two more times this week. Love ya'll! *waves*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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