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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Just a dream...
2004-02-24 - 6:25 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Your body is a wonderland- John Mayer

If I have to hear one more second of my mom's loud snoring, I am going to poke my eyes out..haha!!

I had a dream last night about marriage. I think last night's 7th heaven really seeped into my subconscious cos in it 2 couples got married and it just stuck in the back of my mind so of course, I had a dream that I was getting married. It was such a great dream and I was SO content. It felt so real that I was bummed to wake up and realize it was just a dream. :( Ah well. One day it will be a reality. Uh oh..."To dream of a proposal of marriage, suggests that some situation will take a turn for the worse." YIKES!! I missed the inferno. :( I felt like going to bed..I was kind of tired & figured I'd catch it on sometime again anyway. South Park was freaking hilarious. They were all metrosexuals. I'm looking forward to American Idol, South Park, & Real World tonight. I still need to see last week's.

My dad's got jury duty again today. My mom won't be here for the most part..she has training and she has a few places to go today. So HOPEFULLY due to those factors, I'll have a nice, peaceful day. Unfortunately, my dad will be off tomorrow. :( Ugh..and they'll both be around all day since someone is coming to fix the toilet so I might as well enjoy my serenity today..lol. I won't have it tomorrow.

My aunt isn't getting that dog. She was SO close to getting it but her neighbor talked her out of it..cos it's a puppy and it's going to teethe (sp?) and chew up her furniture, and it needs constant love and attention, needs to be spayed & neutered, needs to be walked all of the time and needs a lot of training. Also cos it's going to pee all over the place. Plus, the dog is sick. So all of that, was enough to make her change her mind. So, when she gets back from visiting her husband, she's going to look into getting an older dog I think. Maybe it's good that she's not getting this dog cos I know it would have put quite a strain on her relationship with her husband. I didn't go to Miami with them, but I did go over to her house later on in the day and we all hung out for a while and went to Walmart. I was surprised when my mom told me that my aunt really values my opinion & advice. I don't see why it would be THAT important. *shrugs* And that she asks where I am when I'm not around. Wow. I didn't think I was missed. heh.

I got a letter from my good friend Caroline yesterday!!! She's such a sweetie and it made my day to hear from her. She's fricking awesome!! :D I wrote her back already. I always try to reply back to people quickly.

God, it's fricking humid. Today it's supposed to be 85 degrees! So, I'm glad I'm not going anywhere. Geezus. Anyhoo, besides that lecture in the morning yesterday was not bad at all. It just seemed to never end though. Days are getting longer. That certain aggravation I had, is going away slowly. I can't wait for March to get here already. Just 5 more days of this month, thank god. I miss my baby so badly. :( That's why I am so looking forward to next month. =) Ohh man, I wanna go back to Vegas SO bad. I think about it every single day. *sniff* I have a feeling I'll absolutely love living on the west coast.

I better go..I must return an e-mail & eat. I hope you have a great tuesday, all of you. Much love & hugs.

"They can because they think they can."--Virgil

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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