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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

verrrryyy exhausting day!!!
2003-12-14 - 6:52 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey ya'll! God, I am fricking exhausted!! But before I start this entry..here's the belated Saturday 8 ...

1. If you celebrate, do you put up lights outside your home/apartment? if you don't celebrate, do you like seeing christmas lights or not?

I don't celebrate but one of my absolute favorite aspects of christmas is seeing all of the lights in my neighborhood.

2. Do you send holiday cards out? if not, do you usually get holiday cards?

I do send holiday cards out. It makes me feel good. I never get any cards, but I like sending em.

3. If you get holiday cards, do you display them ... or are you scroogey and give them a charitable glance and then trash them?

I don't but anytime I receive any kind of card in the mail I display it proudly in my room. :)

4. Do you have a favourite holiday flick? or do you just not get into holiday movies?

Ummm, not really no. I'm not one that has ever really gotten into christmas movies.

5. Will you have a white christmas/hanukkah/kwanzaa this year?

Nope. But I don't care, I'll be with my love. :-)

6. Do you have any traditional/non-traditional holiday songs that are your favourite?

I like "Simply having a wonderful christmas time" by Paul McCartney..and "Last Christmas" by WHAM.

7. Is there a holiday song that makes your ears bleed when you hear it?

Hmm.."Blue christmas" by Elvis Presley.."It's beginning to look a lot like christmas" by Johnny Mathis and others that I can't think of right now for some reason. I'm not a christmas song kind of person.

8. What are YOUR plans for the holiday season this year? anything exciting?

I am going to Arizona to spend the holidays with my sweetheart. It's very, very exciting. I'm a bundle of nerves, but excited..lol.

Ok...so..here's the events of my extremely EXHAUSTING day yesterday. Basically the day consisted of shopping and eating. My family did a REALLY dumb thing and decided to go to the mall yesterday.

It was COMPLETELY mobbed..and my cousin nearly punched out an old man! Basically, we were in Sears buying air fresheners and we were standing in the back of a really loong line until a cashier called us over. So, we stood where she was and then the old guy yells out "GIRLS, you need to stand in line along with everyone else!" My cousin shot him the dirtiest look ever and we all shouted out that we got called over there. Then, we got called back into the end of the line. My cousin was nearly ready to beat the shit out of him. She can be sweet, but once you piss her off she can be a BITCH and totally go off on you. I HATE people like that old guy! What made it his business that we weren't in line? He was alll the way in the front anyway. That pissed me off too. God, get a damn life asshole! lol.

My mom got a case for her digital camera there. We didn't spend much time anyway because people were just being jerks in the mall itself..everyone was rushing around trying to get their last minute christmas shopping done..but that doesn't give them a license to be jackasses to everyone else! Of course there was a traffic jam near the mall and everyone was driving like a lunatic, as always. Including my cousin..she makes some CRAZY ass turns and drives like a speed demon! I almost felt like puking, sitting in the back of her SUV. That's the one thing I don't like about christmas..there's total madness EVERYWHERE you go. But my cousin LOVES to shop..so that's all we ever do..lol. I think it's to fill a void in her somehow.

We also went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond..my aunt got something. My cousin was tempted to buy something but she held back and was good. :) We went to Bells too..I got a pretty decent jacket in there for $12 and my cousin got some sweaters for work. My mom bought my cousin a shirt, that was pretty nifty of her.

Let's see..we went to Costco..I got some hot chocolate packets in there which I needed and they bought some stuff too that they needed. Geez, it seems that my hair is a real conversation piece..lol. EVERY place I go, at least ONE person comments on it asking me how long it took for it to grow and just looking at me in total awe. Sometimes I feel like i'm an alien..lol. I hate getting gawked over, it makes me feel very weird.

We went out to lunch..mmm..had some nice, tasty chicken. Good stuff! Ohh yeah, breakfast was ok. I had a bagel and cream cheese but the bagel could have been just a tad better.

So, basically we just ran alll over the place yesterday. But wait! our adventures don't end there. Before I get to that..for some reason at times I just felt totally isolated from my family, like they didn't know I was around but toward the end of the night they started paying me more attention.

I feel totally bad for my cousin. Her boyfriend is a real winner. (Yep, sarcasm). She was complaining about him ALL day..as a matter of fact, everyone except for me was complaining about their significant other..lol. Everytime I hear someone complaining, I just zone out and realize more and more how truly lucky I am to end up with who I am ending up with. :) He's amazing, and he knows how I feel so I will stop here with the mushy sentiment..lol. I missed him like CRAZY yesterday. :(

We went back to my cousin's apartment a few times to just hang out and relax and watch TV. I think my mom broke her computer though..lol.We even helped her clean her apartment! It was a total disaster area. So at the end of the night, we waited for my cousin's boyfriend to come home so we can all go out to eat. He came home pretty late after her calling him a handful of times..DRUNK off his ass. I mean the guy was a total nut and usually he is pretty quiet and calm. He was smoking..RIGHT in all of our faces and I felt like I was going to throw up. Geez, have some decency and at least smoke outside! My cousin was pissed because he was drinking and smoking.

He was being way obnoxious and I, along with everyone else was getting pretty annoyed. So after a while we left, we lost everyone on the way there..then when we got to the restaurant we had to sit and wait for Karen and her boyfriend..she came in all pissed cos she was stuck in traffic and she couldn't get her pills and he was even more smashed than before. As the waitress brought our stuff out, he made this huge scene. It was VERY embarrassing and I wanted to crawl into a hole. I'm sure the whole restaurant heard him being a sick, big mouth. He was still being an obnoxious jerk pretty much. AND to make matters worse, he had another beer in the restaurant. Like I said, I honestly feel bad for her. I KNOW she was the most embarrassed out of everybody. She had to BEG him to get her a christmas present this year. How messed up.

And she wants to marry this guy? What the heck is wrong with her? Geez..she can do SO much better. I don't get it though cos she's not the type to want to settle down but i'm sure she likes the security he provides. I also don't get why she loves him so much. I think she doesn't think much of herself. She flirts with EVERY guy, but I know she's craving attention. She even wrote my mom an e-mail apologizing for the way her boyfriend acted at dinner. He was also being a total perv to make matters worse. Like I said, I just wanted to crawl into a hole right then and there. Geez, you're in a restaurant..the LEAST you can do is act civilized and normal! Ok, my family are pervs too though so it wasn't entirely his fault..lol. But of course, everyone was staring at us cos he was being SO loud and idiotic.

So yeah, my cousin was being all moody and her grandma died yesterday so she was also pretty upset and her stomach was hurting so she was pretty crabby. So in other words, the day started off great but ended up pretty bad. We got a few laughs at the end of the night though when her boyfriend bear hugged everyone and took us all off guard. The guy is totally weird..a complete mystery. I for one, don't feel comfortable around him.

After the embarrassing events of dinner, we took my aunt home..we came home..and then I went to bed and was out cold in 5 minutes..lol. I didn't get to pack some more, but I will get to later. Ohhh and crap, I have to write up another christmas card. I almost forgot. My cousin told me something she wants me to buy her over in AZ, I promised I would buy it for her so now if I don't, I'll be in a bind. Good one Stace! lol. I think I'll see those loons at least one more time before I leave. I'll miss hanging out. They are a lot of fun! Except for Kar's boyfriend. A total bore when he's not intoxicated.

The burn mark on my finger has gotten worse. :( It's totally noticeable now..ugh. Ohh crap, and yes..the digital camera works well! My mom took some pics of my aunt and cousin with it yesterday. So, tomorrow we're telling my dad about me going. WW III will commence. The jackass is off for TWO damn days. So yes, it was a very, very tiring day. My legs are STILL hurting.

I woke up this morning for some reason feeling very nauceous, headachy, and "blah." Hmm, it's probably nerves because my stomach acts up when I'm nervous. Argh, I just did not sleep too well. :-( I'm a huge bundle of nerves! lol But that's part of my personality too. I'm ALWAYS restless and fidgeting.

4 more days! YES!!! WOO HOO!!! The wait is finally nearly over. Thank you guys so much for being so cool and excited for me. It really does mean a lot to me to have your support. :) I better go..this has been WAYY long..there's MORE to ramble about, but I'll stop here. I must eat and then get ready to talk to my bunny for the day. =D I can't wait! Have a good one, guys!! Much love!!

"Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her, and one for them together."-Jacqueline Bisset..how true!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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