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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

My night out...
2003-10-19 - 10:18 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: After all by Cher and Peter Cetera

Good mornin! As promised, I'm back. :) But tired. *yawns* Yesterday was aight, not bad at all.

Me and Nate talked online in the morning for a couple of hours till we had to go to take my mom's friend to the airport. =) Guess what? Our anniversary is Tuesday. We're celebrating 13 wonderful, blissful months together. *smiles* We left, and I told Nate I'd call at 8 because we were supposed to have dinner near the airport. Wellll, a change of plans took place.

My aunt decided she wanted to go out to dinner with us when we got back, to an Italian place. Of course I was not happy with this because I KNEW I'd end up calling Nate late. Which did happen. Oh, so the reason why I went with my mom is because her friend apparently really likes me and was interested in seeing me and finding out about my life. The conversation with her was JUST as I thought it would end up like. She asked me ALL kinds of questions. I hate being interrogated but I was polite with my answers. She was very complimentary though, made me feel very good about myself and I can tell she genuinely cares about me. Which I think is really sweet. I've always been a hit with adults..lol.

A lot of the things she said made sense and I am taking them into consideration. It's nice sometimes to hear things from an adult becos they were once your age, and you can benefit from their knowledge and wisdom. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable, but at the same time happy when she asked me all kinds of questions about Nate, but in the end of it all she wished me all the best and that kind of thing. Very nice lady. I'm glad my mom is friends with her. :) She also told me I would make a very good Psychologist..I take that a sign..lol. Only thing is, it requires sooo much schooling and shit. Oh well, it's fascinating to me. I'm definitely gonna choose that for a major when I go to college.

So, we dropped her off and WOW the sun on the way home was STRONG, but the sunset was BEAUTIFUL. It looked like a sunset out of a postcard. We got to my aunt's after a while and had dinner. The food was YUMMY..I was sooo full. =) It was nice out, very breezy. I was shivering a bit because I wasn't dressed appropriately for the weather. My cousin and her boyfriend were supposed to eat with us, but he didn't want to go so she was pissed and they bailed out. Am I GLAD..we would have been there FOREVER if they would have showed. God, yesterday ALL I heard about ALL night was love problems. My mom's love problems, my mom's friends, my aunt's, all complaining about who they are with, and it just reaffirms how very lucky I am to have my bunny, to have found the love we share. As he said, even with the everyday little fights we've been having lately, it just draws us closer together. *dreamily sighs*

My mom had to show her friend her wedding ring..I don't know why, but she was weird that way..lol. What's sad is that was the first time I've EVER seen my mom's wedding ring and wedding band..lol. She actually HAD to wear it but when her friend left, she took it off..haha. Aww, I can't wait for my wedding ring. *sighs* Can I BE any more of a hopeless romantic? lol. You know, It's really sad. My mom hasn't worn her wedding ring in yeaarrrrsss. My mom mentioned how next year is their 'Silver anniversary.' And she said they won't make it till then, meaning they will divorce before their next anniversary. She was very adamant about that, but my mom's friend for some reason I guess, doesn't believe in divorce. Oh yeah, my mom's friend was telling me about this point system you rate a guy with. I busted out laughing just because it was so ridiculous and ludicrous.

Anyway, after we ate we went over to the mall for a bit because my aunt needed sneakers. My mom ended up getting them too and god was I pissed b/c I just wanted to go home!!! lol aaaahh. I rushed em out of the place and we ended up leaving WHILE it was CLOSING..ha. We took my aunt home, we got home. I called Nate, mmmm it was soo nice to hear his voice two nights in a row. Like he said, I found so much comfort while I was lying down in bed talking to him..I felt his presence especially in the silences and they weren't awkward silences either, just nice, peaceful ones. I think we're even more connected when we're NOT talking. We're best friends. Then, I went to bed around midnight, came on here, listened to music, and yep tis it.

My mom is doing badly. It seemed like she was having a good day yesterday, and today she feels worse. :( Poor thing. Sure, we but heads a lot of times but I do feel bad for her. Anyway, you know what's odd..lately I've been hearing a lot of songs that remind me of people. It's so amazing how a song can just take you back into the past, or a different time in your life..maybe a better time. Then I think of my childhood and I realize that maybe I still act childlike because I was missing out on things as a child, tried to grow up too fast..all that stuff.

Eck, I am watching Newlyweds..*turns off channel*..I know this entry wasn't full of substance, sorry..heh. I can't think of anything really inspirational and insightful now so I will end this..here is a fwd I got from a friend that I really think IS inspirational, so I guess this entry DOES incorporate a bit in there. Enjoy the rest of your weekend ya'll!!! I know I will, I'm talking to my bunny soon. :) (I am paranoid..Ok, this morning while I was cleaning my face in the bathroom, all that good stuff..I looked outside and saw someone STARING at me..now the window blinds in my bathroom only go down half way so people CAN see me, if I'm not careful. Unfortunately, I looked back..and I wasn't exactly 'decent' and he might have seen something he shouldn't have) Holllyyy Shittt..heh. Well, adios!!!

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.

The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:


The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."


They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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