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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

All I want is to hold you...
2004-02-25 - 6:06 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Hey ya by Outkast

Today is looking to be one of those rainy ones. I'm excited cos we haven't received rain in a very long time here. :) It's so nice once in a while.

Also, cos I'm stuck at home all day pretty much. BOTH of them are going to be home and my dad will be up since he's off tonight. Don't envy me..lol. The plumber is coming today so that makes it impossible to go anywhere. Ah well, the weather's gonna be crap anyway most likely. It will be awesome to talk to Nate. =)

The worst thing in the world to face..well one of the worst..is being apart from someone you love, from the person you love so deeply & intensely. It's painful and it hurts to the very core. All I want to do is reach out and touch him, to hold him in my arms and I can't have that right now and it just sucks incredibly much. I miss him & everything about him. *pouts* God, i'm so glad it's the end of the month. I don't know how I survived another nearly 2 months without him. I'm just glad I'll be with him next month. =) Not much longer now. That reminds me, today we'll finally figure out if I'm going there or if he's coming here & in a way, being apart makes it all the more special and better when we are together..it helps me to appreciate and long for those times. We never take for granted the stuff that couples in the same area would take for granted. We cherish every precious moment we share. When I'm with him..I am so ecstatic. I forget everything that's bothering me and on my mind and focus on him and get myself so lost in being with him and how good and right it feels. We are going to make so many more memories to last us a lifetime to add to the ones we've already made. We talked on the phone last night. His voice and his laugh just fill me with so much joy in my heart. *sighs happily* And yes, you all guessed it..that proposal dream I had was about him & I. :P Anyone surprised? lol.

The TV shows were great last night. :) American Idol was so phenomenal! What a turn around from last week! Wow!! They were all really good singers and gave amazing performances. I don't even know who should be in the top 2 really. I guess if I had to pick ONE person it would be Latoya..she gave such a powerful performance of "All by myself." Damn song! Anyhoo, it's going to be a close call for the other person in the top 2. South Park was funny as usual, and Real World..aww made me sad cos of something I can relate to. :( Blah! Tonight's going to be interesting. I won't be watching South Park or Newlyweds cos tonight is the much anticipated season finale of The Bachelorette and it's 2 hours. So, I'll only be watching American Idol & that.

All in all, yesterday was ok except my dad got out of jury duty early so I wasn't really home alone. Aw shucks! God, I sound like i'm 70!! lol. I was just surfing the web, playing music & showering pretty much. Nothing too exciting. We didn't really hear from Sheila or Karen yesterday..I wonder what's up with them. *shrugs* Hmm I can't think of more to say. I'm gonna update my LJ (or try to) and then eat. I hope you all have a wonderful wednesday! xoxo

"One enemy is too many; a hundred friends too few."--Anon.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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