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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

looooongggg survey.
2003-06-25 - 1:59 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com


Name: Stacey

Are you a flirt: lol riiiighhttt

Are you a bitch: ugghhh...stupid word. I can be a little bit "nasty" sometimes, but not a "bitch"

Are you an idiot: Naw

Are you a smartass: LOL very

Nickname(s): Stace, Stacerz, Stace-away, Spacy, Roonatic, sweetie, BUNNNNYYY hehe, and more.

Screen name: - Tommygrl1229

Email Address: [email protected]

Grade: Out of school

Sex: female

Birthday: September 10

Where were you born: Brooklyn NY

Country you live in currently: US

Hair colour: brown with lighter highlights when I go in the sun

Eye Colour: brown

Siblings (names, ages): None

Parents: Evil Eye and Sperm Donar LOL


Current crush: On my bunnyyyyy (: MUAAAAAHhhhhhh

When and who was your first crush: 5th grade..his name was Jonathon.

First thing you notice about the opposite sex: eyes

Your idea of a perfect date: any date w/ Nate (=

Sweetest thing that ever happened to you: Wow, blah - too many to recall.


Memory you miss: Geez! I'd be writing paragraphs! So stop asking damn questions like that...lol nice one Carly.

If you could go back in time, where would you go: back to when I was a kid..DUH lol

Memory you'd like to forget: certain ex b/f's..certain aspects about my childhood.

What did you do yesterday: READ MY DIARY dammit!!!! lol

Last person you talked to on the phone: Nate

Last thing you said: "I don't know"

Last song you listened to: "Slide"-Goo Goo Dolls


Dream Job: Anything involving music, psychology, writing

Dream car: Mustang

Marriage: Hell yeah

Kids: Yep, probably just 2..or 3...or 4...5...6.. LOL j/k..2 or 3 is good.

Kids Names: I have a whole list. (:

Where will you live: Hopefully CO.


Food: pizza, salad, HOT DOGS LOL, subs, cookies, basically Italian, ribs, cajun, and chinese food.

TV show: Dawson's Creek :o)....Friends..Real World....Road Rules....OLD shows..etc.

CD: Rock Steady-No Doubt, Hotel Paper-Michelle Branch

Actor: Josh Hartnett, Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Harrison Ford, James Van Der Beek, Ashton Kutcher, Tom Hanks, Matt LeBlanc, Devon Sawa, Shane West, John Cusack...ETC.

Actress: Katie Holmes, Rachel Leigh Cook, Julia Stiles, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, Alexis Bledel, Lisa Kudrow, Christina Ricci, Kate Beckinsale, Winona Ryder, Demi Moore, ETC.

Day: Wednesday...today. (:

Book: 1984 by George Orwell

Number: 23

Ice cream flavor: Double Fudge Brownie

Radio station: 95.5, 96.5, Y 100, 102.3, The Buzz 103.1, 103.5

Sport: dancing, basketball, swimming, tennis, soccer.....rollerblading, ice skating.

Drink: root beer, iced tea (cool nestea), dr pepper, sprite, etc.

Movie: Save The Last Dance, Clueless, Sweet November, NOW AND THEN, The Breakfast Club, Coyote Ugly, Bruce Almighty, Bringing down the house, Just Married, A Walk To Remember, Down to You, Here on Earth, The Faculty, GO!, Serendipity, Varsity Blues, Dead man on Campus, Dirty Dancing, Shallow Hal, Heartbreakers, Scary Movie, American Pie 1 & 2, Pearl Harbor, 10 things I hate about you, Boys and Girls, Idle Hands, What lies beneath, Disturbing Behavior, Riding in cars w/ boys, Stand by me, Get over it, Whatever it takes, Braveheart, Lilo and stitch, Sleepless in Seattle, Miss Congeniality, 9 Months, 40 Days and 40 Nights and MANYYYYYYY more.

Band: The Beatles, P Diddy, Lifehouse, Sublime, Seether, Social Burn, The Used, Audioslave, Finch, Cold, The Ataris, All American Rejects, Evanescence, Coldplay, TLC, U2, 2 Pac, Foo Fighters, Papa Roach, Destinys Child, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Richard Marx, Don Henley, Journey, Cheap Trick, Course of Nature, DJ Sammy, Matchbox 20, Bob Marley, Craig David, Our Lady Peace, Nelly, Goo Goo Dolls, Crazy Town, Fuel, Alanis, Michelle Branch, TRUSTCompany, Boyz II Men, John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Incubus, Hoobastank, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, 3 Doors Down, 311, Adema, Musiq, The Vines, Simple Plan, India Arie, The Strokes, NewFound Glory, The Calling, American Hi-Fi, DMX, Ja Rule, 50 Cent, Pharrell, Fabolous, Nirvana, Eminem, Ashanti, Blink 182, No doubt, Bush, Saves the day, Alien ant farm, Green day, Fiona apple, Linkin park and MANY More.

Singer: Michelle Branch, John Mayer, Mariah Carey, Pink, and MANY more.

Weekend activity: music, movies, shopping, beach, internet of course.

Month: September

Holiday: New Years

Cookie: chocolate chip

Candy: sourpatch kids, starburst, skittles, sourpunch straws, snickers, reeses, almond joy, twix, ETC..lol.

Restaurant: Reds & Rotelli

Relative: My cousin Scott


Food: Mexican

TV show: I'm not a Simpsons fan

CD: I can't stand Enya, Missy Elliot, Dido, and Ludacris

Actor: Brad Pitt..he's just ughhh...annoying.

Actress: Anna Nicole Smith

Day: Mondays

Book: don�t have one

Number: 15

Ice cream flavor: hmm don't know.

Radio station: 99.9-- Kiss Country

Sport: Football

Movie: Dead Poets Society..borrinnnggg.

Band: anything too pop

Singer: Missy Elliot, Britney Spears...etc.

Weekend activity: fighting w/ parents lol

Month: March

Cookie:� don't know.

Candy: butterfingers


Angels: Yes..I believe in ME! lol j/k

Aliens: Nooo idea, haha, haven't given it a lot of thought..if I see one I'll believe in it..lol.

Yeti/Sasquatch/Bigfoot: Nah

Boogyman: LOL no.

Heaven: Yep

Hell: Yes

God: Not sure, though there is some kind of higher power existing

Psychic People: No..crock of shit.

Loch Ness monster: Probably, but who knows


Been on a plane: yep

Cried in public: yeah, I don't like it, arghhh

Climbed a tree: Haha, of course, its fun!..back in NY I did.

Fell asleep in a movie: lol yeah.."Down with love" is a bad movie.

Met a celebrity: No.

Been scared to get an injection: yeah..who hasn't??

Made prank calls: when I was younger, yep.

Been skinny-dipping: Nope..but I would like to. ;)

Kicked a guy in the nuts: lol noooo..i'm not that mean.

Taken drugs: Nope

Been so drunk you have blacked out: Nope


Bill Clinton: Perv

Lollipops: Succkkkiiingggg lol

Dreams: subconscious

Love: warm, FUZZY---has it's ups and downs.

Whipped Cream: s e x LOL

South Park: Cartman..i don't know why but first thing to enter my mind..lol. "Respect my authoritah!"

Pot: mary juana lol

Guys: too many things at once...lol...mainly jerks, unless you happen to luck out and find a good one. (: they are just complicating individuals.

Girls: can be catty, but can be sweet

Death: the end of your life as a person, but not completely the end..your soul lives on.


Who�s your best friend: Nate

Do you have guy friends: Yup

The best thing to do with your friends is: talk

What do you look for in a friendship: well you both hafta truly care about each other, able to have fun and tell each other almost anything, and you don't care about impressing each other, and of course - also the other requirements of a good relationship....trust, loyalty, support...etc.


Pot or Pan: Pan

Yes or No: Yes

Heaven or Hell: Heaven

Right or Left: Left

Pepsi or Coke: Coke

7up or Sprite: Sprite

Rainbow or One color: Rainbow

Maxwell or Maximillian: Maxwell

Sara or Sarah: Sarah..I was ALMOST gonna be named that.

Prince or Princess: Princess

Happy or Sad: Happy

Summer or Winter: Summer

Flat or Apartment: Apartment


Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes w/ my bear Fuzzy.

What size is your bed (single, double, queen, king): single--twin.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be: green

One, two or more pillows: one

Feather or cotton: cotton!

Last CD you bought: Hotel Paper-Michelle Branch

If you were a feeling, what feeling would you be: confused

What�s under your bed: dust and a bunch of papers

Your fave piece of clothing is: Tanks

Fave store: Wet Seal, The Rave, Body Shop...etc.

Fave country: USA is great!

Do you think we came from Adam and Eve, or apes? Adam and Eve

Why: Because God made them

If you could read peoples' minds, whose would you read first and why: No one's..that's not necessarily a GOOD thing to be able to read someone's mind.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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