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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Someone must have boxed me in my sleep..
2003-09-27 - 11:23 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: What you want by Mase

Hey everybody..before I ramble for a bit here's last week's Saturday 8 ..

1. How many candles were on your last birthday cake?


2. When you were younger, did you enjoy your bdays?

YES! Very much so..they were the highlight of my year. Then again, I was a dork when I was younger..soo..lol..

3. Do you enjoy your bdays now?

Sort of..not as much as I used to though..only cos now I'm growing up.

4. What was your best present you received for your bday, either in monetary/wow! value or sentimental value?

A gold locket..unfortunately, I lost the chain that the locket was on. :( It cost lottss of money and my ex best friend bought it for me.

5. Do you like it when people sing 'happy birthday' to you?

Yeah, only if I know them..if someone were to sing it to me in a restaurant I'd get HELLA embarrassed.

6. Are you one of those people who ANNOUNCE your bday to the world and EVERYONE knows when it is, or do you let it slip by quietly?

Lol..yeah..I announce it to the world. Bad, I know.

7. Do you like to shop & give birthday gifts to others?

Of course..I enjoy buying people stuff. One of the benefits of knowing me..;) lol j/k.

8. Describe your 'perfect' birthday. this could be a birthday you've already had, or a purely fantasy birthday.

As long as I'm with Nate, then it will be a perfect birthday.

So how are ya'll doing? I feel like shit..of course. Yesterday was sort of relaxing I guess. Me and Nate talked online for a while..watched our nuga Sam on the Travel Channel (yes, sweetie I decided to post that in an entry) lol. Well, that is till of course my mom kicked me offline. :( I had to go lie down anyway cos at that point I was soo out of it. Oddly enough, though my cramps and the way I am overall feeling is WORSE today, I feel a bit more awake. heh. Nevermind, take that back..I feel a wave of tiredness creeping up on me. :(

So, after she made me leave I watched some TV. I saw the Real World from last week..was soo stupid and they made it out to be a hell of a lot better than it ACTUALLY was. Yeah, they got kicked out of the restaurant but Mallory didn't want to take it outside like Leah suggested. Mallory got Simon involved and turned him against Leah..they all went snowboarding..for some reason, Chris and Leah were getting along well after the restaurant incident.

Then when they went back home, Mallory confronted Leah but just kept talking and talking. I can tell she was very afraid of Leah and intimidated and she said Leah was unapproachable..of course Leah didn't see it that way and then when Mallory was spouting off, Leah walked away. So, Christina, Mallory, and Simon all have a problem with her. That was really it..no major drama..just kind of lame.

I saw last night's Reba..also not that great. Some parts were funny, but it was mostly a serious episode so I was just kind of sitting there going "mmkay.." and eating my sunflower seeds that mom bought me..lol. mmm yum. I have such cravings right now..heh. I feel preggers, though obviously I'm not. Mmmm mom is buying me Raisinettes later..they are so fricking good. =D

I also watched Romy and Michelle's high school reunion..I've seen it 1000 times but it makes me laugh EVERY time. Such a funny and great movie!! I'm sure a lot of people haven't seen it. It's with Lisa Kudrow from Friends..she is GREAT in it!! Ya'll must see it if you haven't already.

Oh yeah, yesterday was the start of Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) so we had to call my grandpa..*groans* I was feeling shitty at the time so I told my mom to wish my grandpa a Happy Jewish New Year for me. Hell, I didn't even realize that it WAS the Jewish New Year..lol. Yeah, I really practice my religion..lol. Unfortunately, cos of this holiday my dad is off. :( And it hasn't rained yet. :(

So, last night I went to bed around 10 or so..woke up at 12 and had some messed up dreams. :( Just basically dreams about my childhood friends. I get those dreams once a month, oddly enough. I think it's just telling me that I need closure with them and I just I guess regret not saying bye or telling them how I felt about one of them and her betrayal and just feeling left out at times..I took the cowardly way and just picked up, left and moved. Oh well, nothing I can do now.

So, this morning I got online..Nate was on!!! So we talked for an hour or so till he was getting tired. We're supposed to talk on the phone today so I can't wait!! =D After that, I let my mom online..lyed down a bit and then ate and watched some TV, talked to my mom a bit about shtuff, and now here I am. I swear to god..I think one of my cats is human. She meows but it sounds so human like..lol..she's just weird. Nate's in love with her, so that's all I will say on THAT..lol. My aunt is going to Alabama today to see her husband..poor thing..lol.

My plans..after I finish this I am going to shower, eat lunch, lie down a bit, and then be online to talk to Nate. Ok, there was something I wanted to talk about..quite a few things but I feel like someone knocked me out, therefore I can't think..lol..that might be a good thing considering I was thinking wayy too much yesterday. Fucking hormones are giving me hot flashes..I better go.

Well, gonna go now. Ya'll have a good weekend now, ya heard?! Bye bye. XOXO

PS: Thanks Liz and Gaby for your e-mails. :)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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