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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-10-04 - 8:06 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Careless Whisper by WHAM!

Good mornin'! Woo! It's Satuuurdayy! One of my favorite days. =D

Today is going to be crazzyyy I have a feeling. My mom is currently on her way to a meeting. She should be out around 1ish and then we are goin out for the day. In a way, I am just so excited to go out that I can careless WHERE we go..lol. I just need to break free and breathe some good ole H20..lol.

So, in a few hours from now I gotta get dressed..but first I promised Nate that I would type out his commercial for him just in case that he can't access it when he goes to the college today. I don't mind doing it..I'll do ANYTHING for him. Honestly, if someone else wanted me to do that for them I'd probably say yes after hesitation but I'd help him in a HEARTBEAT, because I Love him to DEATH. We got to talk on the phone last night. :) It was nice..started out kind of iffy but ended up pretty purrfect. The night would have ended purrfectly had he been lying there with me, sleeping in my arms but soon enough. Patience is a virtue and I plan on practicing it. Before I ramble on about yesterday..I'm gonna talk about waiting for a bit..

Waiting is a fact of life..unfortunately but we all have to do it. All in good time we will get our breakthroughs and it will be wonderful, but everything has timing attached to it and we'll get what we want when it's our TIME to get it. We can't rush things because there's a master plan..the higher power has one and we just need to follow through with it. Yes, when I say 'master plan' I mean, I believe in fate. However, I also believe that we can't wait for everything to happen, we need to make things happen too. So, in other words I believe that fate and free will are interwoven..you can't have one without having the other. But we'll NEVER all have it figured out though some of us think so. I don't mean to sound morbid, but I don't think we'll have all the answers to life's questions till we are six feet under..heh. I think we just need to know that we're never GOING to know. Future is just that..future..you don't know what's going to happen, and for me..that's kind of excitement, to have that surprise of NOT knowing. That my future is just a blank, clean slate..that the past is the past. That I don't have to PAY for things in the past, I just need to move on from all of that and make a great future for myself and I can do that. I know there is a great plan for my life, but I need to help myself out as well and hence why I am going on a job hunt this weekend..gotta start moving.

I think though that we just need to wait with a good attitude because we have no other choice BUT to wait. We need to be expectant about what will happen. The BEST things in life are worth waiting for, after all. :) I happen to know that first-hand. I also believe stability is important, I guess that can sort of be confused with being 'comfortable.' I know from experience, it's terrible to stay with someone or something because you're 'comfortable' with it. How are you going to grow that way? It's just not a good thing.

But anyway, one more deep thing and then I will write about semi-meaningless things..lol..My sweetie wrote about something rather deep, and interesting that is making me think at the moment..about paths in life and how if any of us know what exactly we want to do in life. I thought I knew..but then I started getting all kinds of ideas in my head..writer, psychologist, music reviewer, working with children, etc etc? What is my calling? And we don't all have to know right now. Some of us do, some of us it takes YEARS to find out, it takes trial and error. Some of us are born into something, and some of us need to work at our strengths and weaknesses.

I wonder if something just clicks in your head..like BOOM THIS is what I want to do!! I think it's kind of like with love, you just KNOW. It can't be overintellectualized more than that. I guess when it feels RIGHT, when you don't have a doubt about it..that's how you know it's the right thing for you. Like I said, I have many ideas tossed in my mind..but I know they are not far out of my grasp. I know I can make some stuff happen, I can. I just need more determination and motivation. But like I said, it's ok not to know right away what you want to do..it's ok to have a lot of ideas..in time, it will all be sorted out. Things always have a way of shining through and working themselves out. We just need to stick with our passions and we ALL know what we love, and what we are good/not good at. What he wrote about reminds me of a quote from Robert Frost that I absolutely LOVE. "Two roads diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." :)

Well anyway, enough of that..here we go..onto mindless drivel..lol..so, my aunt is back already. =D Poor thing was stuck in traffic though due to an accident. I bet her husband made her want to rip ALL the hair out of her head..lol. I missed her, in a way I can't wait to see her again. : )

Reba was AWESOME last night!! =D Soo hilarious!!! I can't believe Reba spyed on Kyra!! But then again, Barbara Jean kind of drove her to that point. Van is just too funny, cos he's sooo fricking stupid. What a great show!! I didn't give it a chance at first, but I'm glad I reconsidered. I think I just need to give more stuff a shot.

What else..took a shower last night. Aww I watched Leah Remini on Vh1 getting married. It was soo cute, nearly had me in tears..lol. She's hilarious though so it was odd to see her sappy and walking down the aisle and crying and stuff..but it was ADORABLE. I love watching young couples get married on TV and shtuff. :) :sighs:

So besides talking on the phone, me and Nate talked online too. What else happened..umm..my mom brought some more groceries, I watched Wade Robson, and Bewitched, I listened to some music and that was really it. Me and Nate are probably not going to get to talk today. :( I need to get out of here, and he needs to go to the college and clean up and shtuff. ARGH! HOPEFULLY we'll get to, if not than Sunday. I'm just gonna miss him so bad!!! :( I reallly wanted to sleep in this morning but I had to wake my mom up at 7 and do some dishes and crap. I went to bed at 12, so I am kind of sleepy right now. GAH!

Before I conclude this..here's some 'spiffy' songs I think ya'll should download..

"Bigger than my body"-John Mayer

"Bright lights"-Matchbox 20


"God put a smile upon your face"-Coldplay

"Bottom of a bottle"-Smile empty soul

"Someday"-Nickelback...and tonnns more!

Dammit..no new Sat 8! I guess I'll have to do it next entry. Well, gotta go type out the commercial. Take care ladies and gentlemen..CARPE DIEM! Have a great day and weekend! =) Mucho love from Sunny FL! XOXO (though I know, my old friend Lauren, that you're not reading this, Happy 20th!! I miss you and I hope wherever you are, you're just happy.)

"I've never felt this way before, and I don't know what it is but I don't want it to end."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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