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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Dogs & more dogs...
2004-02-22 - 6:15 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: 100 years by Five for Fighting

It's a doggy dog world...literally..that's all I saw yesterday..lol.

I got ready early, aunt came and we went over to Miami. Karen became acquainted with someone that lives just above her that has a dog and they were just having small talk for a while. We went over to the humane society. The animals were $70 but Karen can't get one now as I said..not for another 3 weeks. She saw a few dogs she liked but it was frustrated her that she can't get them. There was a REALLY long line just for taking a dog into a room and getting to know it. It was ridiculous.

Karen was getting all pissy and meanwhile my aunt saw a dog (a dalmation) she fell in love with but she can't get it yet either cos she's going to visit her husband next month and there will be no one around to take care of it. Plus she kisses her husband's ass too..he told her she shouldn't be having a dog. I don't see WHAT difference it makes seeing as how he's in a different state. It's HER life. What a control freak. My aunt is hoping the dog will be there when she gets back, but it's doubtful. I guess it wasn't meant for her.

I got a headache from all the dogs barking at one time..lol. Aww one I fell in love with..he had such a sad expression on his face. He looked so lonely & was so calm. I just wanted to pet the dog and hold him & tell him everything will be ok..lol. Poor thing. So, we left there empty handed and went to have lunch & over to Petsmart. Karen saw a dog she really loves and wants so bad. It's a german shepherd of course..(that's the only kind of dog her boyfriend will agree to) but it has a few problems and some iffy things about it so she's going to find out some more info about the dog and if she ultimately wants it, then maybe it can be held for her til she can bring it into her apartment. I'm not sure about that though. The bad thing about it is it's $150 as opposed to $70 at the humane society and she still has to pay $300 to get a dog in the first place, but I know she wants a dog so badly.

Oh yeah, her b/f wasn't around cos he went somewhere yesterday. After petsmart, we went back to Kar's apartment and just hung out for a bit and left early cos Kar was really tired. I'm glad she's being more careful when she leaves the apartment now. We then went to look at puppies. Awww, soooo fricking adorable. There was one there that seemed to really adore my aunt but it was the ugliest puppy ever..lol..and SIX HUNDRED dollars! How crazy!

After that, we came home..talked to Nate, parents left and so I had the house to myself last night. :) They went to a concert which mom called me and told me was boring. I didn't enjoy being alone as much as I should have though..I didn't feel much up to celebrating and having fun being alone. In a way, I didn't even want to be alone after a while, if that makes sense. Last night was just bad. :( I went online, played some music pretty loudly..some angsty, hardcore music I don't usually listen to..lol..shaved & watched some TV. Went to bed, and that was it. I had a pretty bad headache for a long time but after a while it went away.

I let out a good cry yesterday..yep, me being emotional again. When something's bothering me, I cry..that's my release. I'm glad it's that rather then some self destructive behavior. Sometimes it's a really much needed & good thing. I hurt & am in pain just as much as the average person..I just hide it well. Today mom & I are going for a drive some place. That could possibly take my mind off what is upsetting me right now. I hope so. I hate sitting around, thinking & analyzing to death..it just makes things worse.

No, I don't want to talk about why I'm frustrated & aggravated. I think some things should just be kept to yourself. This is an online journal..it's public..people can see what I am writing about but I don't want everyone to know about EVERYTHING that goes on in my life. I've done it before & it's come back to bite me in the ass. So no more. It's nothing that can't be worked out though or overcome in time.

But anyhoo, I hope you're all having a great weekend. I'm gonna go, grab something to eat soon & get ready to go. Take care. See ya.

"Real difficulties can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable."--Theodore N. Vail

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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