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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

The monthly curse is on me again...
2004-06-08 - 9:09 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I don't feel well right now. :( Yeah, damn period arrived this morning. Crampy, tired, lethargic, achy, and hot are good ways to describe how I feel right now. Oh well..this will all be over in about a week's time. Just gotta hang in there and get as much rest as I can.

I was productive yesterday..I am mighty proud of myself. Made a lot of calls. Turns out most job agencies are of course looking for experience. Some offer entry level jobs. Those people said they would get back to me. One agency actually did. I have an appointment there on Thursday morning @ 10 am. I have to fill out an application, they will probably ask me some questions and then I'll take a data entry test..just a basic one to see my skills. I really won't feel up to going, but it's crucial that I do go cos if they like me, then they will recommend me to employers and call me when jobs are available in the data entry/clerical field. I want to make sure to look my best, though I won't FEEL my best.

We'll see how that works out..hopefully well. I'm rusty on data entry, but who knows..once I am there it might all come rushing back to me. It just feels good to get something accomplished. Meanwhile, I am going to put the job search on hold until I feel better. Anyhoo...

I watched Fear Factor, WB Superstar USA & Road Rules last night. All interesting shtuff. WB Superstar USA was so funny of course. I already know that I don't like Derrick from Road Rules. He's too obnoxious and too much of a party animal for my taste. I like Jodi and Patrick the most so far. Cool stunt they did. I want to go bungee jumping someday! To just feel that rush and exhiliration. I don't think I'll watch Real World tonight. I'm just too tired.

My dad was being so annoying yesterday cos he was off from work. Ugh. Luckily he's working this morning. I can't stand it when he's around. I'm always on edge. He nitpicks over the most stupidest things ever. It rained a bit this morning..now it's raining again. Weather is just nasty as hell. Now I hear thunder. Fine by me, tis good sleeping weather. :) Yesterday wasn't too bad. We actually got a bit of sun.

I was going to do a bunch of surveys but eh. Some other time. Awww, my sweetie is soo cute. That came out of nowhere, I know. lol. It's just something that has been on my mind. He just says and does the cutest things. :) Ahh. *sighs happily*

Well, I'm going to go lie down and take some tums for my cramps. Just going to take it easy and then wait for Nate to come online so we can talk for a little bit. Have a great day all. <3

Daily Dirt...


1. What do you see yourself doing in ten years?

Either psychology work or writing. Hopefully.

2. How many kids do you plan on having?

2 or 3. I don't care if I even have one. I just want a kid or kids so badly.

3. Do you plan on getting married?


4. What's the most important goal you have?

Making something out of my life.

5. When do you think you'll reach it?

I'll get there in my own time. Like I always have.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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