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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

"It" has arrived..ughh..blah...
2003-09-26 - 8:15 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: What I got by Sublime

Hey guys. Ugh..I feel like craapp. :( Yep, "it" started this morning.."it" meaning the monthly crap us females have to go through to have a little runt (oops I mean baby) one day..lol...j/k on the runt thing.

Soo..I have BAD cramps right now, a slight headache and even the slightest breeze can knock me out..haha. I am soo freaking out of it, and have chills at the moment. I saw this comin for a while, so I'm not surprised. Oh well..gonna lie down soon and get some rest and then come back at the time me and Nate talk. Oh yeah, we are doing much, much better now..everything's fine, luckily. So, I'm ecstatic about that!! He's also feeling better too and had a better day so I'm glad. It looks like we'll be spending much of the day 'together'. =D It's rainnny outside. It's supposed to rain all weekend, and plus it rained all day yesterday. I don't know why but I love it when it rains when I don't feel well. :) It just puts me at peace and helps me sleep better. It's sooo dreary outside and dismal.

Yesterday was a nice, relaxing day. I saw the premiere of Friends..VERY, very funny!! =) I can't believe Ross saw Joey and Rachel kissing..like he also saw Rachel and Gavin kissing a while back. Poor guy..and they were trying to tell him about them too..gah..if Ross didn't spill shampoo everywhere, and if Ross didn't praise Joey so much then they would have. Monica and those cornrows were hillarrious. She didn't pull it off well at all..Chandler looked like he was going to PUKE when he saw them. I'm glad Phoebe and Mike are back together though he was a jerk..he was dating someone for 3 months and didn't bother to tell her till after he proposed to her, and he dumped his girlfriend on her b-day..well tried to, that is until Phoebe did it for him..lol..ha, he got quite a bitchslap for everything he did. Her name was "Precious"..Phoebe couldn't even say the name without laughing.

lol They were soo nosy trying to hear what was happening with Ross and Charlie and Joey and Rachel..leaning against the wall and shit. Ross was so thoughtful though trying to see if it was ok with Joey if he dates Charlie but Joey was too caught up in his hormones..as was Rachel..lol..it was funny when they tried to kiss and they saw Ross's face instead of the others. It was just a great episode!

So, not much else..I just watched TV, talked to nate, surfed the web, and listened to music. Gah..I'm so tired..lying down right nowww..wonder If I'll make it to bed...heh..ugh, I better go..cramps are getting worse. I'm taking it easy all day, just watching tv and shtuff and playing some music. Have a great friday and weekend everybody!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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