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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I need my bunny. :(
2003-10-22 - 8:02 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Who will save your soul?-Jewel

Hey, good morning. Thanks to those who wished me and Nate a Happy Anniversary yesterday. To those who didn't, kiss my white, jewish ass!! lol I'm just kidding. =D

It was a good Anniversary for us. We talked online, talked on the phone and it was all very nice. However, the day with me and my mom wasn't all too great. We had our talk and god, she sounded HORRIBLE. I cried because she cried and at times she sounded like she was on her deathbed, and like it was taking a lot out of her to even breathe. :( We talked about my personality, about how hurt she was that I thought she didn't love me. She told me I just over react and jump to conclusions (ok, that's true) without knowing the circumnstances and that she does care, so we hugged and then later on in the day she picked a small fight with me but now we're just fine.

I don't feel like putting up on here what we spoke about because I feel that it's personal. I told Nate but that's because I trust him with my life and I know I can talk to him about anything and as I constantly say, he's my best friend. It's really not worth rehashing, but all that matters is that this morning we seem to be getting along fairly well.

I think she's feeling a little better, I don't know, but I know she's still tired. Hopefully she'll be ok. God, yesterday was boring though. All day I was kind of sleepy though. But I played some computer games and crap. We couldn't do anything cos she was dizzy. Maybe today we can go somewhere? Depending on how she feels, of course. So, guess what? MORE strange dreams. This new 'way' I am sleeping is GIVING me these odd dreams, I think. But I like it, so I'm not going to quit with that and I am sure my bunny is smiling..haha And bunny knows that I am an observant person..you can't fool Stacerz!

I missed him soooo much yesterday. As I told him, it seems that the closer we get, the harder the distance becomes..ESPECIALLY on anniversaries when we want nothing more than to be together, going out, celebrating it, cuddling..but we can't right now. :( But for our 15th month anniversary, we'll be together. :)

Because I wanted to focus on him last night, I didn't see the end of Real World or Newlyweds. If anyone watched Newlyweds, can you please fill me in on what I missed? Thanks. :) Before calling Nate though, I was channel surfing and I saw "The Beach" on Oxygen, a women's network with Leonardo DiCaprio..hehe..j/k baby!!! I liked him back in the day, but now I don't think he's anything special. *shrugs*

I wanted to talk about life issues, but not this entry..I'm tired from going to bed at midnight. *yawns* So maybe later. I think she might be still going to her meeting, so chances are I will update again later. Me and my bunny won't get to talk today..at all. :( It's due to something serious, that I won't talk about because I am not sure if he wants me to but I am just hoping and praying for all the best in his family. He KNOWS I am here for him.

My bunny says that I don't say I love you enough so watch this...Baby...I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!! (K)(K)(K)(K)(K)(K)(K)(K) hehe. =D Mmmmm grrr I just want to attack him with hugs and kisses right now. :( I'm gonna miss him sooo bad. It's hard when a day goes by that we don't get to talk..argh. *cries*

Onto brighter stuff, The Bachelor is tonight so Woo hoo!!! Well, I'm gonna go. Mom should be back soon with breakfast, then I am of course going to watch my usual TV stuff, and then from there probably get dressed and shower and who the hell knows WHAT I am doing today. Have a great hump day guys and chances are, I will be back later with a more insightful, substance filled entry. I love you guys!! *hugs*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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