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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

want to go out this weekend desperately...
2004-06-26 - 6:41 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

It's Saturday. Woot Woot.

Well, Nate has left for the weekend. :( I miss him terribly already. Guess where he went?? To VEGAS! Grr..I was extremely jealous when he told me that. I gave him such a hard time about going (which of course made me feel like a bad person). I only did that because I reallly wanted to go with him and I just feel like I am missing out on such a great experience. He is so lucky.

I am happy for him that he gets to go back again, I just wish I was sharing in on his fun. Oh well..soon enough we'll get to go back there together. I want him to have the best time possible because that's exactly what he deserves. I can't wait to hear from him today. : )

Karen has also left for the weekend. She went to New Jersey to see some family there. Argh, It would do me some good to get out of town too but it looks like that ain't happening for quite awhile. I don't even know if I am getting out of the house today cos I know my mom isn't feeling well so I am not sure if she'll want to do anything later. GRRRRRRR. I'm getting cabin fever to the max.

I hope this weekend will go better than I anticipate. I just want to get out of here and do SOMETHING. Preferably something exciting for once. (I couldn't sound more pathetic). We were supposed to go and look at beds for this room later..we might still do that. We'll see I guess. What I want to do more than anything is see Two Brothers. That came out yesterday. (It's the tiger movie if anyone is wondering). But that prolly won't be happening. I'll just see it with Nate. I also want to see The Notebook too. I love sappy things..the sappier, the better.

The tiger shows have been really cool. I was sad to see the last one yesterday. :( No more tiger week. Ah well..I definitely have gotten my fill of tigers and what they are all about. :) I saw Newlyweds too, which was pretty good. I am not really into that new Ashlee Simpson show. It just doesn't do much for me.

My mom hasn't been in the greatest mood lately..because of how crappy she feels and because on Thursday she discovered that my dad wants to spend the 4th of July with us. OH JOY. So she's really pissed about that. She definitely showed that. I'm not thrilled about it..but there's nothing we can do about it. If I had a nickle for everytime I heard about how much she hates him, I'd have a mansion in every state in this country. I hate him too but what the hell is the point of talking about it non stop?? I know that it just gets me aggravated to talk about him.

Hmm for some reason it seems that my aunt is very concerned about my life now. I really didn't think she cared so much. It just surprised me in a way. About the job searching..I was off the hook yesterday too cos my mom had to work. She told me that we'll start looking again on Monday.

I burnt my finger TWICE yesterday. It hurts. :( I'll be ok. Well, my mom is awaiting the computer right now so it's time for me to end this and straighten up the kitchen. Have a great weekend, all. <3

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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